F. Sonic

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Should occur when you switch character in multiplayer while super and standing still from F-Sonic to Knuckles.
Actually, I think this is a SOC type of problem, as the Riders Mod has the same issue. When you switch characters in Riders stages, they will keep the stance of the last character you had, and won't change unless you jump or force a different state on the other skin.
Actually, I think this is a SOC type of problem, as the Riders Mod has the same issue. When you switch characters in Riders stages, they will keep the stance of the last character you had, and won't change unless you jump or force a different state on the other skin.

The states are defined in SOC and Lua dictates how they're supposed to switch. All that's necessary is a fallback in case the player switches skins while in one of those super states.
I love how you can just exploit the insta-shield in boss fights, specifically the Deep Sea boss and Castle Eggman boss.
Holy dear shit this is one of the most beautiful things I've laid eyes on in the past hour.

Only complaint i have is the insta-shield. It seems that it's more like a close range attack rather than an invincible extension of Sonic's hitbox, and it feels weird falling straight down instead of bouncing off whatever he makes contact with.
I also agree with shalpp. Having just replayed Sonic 3 & Knuckles recently I found it a bit jarring when I couldn't bounce off enemies when using the insta-shield.
I'm not sure if this is intentional but Super FSonic's thok slows him down if he's at max speed.

I'm not sure if this is intentional but Super FSonic's thok slows him down if he's at max speed.


Thats been in the game for as long as i can remember. Maybe to nerf the speed? Happens with vanilla sonic and super sneakers. :T
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It's probably because Super Sonic's Thok has the same speed as normal Sonic's Thok =V

A faster thok would probably be much harder to control anyway.
Great job with this!

While 95% awesome and a vast improvement over the previous sprites, I'm very curious why you chose to make the soles of Sonic's shoes a bland, solid grey rather than white or dark red. It looks incredibly odd and un-Sonic-like in both his running and jumping animations. I feel it stands out in a bad way.
Funny, the control scheme for Sonic here is pretty 1:1 to a hypothetical control scheme thought up by a game analyst that goes by the alias "ShayMay." A 3D Sonic with the insta-shield and a boost mode parallel to the one in Advance 2 where it, unlike the more recent versions where it can be activated by the push of a button, only activates after doing a substantial amount of running. Pretty cryptic.
Funny, the control scheme for Sonic here is pretty 1:1 to a hypothetical control scheme thought up by a game analyst that goes by the alias "ShayMay." A 3D Sonic with the insta-shield and a boost mode parallel to the one in Advance 2 where it, unlike the more recent versions where it can be activated by the push of a button, only activates after doing a substantial amount of running. Pretty cryptic.
BlazeHedgehog actually discussed something like that as part of the idea for the "perfect" style of gameplay he would want to see in a Sonic game. It has some appeal, and a bit of that basis might have inspired the kind of gameplay in Lost World.

This looks pretty solid. Gonna have to load it up and see the fuss.

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I can't get enough of these sprites, it's just absolutely incredible. Everything about it just screams 'Sonic the Hedgehog' to me. And those super sprites? INCREDIBLE. Super Sonic's sprites are just the most beautiful sprites I've ever seen in my entire life.

But while playing as the new Sonic, I noticed something. If you'd take a look at the old Sonic, you can see he is very different from the new Sonic (Look at his standing sprites). But, when looking at the old Sonic's hanging frames, he looks strikingly similar to the NEW Sonic. Take a look:


Just something I noticed while playing around, I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I thought I'd throw it out there. Either way, incredible work MotorRoach!


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F. Sonic started life as a simple headswap! It was only through Moto's dedication and perseverance that it evolved into... something more.
F. Sonic started life as a simple headswap! It was only through Moto's dedication and perseverance that it evolved into... something more.

Something more indeed, and thank the lord it did. Because looking at Old Sonic now, he's just an eyesore, but he did his job well.
But while playing as the new Sonic, I noticed something. If you'd take a look at the old Sonic, you can see he is very different from the new Sonic (Look at his standing sprites). But, when looking at the old Sonic's hanging frames, he looks strikingly similar to the NEW Sonic. Take a look:


See, FSonic was never really meant as a complete redesign like my Knuckles wad, but he was first intended as more of a revamp simple. I first had the idea of doing it when I noticed that the hanging sprites in Sonic's animations looked not only different, but they actually had a much better and more polished face design for him.

Coming from SSN himself, he confirmed that the hanging sprites were made in a much later date than the rest of the animations, which explains the significant improvement in Sonic's design between animations. It inspired me to take all of Sonic's sprites and renew all of them in order to make the overall of Sonic's design look up-to date and consistent with SSN's final Sonic design.

Obviously, I took some liberties in also improving the movement in a lot of his animations and redesigning Super Sonic to have an overall more appealing design, but I still like to think of FSonic as what SSN would've done to his own Sonic if he had the time to revamp his sprites.
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