Crawla Honcho, The Real Crawla Hero!
He's back and better than ever! By using the Toss Flag key, Crawla Honcho can do his Rocket Jumps! They work differently however; this time, they take a 2 second delay between jumps, but you can activate them in midair! You can even activate rocket jump multiple times in a single bound! Not only that, but because it uses its own button now, you can use the spindash normally, opening up extreme long jumps! Crawla Honcho is also, once again, an aquatics expert, allowing him to swim underwater and drive along its surface! He's truly an all-terrain machine!
So yeah, Crawla Honcho is much better than he was before, and it was a nice way to get my feet wet with Lua, but there might be improvements in the future. Perhaps a meter to show his "reload" time for the rocket jump, and getting a better charselect pic. But for now, enjoy Honcho! Land, Sea, or Air, it doesn't matter!
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