Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

Make no mistake, this kind of thing is just what happens when troublemakers in a community decide their contribution will be riling up (poorly informed) drama and misinformation whenever they get the chance.

I think it's already passed out of most people in this thread here's present memory, but I'm going to remind everyone again:
We're discussing the person who, when the MB got hacked a bit back, tried to send as much personal information as he could collect on SRB2 and KartKrew staff to the hackers.
(social media accounts, dating profiles, selfies, furaffinities, etc)
ZERO provocation. None of us knew the guy.
(This information was only exposed because he chose the wrong person to DM when asking it to be passed along)

He was actually given grace for that, and now everyone can see how he chose to spend that.

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yea this is p fucked I’m not gonna lie. Tho a lot of what I’m taking abt still stands. Like the general energy of negativity, I feel like blaming it on one person is kinda wrong, like everyone’s been contributing to it lately and not even thru a fault of their own, I think an effort just needs 2 be made by everyone 2 be more loving n understanding tbh
yea this is p fucked I’m not gonna lie. Tho a lot of what I’m taking abt still stands. Like the general energy of negativity, I feel like blaming it on one person is kinda wrong, like everyone’s been contributing to it lately and not even thru a fault of their own, I think an effort just needs 2 be made by everyone 2 be more loving n understanding tbh
I can assure you that there's a lot of people in the community who are very loving and understanding, but with how large the SRB2 community has become there's going to be a lot more outbursts of negativity since that happens a lot in large communities in general.
We can't account for everyone, but we can do the best we can as individuals.

Some of the best people I met and am friends with came from this community, and I had to deal with a lot of BS on my way.
I highly recommend branching off into a sub community with like-minded people whom you can support and be supported by, that's why you'll rarely see me in the OS discord anymore lol.

But yeah, don't lose hope! SRB2 and Ring Racers have a very bright future ahead!
Just as has happened countless times in this community, the detractors around Ring Racers will all lose ground to people enjoying the game once the modding cycle gets underway. Mods are the lifeblood of this community and once they are being released, hosted, and showcased on YouTube, everyone will forget about the early complaints.

Agitators like Sandwichface don't leave anything behind. They don't have anything to keep them relevant in this community aside from complaining, while even mods from 2003 are still being played to this day. His legacy will be the same as the others, as shallow as a grain of sand being washed away.
Just as has happened countless times in this community, the detractors around Ring Racers will all lose ground to people enjoying the game once the modding cycle gets underway. Mods are the lifeblood of this community and once they are being released, hosted, and showcased on YouTube, everyone will forget about the early complaints.
I'm not sure if this is much of a compliment given Ring Racers is clearly designed to stand on its own, without mods... and for what it's worth, a lot of the detracting was genuine criticism, which has resulted in genuine improvements in patches.

Obviously from everything I've seen, people like Sandwich do not fall into that 'genuine' category, and I say that being currently banned from the Discord myself for calling GP 'shit' at one point. But I'd like to think Ring Racers will stand tall regardless of mods, because the game itself is great and full of content already.
In fairness, this has happened with every major version of SRB2 thus far (except 2.2, the community was pretty dead at the time), so I don't think it's worth worrying about. The community is not and will not be splitting in half.

