How do I show a menu when you press 2 buttons?

Void Animates

Just a guy who loves... EVERYTHING!
I want to make a menu appear to toggle things. If you press custom 3 and tossflag it opens the menu. How do I do that?
How do you do what? The toggling?

You can perform a button check like so:
addHook("PlayerThink", function(player)
    -- Short circuit
    -- If the variable holds any truthy value (anything that isn't "0", "nil" nor "false"), set to the same value ($).
    -- Otherwise, set to false.
    player.wasToggling == $ or false
    local toggleBtns = BT_CUSTOM3|BT_TOSSFLAG -- Buttons to check
    -- Comparisons can be done within variable assignment.
    -- This will set "isToggling" to the result of "Are these two buttons being pressed?"
    local isToggling = (player.cmd.buttons & buttonChk) == buttonChk
    -- Check whether the toggle was performed, that is, on a tap.
    -- A "tap" is "the button was not pressed before but is pressed now"
    if isToggling and not player.wasToggling then
        -- toggle the menu
    -- Remember if we were toggling before, for use in next frame.
    player.wasToggling = isToggling

addHook("PlayerThink", function(player)
    if player.wasToggling == nil then
        -- Initialize the player variable,
        -- in case it wasn't already
        player.wasToggling = false
    -- The buttons we want to check.
    local toggleBtns = BT_CUSTOM3|BT_TOSSFLAG
    local isToggling -- No value - But that's okay, we will give it one soon
    -- Check if we are pressing the toggle buttons
    if (player.cmd.buttons & toggleBtns) == toggleBtns then
        isToggling = true
        isToggling = false
    -- Check whether the toggle was performed, that is, on a tap.
    -- A "tap" is "the button was not pressed before but is pressed now"
    if isToggling and not player.wasToggling then
        -- toggle the menu
    -- Remember if we were toggling before, for use in next frame.
    player.wasToggling = isToggling

Edit: Moved closing parenthesis on line 1 to last line. Unforgivable mistake :devastation:
Last edited:
How do you do what? The toggling?

You can perform a button check like so:
addHook("PlayerThink", function(player))
    -- Short circuit
    -- If the variable holds any truthy value (anything that isn't "0", "nil" nor "false"), set to the same value ($).
    -- Otherwise, set to false.
    player.wasToggling == $ or false
    local toggleBtns = BT_CUSTOM3|BT_TOSSFLAG -- Buttons to check
    -- Comparisons can be done within variable assignment.
    -- This will set "isToggling" to the result of "Are these two buttons being pressed?"
    local isToggling = (player.cmd.buttons & buttonChk) == buttonChk
    -- Check whether the toggle was performed, that is, on a tap.
    -- A "tap" is "the button was not pressed before but is pressed now"
    if isToggling and not player.wasToggling then
        -- toggle the menu
    -- Remember if we were toggling before, for use in next frame.
    player.wasToggling = isToggling

