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Penopat said:
I'm probaly the most mature, in a way, and one of the smartest. I PWNed everyone on a certain state test last year, I got the best grade in math.
What's sad is I'm smarter than most of the teachers at my school, yet I never seem to let it out much.

Anyway, I don't exercize much due to a bad back and a weak left knee, but I can lift heavy items when needed. I am also pretty weak until someone decides to p.o. me, then I can be their worst nitemare's nitemare.
I'm smart, but rather weak. I'm not fat, nor am I skinny. I'm kinda average. I'm short, though. But that doesn't matter much.
In terms of "smartness", or ones capability of gaining intellegence and speed of doing so, I'm as smart as they come. I do take college classes (way back from the age of 14) but only because I need to have a high degree or else I have little credibility and whatnot, having never actually completed any of the grand things I have begun.

My intellegence quotient (IQ) states that I am a literal genius, though I say I am merely a semi-genius due to the fact that there are enough liars out there that I wouldn't be believed otherwise. Or I would be bombarded with a large stream of pointless math problems which I am supposedly able to complete in 5 seconds. Stupid stereotypical 'genius'.

Of course, everything comes with a price. In exchange for my genius, I have poor emotional control. In exchange for my intellegence, I have not the ability to naturally learn 'body language' and have to struggle to understand such things as 'puns' and proper 'humor'. In exchange for my smarts (my ability to rapidly learn), I am bound by a figurative chain, an obsession, to programming. I am forced by my obsession to work tirelessly day after day, though my case is mild compared to what could've been...

I am an Asperger's child, one with Asperger's Syndrome. It is a mild form of Autism, a defect present at birth. It affects the way I think and makes me unable to be accepted by my general age group, simply labled 'weird' most of the time. You will never completely understand me. My own mother, despite years of trying, hasn't entirely learned my 'language', so to speak. But it does have advantages... ... ...
I'm a little under average strength wise. I have mostly pale skin. I like throwing stuff into walls though. I just love that loud "BOOM!" ... and then I don't like getting yelled at afterwards.

I suck at sports (except skiing). I just don't have hand-eye coordination, and I can't get contacts in (they HURT!), so I probably wouldn't be able to play anyway because of the glasses.

I have a bit of fat, but when I have a shirt on, you really can't see it (and I usually have a shirt on O_o). I honestly don't know how to get any lower in fat and higher in muscle, because I'm already skiing, fencing, and doing other random stuff, and I'm really bad at everything else. Also, my mom usually cooks meals that I end up hating (which probably aren't too healthy). In fact, just last night she forgot to cook dinner.

I actually haven't been programming enough lately by my standards. I want to work on some Gameboy Advance stuff, but I lost the Flash cable. The cartridge right now has a background test thingy that says my name over and over :). More importantly, I should practice Flash. That could be very useful (although I think I'll need to actually BUY it eventually).

|. . . . .R. . . . . . . .|. . . . .SONIC. . . . .|. . . . . .R. . . . . . .|
How do GBA flash carts work, anyway?
You just buy a cart and a cable, find a program to use to Flash your ROMs, and that's about it. I got my 512 Mb one for about $ might've gone down a bit by now, though (haven't checked).

Fencing? Are you, like, rich?
Omega the Hedgehog said:
I'm not fat at all; I run EVERYWHERE I go, bike a lot, and go out often... Though I rarely eat anything that is actually healthy :O
Same here. I love to run. I bike sometimes, too, but not a lot. I eat mini donuts a lot, too. :D
Woh umm some of you umm, anyway I'm not entirely fat, I've seen people in my school that were made up of 3 huge rolls of fat. Rather disturbing, won't have to see em next year, thank god for year 10. I play a lot of games and I like changing the sprits LF2, it's easy thats why. I suffer from a minor short attention span.
Verb, it's whatchodo. What's yer verb?
Mine is brb.
No, mine is DDR >_>
Oh wait, it's sit.
No, wait.. it's sleep.
Wait.. *killed*
6'0", 170lbs.
LDL Cholesterol: 92
HDL Cholesterol: 20

I can bench about 4-6 college textbooks plus 20 lbs. I have no idea how heavy that is. I can do 40lb shrugs, 35lb. shoulder presses and 35lb. curls.

I love living an oxymoron.

I barely have any fat, even on my bottom, and I think I'm continuing to lose more of what I do have left.. Oops. O_o

And I don't snack at all. The idea is not to "not snack", but adjust your diet and your eating habits so that you don't even WANT to snack.

You can do it, too!
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