If things do happen to be different this time, then hosting an unofficial Master Server is always 100% possible. The game is open source, after all!
I will say that unless promoted directly by you guys, a unofficial master server is not going to be nearly as well known without a dumb amount of luck. It might be difficult depending on how srb2 is currently set up, but it may be worth looking into a system that allows older versions to be played on the ms without issues. (It would also prevent issues if an update accidentally breaks something, allowing people to temporary down patch instead)
I'm not sure if this is much of a compliment given Ring Racers is clearly designed to stand on its own, without mods... and for what it's worth, a lot of the detracting was genuine criticism, which has resulted in genuine improvements in patches.
It will stand on its own without mods. I'm not saying mods will fix the game, I'm saying mods will keep the game alive while everyone who didn't like it moves on. This is exactly what has happened in the past and it will happen again, mark my words.
I will say that unless promoted directly by you guys, a unofficial master server is not going to be nearly as well known without a dumb amount of luck.
Old versions of SRB2 are not going to be nearly as popular as well, so this is a non-issue IMO. If you don't like the direction the official developers are taking the game, that's all well and good, but they're not responsible for keeping you happy in that case. Again, the game is open source and you can take it in the direction you want, at the cost of your own time and effort.
Old versions of SRB2 are not going to be nearly as popular as well, so this is a non-issue IMO. If you don't like the direction the official developers are taking the game, that's all well and good, but they're not responsible for keeping you happy in that case.
I mean the game can also be modded if i don't like an aspect of the game, I just think it would help with preserving aspects of versions that would be lost otherwise, without causing any loss to future versions if the ms decides to support it. I understand it might not be feasible short term, or for past versions, but i feel it could be helpful long term
I mean the game can also be modded if i don't like an aspect of the game, I just think it would help with preserving aspects of versions that would be lost otherwise, without causing any loss to future versions if the ms decides to support it.
What aspects? Multiplayer will not be lost even without a Master Server. People still make servers for Final Demo, 2.0, and 2.1 to this very day. They just post the IPs on Discord instead. If anything, this is an excellent way of getting the 2.1 experience, which almost never had more than one page of servers at any time LOL.

What you're talking about is that it would be a bit more inconvenient to select a server, which might lead to fewer people hosting servers overall.

First off, that's guaranteed to happen anyway once the vast majority of the playerbase moves over to the new version, like they always do. I really doubt there will be that many players left behind. Second off, on the off chance that this time is unique and lots of people do stay behind, it's still gonna be less popular than 2.3, simply because 2.3 has official support and will be getting more mods. They can create a Master Server for their needs, it probably won't be that hard. You don't even need to mod the game to do it.

Nothing is being preserved by the developers maintaining an official Master Server for what will likely be a skeleton playerbase anyway.
What aspects? Multiplayer will not be lost even without a Master Server. People still make servers for Final Demo, 2.0, and 2.1 to this very day. They just post the IPs on Discord instead. If anything, this is an excellent way of getting the 2.1 experience, which almost never had more than one page of servers at any time LOL.
But why make players jump through hoops, why make it required to join a discord server to play with random people online in older versions.
What you're talking about is that it would be a bit more inconvenient to select a server, which might lead to fewer people hosting servers overall.
I do agree, current systems would likely have to be reworked for this to be viable though (blocking version mismatches from showing up in the client, and sending server version to the ms), and people such may not consider the effort required to be worth it despite what i might think.
But why make players jump through hoops, why make it required to join a discord server to play with random people online in older versions.

I do agree, current systems would likely have to be reworked for this to be viable though (blocking version mismatches from showing up in the client, and sending server version to the ms), and people such may not consider the effort required to be worth it despite what i might think.
This applies to almost any game with online ever. If anything, SRB2 by nature of being doom engine is more lenient than most, since with many games online will just not function unless you are running the latest version. Don't get what your complaint is.
Sandwichface's videos have kinda bothered me for a while, but I kinda just wanted to fully articulate why in this thread, even though nobody asked, sorry. I know this is contributing to the drama and whatever, but maybe somebody will find something i say here at least interesting. Maybe. This is long.

This is kinda just for me, so I've said my peace, but it is also addressed to the people in this thread who are fans of his videos.

I think the thing that has annoyed me the most about some (not all) of his videos is that they primarily exist to mobilize his impressionable audience to distrust STJR, Kart Krew by extension, and the direction of their projects as a whole. They act to delegitimize the work that these teams have put into the maintenance and growth of their respective games in the mind of his audience, id assume for some vague goal of building public outcry against the dev team.
I think this is relatively apparent from this thread, as well the community post about the "big controversy" being the change in moderation following misbehavior (might be an understatement, sorry) from the old guard, (even the "free rob" in one of the spambot appeal requests, that might be a reach though) but it seems like the primary motivating factor is his distaste for the transfer of ownership/power to the current staff of STJR (from mystic/rob/prime to current staff). I think the constant use of "Nu-STJR" also all but confirms this. What even is Old-STJR or the 'real' STJR anyway? Mystic and co? SSNTails and Sonikku? The game is older than most of its audience!

