I just got a new record for first level to Sonic 2.

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brianv said:
RedFox34 said:
You have Gens too?! :D

You wanna do a netgame in Sonic 2? :mrgreen:

I would like to do that. When can you do it? PM me, so we're not asking for a netgame on the boards (SRB2 or otherwise).
Sonic 2 netgame? Sounds lame. Sonic 2's a good game and all, but its multiplayer segment was pretty lousy. Either Player 2 gets shafted as Tails, or you're doing some pretty short racing segments.
Sonic 2's multiplayer paled in comparison to the "Player 2 controls Tails in 1 player mode" option in S3K ^_~
Mystic said:
Sonic 2's multiplayer paled in comparison to the "Player 2 controls Tails in 1 player mode" option in S3K ^_~

I thought you could do that in S2, too.
I think Mystic means, in Sonic 3, Tails can fly and pick up Sonic.

Oh yea, Bigboi, I owned you in Sonic 2!! xD
brianv said:
I think Mystic means, in Sonic 3, Tails can fly and pick up Sonic.

Oh yea, Bigboi, I owned you in Sonic 2!! xD

If it wasn't for the damn lag... I'd like to see you get 18 seconds in EHZ1, though.
I had barely any lag, and you were hosting...18 seconds...meh. Didn't you see my first post in this thread? xD
Bigboi said:
I actually hold the record, I believe. 19 seconds.
Pssh, I get 19 seconds on a regular basis. I'll record it sometime when I get back.
You people put me to shame. Jeez. I get somewhere around 30 seconds. Maybe cause I don't play Sonic 2 much.

Both Gens and Project64 use the Kaillera Client to do netgames. I never did a netgame, so I'm not quite sure how it works.
EvilCowSlayer said:
Both Gens and Project64 use the Kaillera Client to do netgames.
So does MAME32k, and I believe that a few SNES emulators do as well. Netplay is quite common amongst the more popular emulators. Hell, I've heard that ePSXe (A Playstation emu) has a netplay plugin floating around somewhere.
Ritz said:
Hell, I've heard that ePSXe (A Playstation emu) has a netplay plugin floating around somewhere.
Meh, not like I can get that damn thing to work. Too much searching around for files and stuff... but then you get the big treat once all the files are in.... a black screen. =(

brianv said:
I beat you by like 29 seconds.
I didn't edit the ROM.

I think I heard the Kaillera randomly crashed Gens sometimes, but I'm not sure. God I love that emulator. So compatible.
Kaillera sucks.. really bad. I wish the rest of the emulators would go the way of ZSNES and connect directly using an IP address.
Yeah, only problem is you'd have to know people who play... no master server to pick a game from. My friends couldn't care less about Gens or other emulators... they're not exactly fans of oldschool games. Meh, join by IP is still the best and most stable way.
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