Floral Road Zone 3- VS Devil Sonic!

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Absolute territory where
Kart Krew™️
Yes actually the second wad I'm releasing here, and it is actually a boss coded by myself! So safe'n'sound, here is a screeny!


The map was made by the cyan and modified a bit by LJ Sonik


  • sc_DevilSonicFight.rar
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The boss has a very annoying sound and no hit sound so I didn't know if I hit him or not.
Why does this level include a custom hud ?
I think the boss is ok, but his attacks should be more like the Match ones, where he shoots 5 Scatter Rings instead of 1.
The boss has a very annoying sound and no hit sound so I didn't know if I hit him or not.
Why does this level include a custom hud ?
I think the boss is ok, but his attacks should be more like the Match ones, where he shoots 5 Scatter Rings instead of 1.

The "annoying sound" is for know when it will attack. (It's a first-zone boss)
For a hit sound I will try to find one that correspond and I don't know why it shoots only 1 scatter ring instead of 5.

The custom HUDs were maybe misplaced but these are the huds that will be used in the level pack where the boss is.
What you did right:

* You telegraphed his attacks so players new to it can anticipate it.
* You kept the fight at a reasonable length and varied his attack patterns.
* The sky changing was pretty neat.

What you did wrong:
* You unnecessarily changed the HUD in a way that didn't contribute to the player's boss fight experience. Even if this were a level pack, you should keep the HUD separate so that players have a choice between which style they want to choose from.
* Goofy boss theming, lazy aesthetics. Try and come up with something a little more inspired, or if you can't do that, just use Eggman or Metal Sonic's sprites. There's no shame in saying "I can't draw, so here's Robotnik in his eggmobile."
* Bad sound choice. The Techno Hill turret is a good example of proper sound design.
* Scatter ring doesn't work properly.
* You went a little overboard on the cover terrain. You don't have to remove it completely, but try to find a better balance. Keep in mind most of us aren't that new at SRB2, even if this is a first boss.
What you did right:

* You telegraphed his attacks so players new to it can anticipate it.
* You kept the fight at a reasonable length and varied his attack patterns.
* The sky changing was pretty neat.

What you did wrong:
* You unnecessarily changed the HUD in a way that didn't contribute to the player's boss fight experience. Even if this were a level pack, you should keep the HUD separate so that players have a choice between which style they want to choose from.
* Goofy boss theming, lazy aesthetics. Try and come up with something a little more inspired, or if you can't do that, just use Eggman or Metal Sonic's sprites. There's no shame in saying "I can't draw, so here's Robotnik in his eggmobile."
* Bad sound choice. The Techno Hill turret is a good example of proper sound design.
* Scatter ring doesn't work properly.
* You went a little overboard on the cover terrain. You don't have to remove it completely, but try to find a better balance. Keep in mind most of us aren't that new at SRB2, even if this is a first boss.

What I did wrong:

The HUD was a test HUD that was supposed to be deleted but I forget to do it.

For the Goofy Boss design, it's totally intentionnal, maybe when the story will be shown as cutscenes in the final level pack you will understand.

I tried many rings alongside scatter ring:
Bounce Ring which is... useless.
Grenade Ring which... doesn't explode (wtf)
and the scatter which doesn't scatter by itself.

So I think the attack should be a normal red ring.

For the bad sound choice it was intentionnal too but it's true this sound is annoying, I will change it to THZ2 turret tough.

Also by meaning that the boss is a bit too easy, what could I make to make it harder? Reduce the attack charge time, make the boss moving faster...?
You need to just not litter the landscape with cover terrain. Keep a few blocks but otherwise make the terrain open.
You need to just not litter the landscape with cover terrain. Keep a few blocks but otherwise make the terrain open.

I actually like the level's layout TBH. I honestly found that the boss's difficulty was too hard for a World 1 boss, maybe more a 2 or 3. Unless, of course, you're doing something similar to the minibosses from Sonic Advance 3, where its the same, with added attacks each time. If that's the case, well you can disregard what I said. I did like the variety in attacks though. Also, I personally think you should telegraph when the boss is hit better. The Eggman bosses in vanilla SRB2 flash and play a sound effect when they're hit, "Devil Sonic" probably should at least make a sound effect rather than bouncing the player off. Because of this, I almost thought that I wasn't affecting it, and had to wait the fight out (he IS a blatant recolor of Super Sonic after all...). The HUD, while nice, should be optional, like previously said. It's a pretty nice start though.
You gotta admit it was still fun I changed the bosses heath the 50 and had lots of fun. maybe I'll go for 100 and play with some friends, maybe use that boss health HUD instead and change some of the sound effects, this looks more like a test and less like a completed project.
What you did right:

* You telegraphed his attacks so players new to it can anticipate it.
* You kept the fight at a reasonable length and varied his attack patterns.
* The sky changing was pretty neat.

What you did wrong:
* You unnecessarily changed the HUD in a way that didn't contribute to the player's boss fight experience. Even if this were a level pack, you should keep the HUD separate so that players have a choice between which style they want to choose from.
* Goofy boss theming, lazy aesthetics. Try and come up with something a little more inspired, or if you can't do that, just use Eggman or Metal Sonic's sprites. There's no shame in saying "I can't draw, so here's Robotnik in his eggmobile."
* Bad sound choice. The Techno Hill turret is a good example of proper sound design.
* Scatter ring doesn't work properly.
* You went a little overboard on the cover terrain. You don't have to remove it completely, but try to find a better balance. Keep in mind most of us aren't that new at SRB2, even if this is a first boss.

This is only one level of a level pack. That is why the HUD is different.
Well, I and my team will release the first version of the level pack (including this boss) in a short time. (Maybe even today)

We taken and applied your suggestions:

*We removed some hidespots in the boss arena.
*I increased the boss's life to 12 instead of 8 and increased the pinch activator at 5 instead of 2.
*We also added Inuyasha's boss HUD to avoid confusion.
*I removed the annoying sound when it charges an attack
*It has two pinch attacks
*It has a hurt sound but he doesn't seem to flash when it gets hit.

Can please a moderator close this thread once the level pack will be posted and released?
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Oh so After the Sequel music is in this? I need to see for myself!

Oh and the sprite, idk why it gives me the chills involving Fleetway Super Sonic... its like Fleetway Super Sonic is in a Super 2 form
or something...
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permission to use the devil sonic in my wad

hello, want to do a stage with devil sonic one of the kingpins of this phase, I can use it on my stage?
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