A large portion of the games current audience, I would say largely people that have only been around for 2.2, some even post-moderation changes (myself included, probably a limitation on my perspective regarding this topic), have little to no reason to care about this. Furthermore, as it stands, it seems that most of the audience is content with the game's current state, or at the very least don't want to go back to 2.1 or something like that. Because of this, it feels like many of his videos serve as a way to construct and elevate discourse around parts of the game that are purely speculation. Each time he posts a video, the same (imo tired) discussions surrounding x feature being at risk, or some malpractice from STJR in their handling of the game and its associated systems arises, which promptly fades, but since there is not, and cannot be any actual resolution, considering version changes are quite a ways down the line, probably leaves a lasting and increasing distaste in the minds of people simultaneously eager for new game content but also now afraid that it'll be a change to the status quo. I think theres various examples of this.

First off, the thok debate, which he has repeatedly discussed in two of his most popular videos. It is true that the devs have expressed past intent to remove the thok. They've shown off a potential replacement in the dev channel on the OS, and its been widely circulated. However, with 2.3 still likely pretty far down the line, and no hands on experience from anyone about the move outside of the dev team, its very difficult to judge how the move will feel to play, how it works with the level design and otherwise, so his videos necessarily have to speculate on what will be lost - i.e. create a fear of change in the audience, not necessarily limited to the thok alone, but also the level design and otherwise, show that (nu!)STJR is uncommunicative and unresponsive to the playerbase, and in general, further a disconnect between the playerbase and the devs.

Another example is the reusability system videos. One, Sandwichface is not an addon creator. He has practically no stake in any argument made here for one, which I think paints him as disengenous, although I'm fine if people disagree with me on this. But the other thing is, although I would need judges to confirm this, that very very few addons actually break reusability rules. I personally think it's hard to do so in a way that doesnt seem like blatant plagiarism even to the author, especially with the revised rules on ports. Even much of the content hosted on the workshop would be perfectly valid here, as long as permission is asked properly, which imo is not a particularly difficult courtesy to ask of people. On his most recent reusability video, I can assure of you that very little of his audience had any idea of the GPL laws even existing, much less that SRB2 could be in violation of them. To me this is a blatant example of a weird discourse being generated (and parroted, especially in this case) from the video. I'm not here to say that his reasoning is invalid, but rhetorically, the video doesn't care about the arguments being made, only the ends that it leads to. I don't even think these ends are even in favor of the removal of the system either, as he is not an addon creator (plus, more cynically, if the system is removed, he loses an issue to make content around). I think these videos just serve to paint the addon submission process as incredibly unforgiving for no particular reason, which of course, naturally gets attributed to the incompetence of STJR themselves in handling submissions to the board.

I think the most interesting video he has is the video on springs, because as far as I know, this video barely generated any response, and even the comments say how much of a non-issue they are in their current state, unlike others which are overwhelmingly "why would nu-stjr do this?". The one time he talks about a vanilla feature in its current state, the audience, who largely has few glaring issues with the game, or at least with springs in particular, doesn't really have strong opinions on it. Frankly, I'm not sure, had he continued to make more videos on the game, if he would ever touch on a topic similar to this again, I just don't know if thats the brand of engagement he was going for.

Once again, I'm not here to refute all his arguments or whatever. I'll risk all my credibility here by saying this, but I don't care about the contents of his videos, his arguments, and claims that much. I know how I feel about SRB2, I don't need somebody to tell me what problems I should care about. What I do care about, are the effects that every single one of his videos has on the surrounding community, and that is to me, a general sowing of distrust in the dev team and fear towards the future of the game, which frankly I think is part of the reason the culture of this game can feel like it is becoming toxic to some. And I think this is primarily accomplished by mobilising you to care about issues that will likely never affect you, or be afraid of things that you'd probably come to like if you gave it a chance.

