Gargoyle v3.1(gargoyle.wad)

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Gargoyle is simply that. A gargoyle. This started out as a joke between a couple of my friends and I, but it soon evolved into an ambitious project that involved the help of many in order to make Gargoyle as authentic as possible. At the end of the day, though, he still is a joke character and certainly plays like one.

Abilities include:
Floating in the air
Breaking bustable blocks by touching them
Shooting fire
Activating Gargoyle buttons
Double Jump with Custom 2 when you have 20 or more rings
Nuking with Custom 3 when you have 100 or more rings
Immunity to drowning
Immunity to space
Immunity to fire hazards
Immunity to crushing when on the ground

Bug fixed with the Nuke action.
This one's a biggie!
Gargoyle has an entirely new super-form! He can float around in the air at will and the cooldown on his fire shoot is removed.
Fire Shoot has been moved to Custom 1.
Nuke has been moved to Custom 3.
Double Jump has been moved to Custom 2.
Re-did some of the shading on Gargoyle to remove all the white spots on him. His entire body changes colors properly now. Let me know if you dislike how this looks. I'll revert it if I get enough complaints.
Added another new power. At the cost of twenty rings, he can think he's flapping his wings and do a high jump(well, high for Gargoyle) with Custom 2.
Now includes two versions. Gargoyle is the normal one, and Plaingoyle removes his custom actions, for those who want a simpler 'Goyle.
Added a new power.... ;3 Gargoyle can now summon the Gargoyle's wrath to nuke the area around him when he has 100 or more rings with the Custom 1 button. This ability costs 100 rings to use.
Thanks to help from a friend, Gargoyle's weird jump glitch after landing on a ledge higher than him is now fixed.
Gargoyle has his super god jump back, but can no longer break bustable blocks when in super form.
Reduced filesize.
Fixed a game-breaking bug.
Gargoyle can now break spin-bustable blocks by walking into them, like Knuckles. However, this comes at the cost of losing his god jump when in super form.
Gargoyle can aim his fire again.
Multiple bug-fixes
Now fires in increments of 5 fireballs, just like the real Trapgoyles!
No longer interacts with bubbles underwater.
Gargoyle is now immune to drowning in space.


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The character itself is an alright Robo Hood-esque concept, but there's one thing I have an issue with:

However, he is a multiplayer-only character. He can't be selected in Single Player. This was done on purpose.

When I tested the WAD it worked fine in single-player, and there doesn't seem to be any particular reason why it wouldn't. Unless you either change this or explain your reasoning, I'm afraid I can't approve the submission just yet.
It's done because he can't complete the campaign and I was too lazy to make an OBJCTCFG after it got corrupted the first time, but I'll get around to it tomorrow. I figured this would stop it from being approved.
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It's done because he can't complete the campaign and I wad too lazy to make an OBJCTCFG after it got corrupted the first time, but I'll get around to it tomorrow. I assumed this would stop it from being approved.
Robo-hood never could either, but that's what level select is for...
Brak Eggman can't even clear GFZ1 for goodness sake, what does it matter? =P

EDIT: Anyway, the concept here is hilarious, I'd be fine to see him in releases once you've made him available for character select.
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This is truly the pinnacle of Lua accomplishments and character designs combined.

I am being entirely serious.
Examining the wad, I have determined that Gargoyle can't breathe in space. This logic does not match that used for breathing underwater, so it is possibly a bug. It also seems that the height of the gargoyle is equal to the spindash, so a small bit of lua to make his height equal to that might be a useful bit of code to add. And it is possible to get to the area where the air drains out of the room in ERZ1 if you are clever about it ;)
Examining the wad, I have determined that Gargoyle can't breathe in space.
... Oh. I completely forgot that space countdown was a different thing. I'll look into making that infinite for him as well.
It also seems that the height of the gargoyle is equal to the spindash, so a small bit of lua to make his height equal to that might be a useful bit of code to add
If I knew how to do that, I would. xD 99% of all the Lua in this was made by others. I just compiled it all.

EDIT: Gargoyle has been updated. He can no longer drown in space!
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Could also make him not be able to touch breathable bubbles, since he has no need for them in any water level.

I'm not sure how to do that either. The first thing that came to mind was to award him with an elemental shield whenever he comes in contact with a bubble, and remove it when he's not touching one. But not only do I not know how to write that out, I'm sure there's a much simpler way as well.

local function DontTouchThis(bubb, garg)
	if == "gargoyle"
		return true
addHook("TouchSpecial", DontTouchThis, MT_EXTRALARGEBUBBLE)

EDIT: Yeah, that should do it. Skin "gargoyle" will phase through all the breathable bubbles using that.
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I'm having a small problem.
Whenever I hover on to a platform that's up slightly higher than me, I have to press the jump button twice to be able to jump again.
Can you fix it?
A very nice wad made by a very nice person.
I like the wad in every way and it inspired me to make Crawla.wad. (coming soon?)
local function DontTouchThis(bubb, garg)
    if == "gargoyle"
        return true
addHook("TouchSpecial", DontTouchThis, MT_EXTRALARGEBUBBLE)
Now that seems really nice. I hope HMS123311 will get it (if he doesn't already have it) in version 1.2 of him, since he's immune to drowning as well. I didn't even think it would be possible without giving the player the Elemental Shield or something.

*Definitely doesn't snatch that code for a Metal Sonic character I made for fun that is nothing like Blake's Metal Sonic, in terms of gameplay, though uses the in-game Metal Sonic sprites from srb2.srb, and won't be released*
Alright, another quick update! This one makes him pretty much complete. See first post for changelog.

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