EggChair From SPmoves

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Yes, This Would make the Eggchair a Whole lot better Prime, but remember: My SOCcing abilities currently are limited, I dont know how to make stuff like that just yet.

When I learn about how to make objects like that, I will update the Soc again...
The first part is pretty good, there's a slight problem with the missile firing thing though. Monitors are totally hardcoded, there's no way to SOC a thing that can be struck, but won't hurt you.
Cant you make a free state of a monitor sprite and then make it point to whatever the official monitor sprites are?
Anything with MF_MONITOR cannot be hurt by missiles. End of story. :?
If you were to get around this by making it use MF_ENEMY, you'd have the problem of it being able to hurt you if you touch it.
How bout Monitors that have the sprites of the Eggmobile sprites (From JTE's Srb2JTE.wad), Edit the monitors to make Non-monitor properties, make them have no gravity, and somehow make it so that it Surrounds the Thing type...
You cannot get SPmoves anymore, Its an outdated mod made by JTE...
JTE doesnt have it for you to download anymore :P
Chaos Zero 64 said:
I remember you got to ride Things, but not an Eggmovile. I ran around in the Chao world ages ago and found some dead Jettysins that you could jump into and start flying. It was glitchy, and it sometimes hurt me. But I don't remember you riding an eggmovile. Maybe I never got the last updated SPMoves or it was somewhere else.

But this looks great either way! Keep up at it.

If you check around that same garden, you'll find a secluded area with a row of Eggmobiles. If you still have it, that is.
Oh and rules say then you must put the file name as your topic name. Isnt that right? But nice file. :)
Shuffle said:
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