Invalid Bit of a oddity with slope angles launching you?


Graphic & Sprite Modder.
Unsure if this could be a bug or if slopes are just picky with how they are used when it comes to angles. It wouldn't hurt to make a post about it just in case.

In this gif, the walls are at at angles of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225 270, & 315. The floor height for these slopes are at 128 so... puts the slope at roughly a 45 degree angle I think.

By using the slopes for wall angles 0, 90, 180, & 270... you will get launched into the air once you run up these slopes... however if you use the slopes at wall angles 45, 135, 225, & 270... you'll come to a dead stop and you won't launch into the air. Spin-Dashing has the same effect.


In this gif, same as above only the slope floor height has been raised to 184 from 128 so... puts the slope at roughly a 67.5 - 70 degree angle? Still the same layout, still the same wall angle.

By using the slopes for wall angles 0, 90, 180, & 270... you will get launched into the air once you run up these slopes. Now, when you use the slopes at wall angles 45, 135, 225, & 270... you will still get launched into the air. Spin-Dashing has the same effect.

I am just wondering if perhaps maybe this could be a bug or slopes are just that picky with how you use them but it feels odd whether or not you will get launched depending on the slope's angle as well as the wall angle. I can provide the example map used in the gifs if needed.
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I don’t know how momentum really works technically, but I’m willing to say that this is the slopes being very picky due to the angles of how they are set up. Although don’t quote me on that.
Any slope with an incline less steep than 45 degrees will not allow a "wall transfer" style launch. This is because otherwise you could vertically launch by running into any slope that went into a wall, even though transfers were only possible on half pipes in the classics. Both your gifs in the post appear to be the same, but I'd bet that the slope angle is just about shy of 45 degrees thanks to how the edges of your bowl even out a bit at the diagonals.
Both bowls are the same size besides the floor height between the red & blue areas, as the floor height for the slopes are at 128 in the red area & for the blue area they are at 184.

Doing some more messing around, if the floor height for the slopes at a diagonal wall is less than 182 height, they will not launch you but if they're higher than 182, they will launch you.

I'm including the test map that I used but with some slight changes after I gave it another look. The blue checkered floor in the red area has a floor height of '128' while for the blue area it's using dark checkered textures with the smaller one labeled '181' and the bigger one labeled '182' for their floor heights. The blue checker texture in the blue area is at '128' floor height. The walls for the bowls are still the same as before. It uses "MAP01".


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There is no bug here, you're just bad at math.
       /\         ↑
     /    \      128
   /        \     ↓
 /            \______
|\            /
|  \        /    \
|    \    /    /
|      \/    /  h = sqrt(128² + 128²)
|       |    /
|←-128-→|  \
|       |
If the cardinal direction slopes are 128 units long each, then the corner slope is a square with a side equal to the hypotenuse h, which Pythagoras tells us h² = 128² + 128², therefore h = sqrt(32768) = 181.019(...). Ergo, for the slope to be greater or equal to 45 degrees, its height must also be greater or equal to 181.019(...), so the minimum height for a wall transfer here is... wait for it... 182.

Working as intended
Ah... I see it now. I figure that if the slope sectors were connected correctly it would allow a launch but after looking closely at the steepness of the 128 height sectors after you explained it... I can see that the steepness at the diagonal walls are actually lower than the ones on on the straight walls, hence why I wasn't getting launched.

I apologize for the report.

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