Desktops (56K WARINING)

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You know Spazzo only made this topic so he could show off my picture =P

Anyway, instead of posting my empty desktop, here's my wallpaper, which is exactly my desktop sans Recycle Bin and taskbar.
Spazzo said:

The only one I can find.
Ill assure you, there has been a time on Zims Base where I CREAMED teh Ritz :P

EDIT: Ill be frank, Ritz has greatly gotten better over the last while. He is a good challenge and friend to me, but as of now, he is slightly better than I am.
:eek: People still play srb2?
If I knew that, I'd still play it.
...God, where have you been the past 8 years? What do you mean "still playing SRB2?" It's not like an old game that's been thrown out. Hell, it's not even done yet. x_x
Heck, this is the reason why i should of chucked my modem in the bin years ago, god. x.x

Thats why the boards here, duh.
I agree, although it's just an opinion, and I don't make any decisions.
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