fzn's SRB2 Model Pack - Now with Deluxe Junio!

fzn's SRB2 Model Pack - Now with Deluxe Junio! 2.3

how do you get the tangle model to work please and thank you also i read readme so yeah!
If you have Jeck's pack installed, it just replaces that one. No editing of models.dat required.
I'm trying everything, im moving around the files, deleting lines of any other metals, but nothing makes the metal models work
It just replaces the default one. No editing of anything required.
If you have Jeck's pack installed, it just replaces that one. No editing of models.dat required.

It just replaces the default one. No editing of anything required.
so what if i decided to be an idiot and delete the original lines because i may or may not have done that and im trying to copy the lines back but it won't work so i have to use kaldrum's for now
Yo! This is such an amazing mod! for Junio/Toei Sonic especially for a mod pack this amazing! my only critique is that there is no Super Sonic, but hey, at the end of the day, this is so amazing!
Yo! This is such an amazing mod! for Junio/Toei Sonic especially for a mod pack this amazing! my only critique is that there is no Super Sonic, but hey, at the end of the day, this is so amazing!
uhhhhhh you could've left this as a ratingggggg
the original junio mod does not have a super form, therefore the model does not have one
mcsonic has super form and uses the junio model, so if you want a "super junio" use mcsonic
uhhhhhh you could've left this as a ratingggggg
the original junio mod does not have a super form, therefore the model does not have one
mcsonic has super form and uses the junio model, so if you want a "super junio" use mcsonic
Oops! Sorry! I didn't know there was a rating system, I recently joined the SRB2 Message board, and that comment was my first comment on the SRB2 Message Board. Also Oops, I didn't know there was no Super Sonic in Junio sonic. Thank you for the clarification though.
so i tried putting them in and it isnt working i need help
installing the models?
did you do the following:

1. extract the folders inside of the zip to your models folder (SUBFOLDERS SHOULD NOT BE EXTRACTED FROM THEIR HOST FOLDERS)

2. add the models.dat lines from the txt file to your models.dat (excluding metal sonic, METAL_SONIC and METL should be unchanged in your models.dat)

3. set your renderer to OpenGL

4. go to OpenGL settings and turn on models

and they should work!!1!1!1!!!!
im using the junio sonic model and i found this bug

SRB2 v2.2.13 27_11_2023 17_54_47.png

theres a junio sonic flickering on the life monitor, how can i fix this?
fznmeatpopsicle updated fznmeatpopsicle's SRB2 Model Pack - Now with Kazuma Kiryu! with a new update entry:

Mighty the Armadillo!

Now with Mighty the Armadillo!(Junio Mighty I guess?)

Also updated Junio Sonic and MC Sonic models with a new walk and dash animation(from the Sonic CD pencil test), and fixed some oversights I'd previously missed.

Delete and replace previous versions of the FZN folder, and models.dat lines. All filenames have been updated to follow existing SRB2 naming conventions(ie. all capital letters now).

Read the rest of this update entry...
i've been using the mighty model since you've updated the pack with it, and i have one criticism, his running legs seem way too far back and small, i would suggest scaling that part up a bit and moving it closer to mightys body and also to change the running legs to be a bit more stretched out
Weird issue I'm having on Steam OS, Wisps are 3D, Whisper is 2D, and I can't seem to find anything that would fix it? Any ideas?
Looks like I missed something when updating the readme, it should be WHISPER FZN/WHISPER/WHISPER.md3 3.0 0.0, not WHISPER FZN/WHISPER/whisper.md3 3.0 0.0.
It's case sensitive.

i've been using the mighty model since you've updated the pack with it, and i have one criticism, his running legs seem way too far back and small, i would suggest scaling that part up a bit and moving it closer to mightys body and also to change the running legs to be a bit more stretched out

Leg size is fine, and position isn't that far off.
Looks like I missed something when updating the readme, it should be WHISPER FZN/WHISPER/WHISPER.md3 3.0 0.0, not WHISPER FZN/WHISPER/whisper.md3 3.0 0.0.
It's case sensitive.

View attachment 110800
Leg size is fine, and position isn't that far off.
huh, weird, it looked a bit off for me but eh might(y) just be my eyes tricking me
one more thing though, the spindash ball thing is WAAYYYY too big