Fear of change is a completely normal thing. This game is a large part of many peoples childhoods, and the prospect of taking away the things that you think make SRB2, SRB2 can be scary. But remember that for many people, I would say especially in sandwichfaces audience, and even including myself, the dev team has likely played SRB2 more, longer, and more consistently than you probably (ever will?) have. Many developers have been mainstays of the community for 15+ years! 2.3 might not be what you wanted, but you also don't know that you won't like it either. Give it time, and give it a chance. And if its really just not your cup of tea, 2.2. and its addons will always still be there.

But if you really, truly feel that the game is going in an unfavorable direction and don't just want to just stick with 2.2 forever, do something about it! Instead of making videos lambasting STJR, a community of hobbyist game developers who work on things in their free time while balancing their jobs and personal lives, find ways to contribute on your own! Learn sprite art, try out (ultimate) Zone Builder, learn Lua, learn C or C++, learn to model, theres so many ways you can contribute to this game to make it something that you like! Who knows, maybe even you can be part of the Nu-Nu-STJR. Everyone starts from somewhere, theres nothing inherent about them that makes them a "coder" or "level designer", theyre people that have spent lots of time developing skills that they can apply not only to this game but to other parts of their lives, which you can do too, and have the passion towards the game and its future that motivates them to use these skills to create something new and fun.

If you were a fan of Sandwichfaces videos, thats perfectly fine. I do not like the guy (I can and have elaborated on why in this thread, as have many others), or his videos (especially the ones where he focuses in on addon creators for 20 minutes with a clickbaity title disaparaging their work), but if you found them enjoyable, thats good for you. However, I would ask you all to be a little more critical of what the purpose of a video is. Have you ever asked yourself what Sandwichface's ideal SRB2 would be? Do you have a concrete answer? If you do, is it significantly different from the game in its current, 2.2 state? Do you think that this is healthy for the game as a whole, to stay exactly the same over time? What if the game was still in 2.1? His videos, from what I can tell never propose anything new, at least regarding the vanilla game as a whole, they just attack its foundations or its maintainers, all in favor of upholding the status quo while simultaneously creating distrust in STJR. Criticism of a game is perfectly fine! But if the takeway from this criticism is that there is a problem with the people making it, not a personal disagreement with the direction they decided to take, (something that you can amend, given the game is open source, has multiple avenues for feedback, or able to be increasingly modified freely with addons), the criticism you may be hearing might not actually be criticism, it might be manipulating you towards some other end.

Most people here are here because they love SRB2. I never really got that impression from Sandwichface.
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honestly after ring racers I don’t trust nu-stjr with this 2.3 update at all
Only Kart Krew worked on DRRR. (Albeit there are a select few people who are on both teams)
Post automatically merged:

But why make players jump through hoops, why make it required to join a discord server to play with random people online in older versions.
It's possible for people to make their own master servers you know :P
No, no it isn’t. Just because you aren’t get any money to do this doesn’t mean you can just throw any and all reasonable expectations into the water and produce nonsense, you shouldnt need money for this 💀
How old are you that you think people just don’t need money? Have you ever paid rent before? Ever had to put food on the table for your family? Ever paid electric bills? Taxes? Medical bills? Putting gas in your car? Who paid for the device that you’re using to browse these forums and complain about a fan game?

People need money to survive. It would be nice if that wasn’t the case, and everyone could just quit their jobs and work 24/7 on free fangames, but sadly we don’t live in that world.

It is fine to provide constructive criticism of the game. The entitled middle-schooler tantrums and melodrama to the point that people are photoshopping fake discord messages to get people mad at, and tryig to doxx the team members, all over a product that costs you absolutely nothing to engage with, are ridiculous and embarrassing.
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One of the issues i have with feedback of srb2 is where most of the "community" is.
I'll stare time and time again and most of the members in the discord don't really talk about srb2 at all, and if they are it's just to learn and find information to solve a small problem they have.

I'll always pick apart srb2 and find everything wrong with anything about it, in its design, execution & presentation.

