Just to be clear, i'm going to approach this with the assumption that input regarding character balance might actually be relevant if Blade is indeed in charge of all of these maps.
MAPR0: Race Alley Zone
I'm not sure how you would make this such that other characters stand a chance, besides some sort of retooling of that wind shaft shortcut, but for this map I don't particularly care - it's a decent enough opening map as it is.
MAPR1: Sonic Circuit Zone
Explain this one to me, because if there's redeeming value or anything remotely fascinating here, i'm not seeing it. I suppose it takes some degree of restraint to thok your way through the tunnel properly but come on, that's all there is to this place. Factor in the propensity for lag in netgames and we're left with a boring thokfest whose results will more likely be a crapshoot (or the usually lag-free host dominating) than anything resembling a fair race. Put it in Retro Pack or let it die.
MAPR2: Burning Sands Zone
Unless there's some trick to this with Knuckles i've not discovered, maybe something needs to be done to give him a chance on this map, because I routinely get spanked into the ground here by almost a whole lap, even by Tails users sometimes.
MAPR3: Emerald Coast Zone
Perfectly fine as it is
MAPR4: Toxic Citadel Zone
It's not outright terrible, but it is getting very creaky. It also shuts out the other characters so much that my way of enjoying the map (if you haven't caught onto my mischief in various servers yet) is to just run around the wrong way and see how many laps I can complete before the timer kills me. Er, anyway, this either needs a massive remodelling to be more interesting and up to 2.0 spec, or it needs to be kicked.
MAPR5: Frozen Night Zone
I see there's a shortcut tunnel before the last u-turn now. This mystifies me. The entire rest of the map makes it pretty apparent that anyone not named Sonic has no business trying to win, so the other two are not going to be getting any use out of it; therefore, that leaves Sonic w/ a Whirlwind Shield as the only one it's for. You can't get that shield here without getting lucky on the boxes. (Nor would you want to hit the random box inside the shortcut and risk giving it up.) So... this rather powerful corner-cut is only reserved for lucky people? Does not exactly sound fair or thought through... The remodelling work is quite nice, but the wall texture isn't, and those multicolored pillars seem a tad out of place.
MAPR6: Metallic Hall Zone
Little more texture variety is in order, leave everything else alone.
MAPR7: Heaven Pass Zone
While this is still alright, there's one thing: It has very inviting Tails and Knux shortcuts everywhere, and if you're up against even moderately decent Sonic users, your chances of winning are still totally kaput unless those people die at very fortuitous moments. Something about this does not really gel.
Warped Woods Zone not here
Oh for the love of god, don't tell me you're taking this out? There isn't anything wrong with this map that can't be fixed with a little re-profiling. Specfically, that stupid surprise u-turn after checkpoint 1. You could also tone down the slime patches I suppose to placate the whiners who can't dodge around them, but seriously? Boring rubbish like Sonic Circuit and Rainbow Dash over this? Is this map really doing so much harm?
MAPR8: Corrupt Shrine Zone
See Heaven Pass, but to a lesser extent.
MAPR9: Endless Woods Zone
Knuckles has perhaps more of a hard a time clearing a couple of ledges around here than is worth it, or i'm just not that great at this map. Either way, this is a keeper. Remove the last checkpoint, and take note that if you go overtop of the pillars on either side of the finish line (somehow - you never know), it does not count as finishing the lap.
MAPRA: Egg Hall Zone
Awesome. Renders Toxic Citadel obsolete, really. Perhaps kill the weather if lag is still a problem, and take out the enemies (nobody ever has the chance to notice those easter eggs, honestly). The shortcut path near the end is maybe a little too easy and could use more risk.
MAPRB: Crimson Caves Zone
Awesome (not so much without Volcano Valley BGM), but the lighting effect needs to be slightly - slightly - dialed back. The pillar jump sequence needs to be entirely replaced with something less obnoxious as Neo said.
MAPRC: Thunder Factory Zone
Kick ass as always. Maybe do some texturing to make the areas affected by wind more obvious, and make Sonic's run to the last checkpoint a touch less ruthless.
MAPRD: Rainbow Dash Zone
The fuck what? There is nothing here. It's even worse than Sonic Circuit since the platforms point you at just the right angle to thok at. Only noteworthy for the fact that it makes a mockery of PAZ1, which I guess qualifies it as a joke map then. Throw it out and don't look back.
MAPRE: Not A Thokfest Zone
Look. This was very cute as an OLDC entry, but when taken as a vanilla rotation map that doesn't have Hidden = 1 in the header, the joke ceases to be funny. That section with the low cielings is just cruel, and then comes unpredictable netgame lag to sock you in the gut. Inuyasha told me this map is guaranteed to be in 2.1, which if true is a mistake. If you think people go "AUGH SKIP" about Slumber Circuit too much now (I do), you just wait to see the reaction to this thing.