E3 2005 Topic

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Sonic Rush looks decent enough. I was one of the people who really enjoyed the Sonic Advance series, so a DS version with better graphics is good with me. They REALLY need to stop making characters, though.
Roboashura said:
You know, people can fake stuff like that.

Firstly, It's been confirmed at E3 of all places. that's THE place where confirmation takes place, and hype hits big.

Secondly, who is that Ashura character that I keep hearing about? and seeing? WHO THE HELL IS ASHURA?! Is he a character everyone has made up from a glitch in S3&K?
Geona said:
Secondly, who is that Ashura character that I keep hearing about? and seeing? WHO THE HELL IS ASHURA?! Is he a character everyone has made up from a glitch in S3&K?
Sonic 2, but otherwise, yes.
Shadow Hog said:
Geona said:
Secondly, who is that Ashura character that I keep hearing about? and seeing? WHO THE HELL IS ASHURA?! Is he a character everyone has made up from a glitch in S3&K?
Sonic 2, but otherwise, yes.

Thanks, now I understand a few things, but it brings up so many other questions.
Using debug mode, in Emerald Hill zone, create a lot of waterfalls (like 50) and the palette get screwed. Now Sonic is green, and this green Sonic was called Ashura.

Hovewer, I also found Ashura in Sonic 2 Beta, out of Emerald Hill zone. This time he was in Hidden Palace zone. Create a lot of monitors. When you go back Sonic, all appears normal. But if you go underwater... Sonic now will be black and orange!!!

EDIT: know somebody why my team is called Ashura?
from what I hear, there's an "Ashura bug" in the Sonic Advance games.

but back to the point, atleast now we know that not all the cats in the Sonic world aren't fat retarded fisherman.

Nintendo has announced that one of the Revolution launch titles will be a Super Smash Bros. sequel. It will make use of the system's Wi-Fi capabilities for online play. This may be the first time I buy a video game system at launch.

As for the Game Boy Micro, I lose my keys about three times a week. If I had one of these, I'd lose forever it in about two months.
Mario Kart DS has a movie available showing a track from each of the previous 4 Mario Kart games. Logic would dictate that they might be pulling out all the stops and including every track from every Mario Kart ever made, which if you add it to the online play, is just plain insane.
Omega the Hedgehog said:
I put my bets on the idea that they're only be one track from each older game and they'll be unlockables, at that.
I would too, if Mario Kart Super Circuit didn't include all 20 Super Mario Kart tracks beforehand. Porting the stages to the DS would be brilliant and allow for less work on Nintendo's part to create content that everyone would buy the system for. Imagine the marketing one could pull with "Every Mario Kart track ever!"
Wow, this has to be the most posts in a day that we've seen in a long time...

Anyways, back on topic, I'm not quite sure what E3 is, but with another Mario Party, you'd think that 7 parties would be enough.
What ever happend to Super Mario 128?? :roll: The new Zelda looks very nice. *Adds to christmas list* I am also very happy that we are getting Sonic CD on a collection disk. Im not sure about Sonic Rush yet. I hope Sonic Team takes there time. Mario Kart DS looks very nice and I cant wait to play it online. The XBox 360 is very impresive, but im waiting to see why the Revolution is so revolutionary. Shadow The Hedgehog looks like it may be a good game which scares me. I will probably not get the PS3, I have always hated the shape buttons on those things. Im waiting to find out if Metroid Prime Hunters is online. The new GameBoy Advance Micro looks cool with the new template idea. The new gamecube Fire Emblem also looks very cool. This is way to much for one day!!! :mrgreen:
IGNcube: So we can expect to see something on Mario 128 at E3?

Reggie: Yes. In terms of how we're going to show Mario 128, though, it's likely that we'll show it in video form more than playable. We have so many great games in playable form already.

Well Reggie where is Mario??? TELL ME NOW!!!!!! YOU LIED NINTENDO ADMIT IT!!!!!!! :evil: .........@_@......ok....... Well I was really looking forward to seeing it. :(
I'm not sure if it was IGN or not, but somewhere I remember that someone said not to give out more info on Mario 128 so that other bastards wont steal their ideas. In that case, it has to be this godly awesome game for them to not reveal such a good idea for a game. ...He probably entered Prof. Gadd's cloning machine or something.
Nintendo probably has more stuff to show at E3 for the next two days so maybe we will see it. It would be nice to find out why the Revolution is so revolutionary too. IGN has really not been covering E3 well this year has it...
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