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Half Life Opposing Force Battle Zone

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Hi, I hvnt posted in months but.

Yea a while ago I got a cool Half Life game called Half Life Opposing Force so Im guna try to make a level from it. Don't ask me whene it'll be out cos Im only starting now,Literly!

(No screenshots yet sorry.I'll get them A.S.A.P)
I asked how to take a screenshot in srb2 "DOOM BUILDER".I know how to in srb2.Anyway its not even near 1 quater finished but you would know that cos its says in 1st post.
This is a message board, not a chatroom. Many of us are in different time zones and we come and go as we please, so if I ask you a question you can just answer it next time you're online. No big.

Anywho. That doesn't look TOO bad, but it might be a bit flat.
Just keep in mind that the level you are making is for SRB2 and not for Half-Life. Making an exact replica of the level in question will undoubtedly fail. You'll need to make extra sure that your "port" of the level fits in SRB2's gameplay mechanics.
Its MEANT to be flat, otherwise it wouldn't be quite like a battlefield and anyway, Its not my fault Half Life has a flat multiplayer level.
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