I found this site while searching for good Sonic fan games on SFGHQ. I tried a couple of games and they were ok, then I saw this game. I downloaded it (Demo 4.32 or demo 3?) and played it on my P-120, 40 Mb ram, 2 mb video card laptop. The windows version sucked as it didn't have any sound and was laggy. The dos version ran much better and had sound. When I was in THZ 1, I managed to SigSegv the game while I was playing.
Then I got bored of the game until I had a better laptop and then went back to the site and waited for final demo 1.00 to come out. I played it and I found it much improved! Then, During the Black Thursday (Major Power Outage in August). While on battery, I finally got all of the emeralds so I unlocked "Mario Koopa Blast" and the other ones as well. (Not the emblems). Then I left the game for other things until I tried it out again at around december 2005. I liked it and finally joined this board when I was making my 2d level pack for the contest and joined the irc chat about a week before march break. I started logging irc after the march break :( .
I think that is all from me,