Friday the 13th

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wanna know what happened to me on the 13th?
Really wanna know?
I was forced to uninstall mIRC. yep. It was horrible. :cry:
My parents caught me talking to people, and they are so very strict on talking to strangers. So my mom made me (on the spot) uninstall it. The end of the Spazz era is over, im afraid.

Lets just leave it with this picture i made:

My ego REALLY needs a time out.
...listen, ive already tried that.
If I did, and i got caught...
no more computers. forever.
That also means they take away my DS, Gamecube, and my life.
Trust me, i dont wanna risk it. :(
That must have been pretty bad.

I've never been in a chatroom at all.

Nothing really happened to me at all on that friday.
edit; no more computers, forever?
That's even worse.
My parents are the same way, good thing I'm super stealthy and have a computer in my room XP
My parents don't care what I do, as long as I keep off the streets at all times. Also I'm not alloud to swear in the house, I'm not sussposed to download anything, or go on those sites and I neva have. Better not risk it...
My parents don't care about what I do on the Internet but when it comes to talking to "total strangers who pretend to be my age when they're actually 40+ year-old losers"... don't even get me started. >_>


edit; no more computers, forever?
That's even worse.

No. That's a good thing because now we don't have to listen to him constantly bashing Mystic for no reason whatsoever.
I'm 13, and I have to say, I think I'm one of the more mature (even though it doesn't seem like it) users.
It's most mature, Bigboi, most.

But I have to agree with you, however at least Shadow Hog and Ritz beat you when it comes to maturity. At least I think so.

I believe I'm quite mature myself. I wasn't until about 18 months ago, though. Glad I waited before I joined.
Fuan fuan, no extra cash for Neo? It shame. But wait, I possess "PRISONCARD"!

With "PRISONCARD", can exit JAIL at will!

You move, Omega!


No, I am not mature. Yet.
Let's talk about nettles.

Nettle (Urtica) is a genus of between 30-45 species of flowering plants in the family Urticaceae, with a cosmopolitan though mainly temperate distribution. They are mostly herbaceous perennial plants, but some are annual and a few are shrubby.

The most prominent member of the genus is the Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica, native to Europe, north Africa, Asia, and North America. The genus also contains a number of other species with similar properties. However, a large number of species names that will be encountered in this genus in the older literature (about 100 species have been described) are now recognised as synonyms of Urtica dioica. Some of these taxa are still recognised as subspecies.

Most the species share the property of having stinging hairs, and can be expected to have very similar medicinal uses to the stinging nettle. The sting of Urtica ferox, the Ongaonga or Tree Nettle of New Zealand, have been known to kill horses, dogs and at least one human.
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