addHook("PlayerThink", function(player))
    if player.wasToggling == nil then
        -- Initialize the player variable,
        -- in case it wasn't already
        player.wasToggling = false
    -- The buttons we want to check.
    local toggleBtns = BT_CUSTOM3|BT_TOSSFLAG
    local isToggling -- No value - But that's okay, we will give it one soon
    -- Check if we are pressing the toggle buttons
    if (player.cmd.buttons & toggleBtns) == toggleBtns then
        isToggling = true
        isToggling = false
    -- Check whether the toggle was performed, that is, on a tap.
    -- A "tap" is "the button was not pressed before but is pressed now"
    if isToggling and not player.wasToggling then
        -- toggle the menu
    -- Remember if we were toggling before, for use in next frame.
    player.wasToggling = isToggling
Okay! I will try it!
So that's just the toggling right? if it is how do I make the menu spawn on the screen?
Whichever menu script you're using should have a function to show it on screen, right?
You just have to replace the toggle the menu comment with such function.
I don't have any code but I'm thinking i should use this right? I mean it's re-usable...
so like this?
addHook("PlayerThink", function(player))
    -- Short circuit
    -- If the variable holds any truthy value (anything that isn't "0", "nil" nor "false"), set to the same value ($).
    -- Otherwise, set to false.
    player.wasToggling == $ or false
    local toggleBtns = BT_CUSTOM3|BT_TOSSFLAG -- Buttons to check
    -- Comparisons can be done within variable assignment.
    -- This will set "isToggling" to the result of "Are these two buttons being pressed?"
    local isToggling = (player.cmd.buttons & buttonChk) == buttonChk
    -- Check whether the toggle was performed, that is, on a tap.
    -- A "tap" is "the button was not pressed before but is pressed now"
    if isToggling and not player.wasToggling then
        addHook("PlayerSpawn", function(player) = {} = 1 = 1 = "Page 1" = false = 0 = { --you can delete these elements of the menu or use them as reference, info to make yours is below!
        [1] = {
            {value = 0, name = "Slider 1", description = "This slider has 10 different values", maxvalue = 10, slider = true},
            {value = 1, name = "Boolean 1", description = "A boolean (ON/OFF) setting"},
            {value = 0, name = "Slider 2", description = "This slider has 4 different options\n and the text is green when selected!", maxvalue = 4, slider = true, selectedvflags = V_GREENMAP},
            {value = 1, name = "Value 9", description = "This setting can have different values,\nand it can be toggled by Slider 2", maxvalue = 5, options = {"OPTION 1", "OPTION 2", "ANOTHER OPTION", "4TH OPTION", "5TH"}, toggledby = 3},
            {value = 1, name = "Say hi", description = "This setting calls a function!", func = sayHi},
            {value = 1, name = "Boolean 2", description = "A boolean (TRUE/FALSE) setting", options = {"FALSE", "TRUE"}},
            {value = 0, name = "Slider 3", description = "This slider has 100 different values", maxvalue = 100, flags = MNF_SLIDER|MNF_NOSAVE},
            {value = 1, name = "Colorized setting", description = "This setting is red! (when not selected)", flags = MNF_NOSAVE, vflags = V_REDMAP},
            {value = 2, name = "Go to page 2", description = "Go to page 2!", flags = MNF_CHANGEPAGE|MNF_NOSAVE, pagename = "Page 2!"}},
        [2] = {
            {value = 0, name = "Slider", description = "This slider in page 2 has 10 different values", maxvalue = 10, slider = true},
            {value = 1, name = "Back", description = "Go back to page 1", flags = MNF_CHANGEPAGE|MNF_NOSAVE, pagename = "Page 1"}}
    io.openlocal("client/Name.dat", "a+"):close() --you can change "Name" to something else, change it for the line below too if you do
    local file = io.openlocal("client/Name.dat", "r+")
    for e = 1,
        for i = 1,[e]
            if not[e][i].flags then[e][i].flags = 0 end
            if not[e][i].selectedvflags then[e][i].selectedvflags = V_YELLOWMAP end
            if not[e][i].pagename then[e][i].pagename = "Page "[e][i].value end
            if[e][i].func then continue end
            if not[e][i].maxvalue
          [e][i].maxvalue = 2
            elseif[e][i].maxvalue == 1
                CONS_Printf(player, "\133ERROR IN PAGE "..e.."\nSetting "..i.."'s maxvalue is 1! Are you sure it's intentional?")
      [e][i].maxvalue = 2
                CONS_Printf(player, "\133Maxvalue was set to 2.")
            elseif[e][i].maxvalue < 1
                CONS_Printf(player, "\133ERROR IN PAGE "..e.."\nSetting "..i.."'s maxvalue("[e][i].maxvalue..") is too small! Are you sure it's intentional?")
      [e][i].maxvalue = 2
                CONS_Printf(player, "\133Maxvalue was set to 2.")
            if not[e][i].options
      [e][i].options = {"OFF", "ON"}
            elseif[e][i].options <[e][i].maxvalue and not ([e][i].slider or[e][i].flags & MNF_SLIDER)
                CONS_Printf(player, "\133ERROR IN PAGE "..e.."\nSetting "..i.."'s options can't be fewer than maxvalue("[e][i].maxvalue..")!")
                for a =1,[e][i].maxvalue
                    if[e][i].options[a] then continue end
          [e][i].options[a] = "Missing!"
            if[e][i].flags & MNF_NOSAVE then continue end
            local text = file:read("*l")
            if text
      [e][i].value = tonumber(text)   

--[[ is the main part of the menu, every key in this table will refer to a page, if you only want a single page make a single key [1],
    you can put the elements of the menu pages inside these keys, you can have as many elements as you want, but it might be best not to have more than 10 for each page
    "value" sets their value, starting from 0, set this value to the setting's default value
        use this for your checks in your Lua, an example is at the end of this Lua
    "name" is the name of the setting that will appear on the menu
    "description" is the small text that will appear on the bottom of the screen
    "toggledby" is an extra parameter for subsections, set it to the number of the setting which your subsection setting should be depending on
        do note that if the setting that controls the subsecton is off, it will make the subsection not modifiable, but it will NOT set it to false automatically, remember that when making the checks in your other Luas
    "func" is an extra parameter for function setting, these settings can't be toggled on/off, selecting them will call the given function instead
    "maxvalue" is for a setting with more than 2 options, set this parameter to the amount of options your setting can be
        do note that "value" starts from 0, so if for example you want a 3 option setting "value" will start from 0 and reach it's max at 2 (maxvalue would still have to be set to 3 though)
        if this parameter is omitted it will be set to 2 (equivalent to an ON/OFF setting)
    "options" must be a table containing the names of all the possible setting's options, this table should be as long as maxvalue (example: if maxvalue is 3 the table should contain 3 strings)
        if this parameter is omitted it will be set to {"OFF", "ON"}
    "slider" is a boolean parameter that when set to true it displays a slider instead of a string, thus "options" can be omitted
        this parameter is deprecated since MNF_SLIDER now exists, but it can still be used and it will work the same way
    "flags" is the parameter for menu flags (MNF_*), you can see them and what they do near the start of the file
    "vflags" is the parameter for video flags (V_*), you could use this for example to give the text a different color when not selected,
        this parameter accepts any video flags, but it's primarely meant for color flags (V_*MAP) and it might break with other video flags
    "selectedvflags" is a parameter that gives the specified video flags (V_*) when the setting is selected, this default to V_YELLOWMAP if omitted
        this parameter accepts any video flags, but it's primarely meant for color flags (V_*MAP) and it might break with other video flags
    "pagename" is a parameter that sets the name of the page, this defaults to "Page " + the "value" parameter if omitted
        this paramter will only work with MNF_CHANGEPAGE settings
    -- Remember if we were toggling before, for use in next frame.
    player.wasToggling = isToggling
Oh, you made me notice a misplaced parenthesis in my original reply (I forgot to move the closing one that is in line 1 to the end of the script).
Other than that, I'm not sure. I've never used it myself.

Try using the script and see what happens?
Oh, you made me notice a misplaced parenthesis in my original reply (I forgot to move the closing one that is in line 1 to the end of the script).
Other than that, I'm not sure. I've never used it myself.

Try using the script and see what happens?
it didn't work...

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