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Big WadAuthor problem! It says I need to register!

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My WadAuthor tells me to register it and won't let me start it until I get a registration password and code. Does someone have the code and password?
Two words. Eleven letters. One begins with a D, and the other begins with an B. DB. The first ends with an M, but the seccond ends with an R.

Give up?

Insert theme song music here.
Doom Builder is good but the config file sucks, it's got stupid names for things (ie: Floating Platform is called "Verticle Movement"
DoomBuilder is too complicated for an individual who used WadAuthor for two years.

Though it really comes quite handy for the secondary jobs :D;
I used wadauthor for a couple years and I don't have a problem with Doom Builder, you just gotta spend a half an hour figuring out how it works >.>
It's too bad it doesn't have a polygon feature, though.. It's kinda hard to make "circles".
The main reason I don't use DoomBuilder is that as far as I can tell, it's just a WAD editor with a different set of quirks and stupid issues. With WadAuthor, I already know the stupid quirks, because I've been using it for a long time. With DoomBuilder I'd have to learn the quirks again. Until DoomBuilder comes out with a radical reason I should use it, I'm not taking the effort to learn the new interface.

I will say, though, that the Merge Sector feature really does rule. ^_^
Well, I fixed the problem. I tried Doom Builder, but it won't work on my PC. I'm just sticking with WA.
DOOMBUILDER is the only worthwhile SRB2 editor. Anyone who doesn't think so either hasn't tried it enough, or you're just plain stupid. WADauthor sucks. It's really crappy and not free. This is free. Just like XWE. The two are the ultimate. I have used only them and VC++ to write X-treme.
Or they aren't using it for the reasons I outlined above. Both programs have stupid issues. I already know WA's stupid issues. Hence, I use WA.
The only bad thing about DB is that it's nodebuilder is mostly innacurate. To get past that, just hit the all-knowing "Undo" button.
I'm fine with WA. I does what I want it to and I'm comfortable with it - thats all that matters.
Heck, I use SRB2 DOOM BUILDER and I already made like alot of maps with it.

However there's is error that won't go away...But it dones't even crash or anything...
The CFG file Makefile.cfg has errors and cannot be phrased,Error no spaces allowed in key names.

Nevermind I'll just have to stick with that.

By the way, SRB2 Doom Builder was the first thing I used. And It only took me like 7 minutes to know what to do.
Nickrawls08 said:
First of all, this goes in Suggestions and Help forum. You posted in Editing, which is for Wads in Progress.
Who cares? It's old as dirt.
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