so when you copy your ipv4 into google and not said "this website can't be reached" ? too you have NAT/PAT service in your router ?
plus when you host and you go to master server page you see ping and players on your server ?
If there is NAT then there is no port forward(at least it's the case for me) as it already do the stuff.
Also you cannot check if your server is reachable via a web browser as you are hosting an SRB2 server and not a web server so in both case that will not work. To do that host vanilla on the master server and test query it(or check if there is a number of player and gamemode) on the master server page : . If it work then that work, if it doesn't it don't work.
Just check your windows firewall to see if you allow incomming connection to SRB2. If it still doesn't work then your computer cannot host.
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