But I always talk to myself and list multiple ways for it to be improved, I'll sometimes talk about those Improvements from time to time in the main discord but the members in the discord don't share the same ideas for improvement, always going for abilities or design choices that'll never stick or be worst than the current.
What even is Old-STJR or the 'real' STJR anyway? Mystic and co? SSNTails and Sonikku? The game is older than most of its audience!
Now THERE'S the million dollar question. I love this question, because when you ask it, all of the shit the dude tries to stir up becomes exposed for what it is.

Gotta quote this post from earlier just to show how silly this all is.
honestly after ring racers I don’t trust nu-stjr with this 2.3 update at all

So who is "nu-stjr" anyways? Hmm!
Well, as someone who actually knows and speaks to these people (they're my friends) as opposed to making spicy YouTube videos about people I don't know, I think we need to talk about who old-stjr was, first.

Here are the people who did the brunt of the work on SRB2 2.2.
You know, the version of the game that most people here have grown up with by now.

- toaster (HUGE amounts of code and game design. Took a very active role in 2.2's development and saw it to the finish line. Also sprited Tails!)
- TehRealSalt (basically toaster's right hand. Tons of coding support, jack of all trades!)
- tape (They made RVZ1! Those sweet new badniks? That was this lovable artist & musician!)
- Boinciel (DSZ2? He built this!)
- Nev3r (DSZ1? ACZ1? That's his work. Nev3r is an amazing level designer, and a coder as well.)
- fickle (ACZ2? Yeah, she made that! She also added slopes to the game!)
- sphere (CEZ2? Yep, he made one of the coolest levels to ever exist in SRB2. It really raised the bar!)
- MotorRoach (Thank him for those hot new character sprites!)
- MonsterIestyn (Bugfixing! Code cleanup! He was the OG Fang creator too! What a helpful dude!)
- LJ (A lot of the sweet modding support in srb2 comes from him!)
- Lactozilla (Jimmy Neutron??? He's an engine wizard. People go "that could never happen in this engine" and he makes it happen!)
- VAdaPEGA (Sprites! Fonts! Touchups and textures!)
- MascaraSnake (Zonebuilder exists in the form it does because this guy took it upon himself to carry the tools forward.)
- Clairebun (She's the reason we have the crazy polished 2.2 OST!)
- Shane (Likewise, he put some serious work into the soundtrack!)
- SeventhSentinel (He did music, but he also did level support too!)
- Mazmazz (Controller support and a whole host of other engine-level improvements!)

Notice a few things here?
13 out of 17 of these devs are still on Sonic Team Junior.
8 out of 17 of these devs were SRB2Kart & Ring Racers developers.
7 out of 17 of these devs are actually from WELL before 2.2, some go decades back. Even more are oldbies in general.

This is the ACTUAL TEAM that carried development of SRB2 2.2, the game that you all know and love. Know their names and give them the cred they've earned.

Who is "nu-stjr?" It's the same developers who were on old-stjr.

It's the same people who made 2.2.
It's the same fuckin' people.
Don't take the bait: "nu-stjr" does not exist.

Anyone who says otherwise is just making shit up.


Please cut the "nu-stjr" stuff out. All it does is show you don't even know who made the game you play. In fact, stop regurgitating stuff you only learned from some guy on YouTube, period.
Now THERE'S the million dollar question. I love this question, because when you ask it, all of the shit the dude tries to stir up becomes exposed for what it is.

Gotta quote this post from earlier just to show how silly this all is.

So who is "nu-stjr" anyways? Hmm!
Well, as someone who actually knows and speaks to these people (they're my friends) as opposed to making spicy YouTube videos about people I don't know, I think we need to talk about who old-stjr was, first.

Here are the people who did the brunt of the work on SRB2 2.2.
You know, the version of the game that most people here have grown up with by now.

