Sorry for double posting but it's the only way to put this topic to be shown as "with-new-content".
Seriously, guys, I need TWO winners for it: one for the Official Contest and one for the Variations Contest (check entries at my page). The contest is not actually the serious problem, is more, it's annonying for me, too, but for some reason I'm developing a game here, no? And I said: the prize will be the first beta of that game.
You'll say: "and why are you continuing that stupid game?" First it's not stupid, and second make a game whose engine is enough good for be compared to the Sega one, with a good stotyline (well, OK, the cutscenes aren't in the game yet, but it have a storyline, and ORIGINAL, well, OK, not too original, but at least it's not the basic "stop-to-eggman-to-get-the-chaos-emeralds-again" used always in the Genesis days, just something interesting)... It's not a game for be lost.
"And then why you don't forgot that this is a prize of a stupid contest and then you post it?" Promises are promises, and never must be broken... And however, the avatar-editing contest is in my page yet...
Seriously, vote the winners NOW.