
  • Thread starter shadowsfollower
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I DOUBT it. You don't even know where most, if any, of us live.
This topic has turned into a flame war. All of you need to learn to stop arguing with each other.

Guys, this is idiotic. Both the question and the response here are appalling.

Shadowsfollower: The initial posts here are correct. Google is the correct place to look for HTML information, not the message board. Not using Google before asking a question is just lazy. The rest of the world expects you to at least try to find out the answer before asking the forum for an answer.

The rest of you: Flaming is against the rules and will not be tolerated. The next time I see a topic like this, the people who intiated it on _both_ sides will be given a warning and if necessary, tempbanned. If you see a topic like this, the correct thing to do is not post in it.
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