- toaster (HUGE amounts of code and game design. Took a very active role in 2.2's development and saw it to the finish line. Also sprited Tails!)
- TehRealSalt (basically toaster's right hand. Tons of coding support, jack of all trades!)
- tape (They made RVZ1! Those sweet new badniks? That was this lovable artist & musician!)
- Boinciel (DSZ2? He built this!)
- Nev3r (DSZ1? ACZ1? That's his work. Nev3r is an amazing level designer, and a coder as well.)
- fickle (ACZ2? Yeah, she made that! She also added slopes to the game!)
- sphere (CEZ2? Yep, he made one of the coolest levels to ever exist in SRB2. It really raised the bar!)
- MotorRoach (Thank him for those hot new character sprites!)
- MonsterIestyn (Bugfixing! Code cleanup! He was the OG Fang creator too! What a helpful dude!)
- LJ (A lot of the sweet modding support in srb2 comes from him!)
- Lactozilla (Jimmy Neutron??? He's an engine wizard. People go "that could never happen in this engine" and he makes it happen!)
- VAdaPEGA (Sprites! Fonts! Touchups and textures!)
- MascaraSnake (Zonebuilder exists in the form it does because this guy took it upon himself to carry the tools forward.)
- Clairebun (She's the reason we have the crazy polished 2.2 OST!)
- Shane (Likewise, he put some serious work into the soundtrack!)
- SeventhSentinel (He did music, but he also did level support too!)
- Mazmazz (Controller support and a whole host of other engine-level improvements!)

Notice a few things here?
13 out of 17 of these devs are still on Sonic Team Junior.
8 out of 17 of these devs were SRB2Kart & Ring Racers developers.
7 out of 17 of these devs are actually from WELL before 2.2, some go decades back. Even more are oldbies in general.

This is the ACTUAL TEAM that carried development of SRB2 2.2, the game that you all know and love. Know their names and give them the cred they've earned.

Who is "nu-stjr?" It's the same developers who were on old-stjr.

It's the same people who made 2.2.
It's the same fuckin' people.
Don't take the bait: "nu-stjr" does not exist.

Anyone who says otherwise is just making shit up.

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Please cut the "nu-stjr" stuff out. All it does is show you don't even know who made the game you play. In fact, stop regurgitating stuff you only learned from some guy on YouTube, period.
I notice that the "old guard" are not on the list which does raise a few questions from me (not ones of suspicion, mind). I know that Rob was often accredited to doing stuff for the NIGHTS content and not much else, but is there anything PV2 and Mystic actually did for 2.2? It's been a while so it's hard for me to remember what their contributions were, if any, and I don't particularly feel inclined to go digging up the old Mystic thread to find the specific answer.
I notice that the "old guard" are not on the list which does raise a few questions from me (not ones of suspicion, mind). I know that Rob was often accredited to doing stuff for the NIGHTS content and not much else, but is there anything PV2 and Mystic actually did for 2.2? It's been a while so it's hard for me to remember what their contributions were, if any, and I don't particularly feel inclined to go digging up the old Mystic thread to find the specific answer.

Aside from the NiGHTS special stages (which were not new to 2.2), Rob's contribution was just participating in discussions on game direction (in other words: telling people what to do).
Mystic had a hand in the tutorial and did light mapping work on some parts of the game (GFZ, ACZ2), though his contributions dropped off considerably over time.
Prime did absolutely nothing. I'm not saying this to be mean or minimize his role, content wise he did indeed do absolutely nothing. His main contribution was spitting out walls of text regarding design concepts in our Discord. He was a self-proclaimed "ideas guy", though most of his ideas were never used.
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Your post boils down to "hey guys, is there any new drama to talk about?" Don't bump threads pointlessly.
I've been reading this thread since the start, anyone know how Sandwichface is doing? I have a comment posted on his YouTube post from when he got banned that links to here and expresses concern for his mental wellbeing. If he's still going at it with disparaging STJr, I think someone needs to expose him (No harassment though)...
Cosigning the notion of Prime doing absolutely nothing; I never once saw him contribute anything meaningful. During my time working on SRB2 with the three of them, most of what they did on the team was tell you "no" when you asked them if you could work on a cool new concept you came up with.

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