Sorry. I know that some people have made 3D model character skins, that work in openGL. Does anyone know how to create them, because I can get models from SA, SA2, and Sonic Heroes.
Thank you!
The models from SA/2 are too high-poly for SRB2. Models don't exactly have the best support anyways. If those issues were nonexistent, we'd already have SA/2/H models in SRB2.
I always use prettysrb2.exe. I have too many problems with srb2 stealing window's palette. I don't know which files they are, but I have shuffle's old link model that works in srb2.
AN8 is a proprietary model format to Animator. It's not covered by any game engines that I know of. Most game engines either use their own proprietary format, or a wide-spread format such as MD2/MD3, X, 3DS, or BSP (for game worlds). SRB2 only uses MD2, so you'll need to convert it using a utility, or export it using the options given in your modeling software (if any).
Milkshape outright sucks at animating models like that. It's excellent for converting/editing the model itself, but you should look elsewhere to actually animate it.
Since I have no knowledge of models, and if anyone would want to do the bones, here.
Here are Sonic, Shadow, and Rouge.
Sonic has both .3DS, and .max files. Shadow only has .max, and Rouge only has .3DS. The textures are in .dds. Does anyone know what those are?
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