Bandder submitted a new resource:
BandderCrawla - Base/Learning Tool - a crawla recreation, serving as a base, or as a source of knowledge for newcomers!
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BandderCrawla - Base/Learning Tool - a crawla recreation, serving as a base, or as a source of knowledge for newcomers!
So what is banddercrawla?
View attachment 129610
BandderCrawla is an almost completely accurate recreation of the Crawla in lua in an attempt to help newcomers learn how basic enemy code works, or for mappers to use as a base for their own cool badnik!
While the srb2 wiki is a great resource, there is no denying that it isn't enough for some people, who may need a more visual, and direct approach to making badniks, due to how the wiki shows freeslotting objects for a more...
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