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Dash's World: Moving to releases/massive update

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Dash come on man just becase some retarts hate your mod dosent mean its bad. They just have nothing els to do but say crap about wads and mods. I say keep on going if it makes you happy and dont lession to the dumb comments they make they SHOULD be giving advise not like " YOU DID THIS WRONG AHH MY EYES! STOP NOW THE BACK ROUND LOOKS LIKE BLAHHHHHH" they should just give advise, personaly I think your mod is coming togather greatly keep working on it and dont let retarted people get you down.
sonicthehedgehog/gsonic said:
Dash come on man just becase some retarts hate your mod dosent mean its bad. They just have nothing els to do but say crap about wads and mods. I say keep on going if it makes you happy and dont lession to the dumb comments they make they SHOULD be giving advise not like " YOU DID THIS WRONG AHH MY EYES! STOP NOW THE BACK ROUND LOOKS LIKE BLAHHHHHH" they should just give advise, personaly I think your mod is coming togather greatly keep working on it and dont let retarted people get you down.

Too late. He's already left, and there's nothing you can do about it, except play the latest version of his creations.
Proven False. Links Removed.
I thought he might be working on another project. So I found him on the internet.
ZEON, Z-Fox & FX Cannon © Dashster/DashFox2007
Dashster's Main Page

He's working on a another project StarFox: Shadows of Lylat.

StarFox: Shadows of Lylat Wiki(On there he is know as Dashster Fox)
By the way jrose and everyone else, that's not me, you can't find me any where but SRB2 on the internet, though I must say I'm surprised someone else has a Dash Fox character.

-DashFox out
So still lurking I see? Let me ask you something... How are those animated cutscenes going?
Well, I stopped working on this mod a long time ago, I know I said I wouldn't come back, but, I've been looking for an engine for my own game so I could extend Dash's World beyond just a mod for another game. I couldn't find anything I really wanted, so I'm just coming back to SRB2's engine now and modding it heavily. Especially since MD2 models can make the engine look much more modern...

I thought I would never return, but I guess I couldn't resist (:
Thats because Srb2 is IRRESSISTABLE!! *Shot*

I had high hopes for this mod, so I'm glad you came back.
I wasn't random, I was talking about how he canceled it when I was interewsted in playing it, the first part of my post is just a joke too.
DashFox2007 said:
Well, I stopped working on this mod a long time ago, I know I said I wouldn't come back, but, I've been looking for an engine for my own game so I could extend Dash's World beyond just a mod for another game. I couldn't find anything I really wanted, so I'm just coming back to SRB2's engine now and modding it heavily. Especially since MD2 models can make the engine look much more modern...

I thought I would never return, but I guess I couldn't resist (:
So, if your up for MD2's, up for a modler? Cause I could help
First development version:


Just a small change to srb2's data files
New console output for OpenGL
Interface changed a little
Added a couple super unfinished levels
A few changes to console commands (Like add instead of addfile, titlescreen returns to title screen)
Output text a little simpler
F10 shuts the game game down immediately
Other things that I'll list later

Notes: Modded off of super vanilla srb2 (svn stuff added later)
Mac version has problems launching (can't launch in certain directories)

Snipped, not a good release

PS: Opengl comes with a high res wiz model

Note: Type in 10ft97v on the website to download the file
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