Greenflower Zone Act 1
Token #1
After the first Star Post, as you come to the water, turn right and look at the wall. The discolored part is breakable by a spin-dash, or by touching if you're Knuckles. Follow the path to the token.
Greenflower Zone Act 2
Token #1
In the a cave in the lake at the bottom of the gigantic waterfall. Follow the cave to the end, hit the spring, and pick up the token.
Token #2
On the lower path's cave near the very end of the path, in the small pool with a little bridge of rock over it.
Techno Hill Zone Act 1
Token #1
Near the end of the stage in the pipe room with the steam jets. Right before the diagonal spring, jump off the end towards the vertical pipe on the side. The token is hidden where the pipe connects to the pipe you were standing on.
Token #2
On the left fork after the second star post, after the river of slime, there is a hidden passage on the right wall that must be spin-dashed into. Follow the path until the area with the fans, and take the fans up to the alcove on the right side of the passage.
Techno Hill Zone Act 2
Token #1
After the first star post, take the path with the conveyors. On the second conveyor belt, after the crusher, look to the right side for a discolored section of the wall. Jump into it for the token.
Note: If you're Knuckles, you can glide to the discolored section wall and climb in, thus making you less likely to fall in the water.
Token #2
At the very beginning of the stage, on the left side of the opening room to the left of the conveyor belt is a discolored tile. Walk onto it and you'll fall through the floor, and spring up into the ceiling. Follow the hidden passage and you'll find a Liquid Shield. Now the hard part: Keep the Liquid Shield and make it to the last room with the big slime pit and the pipe. Jump into the slime pit, and walk around until you find the intake to the pipe. The current will take you through the pipe and into a secret room with the token.
Note: If you don't want or cannot access the Liquid Shield, there is an alternative method, requiring you to get hit by slime at least twice. Collect the wind shield from the top floor near the goal and gather rings, then drop to the slime while hugging the pipe door entrance. You will be harmed twice before exiting the pipe, but you should be able to grab the token without losing a life. You may also try this method without the Whirlwind Shield, but you must recollect some rings before finally entering the pipe in order to survive.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 1
Token #1
At the beginning, take the bottom path. After the cave, jump into the small pool on the right side. The token is in there.
Token #2
Where the path splits into four caves, take the second from the left.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 2
Token #1
In the room with the water and the pipes, jump into the water and find the passage with the current going the direction you want to go. It leads to a small room with some fragments on the ground. The token is hidden behind the fragments.