Are you computer-crazy?

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Yes. When I'm at my mom's or dad's, it's usually about 11AM to about 4AM in the morning.

At my nan's, I'm restricted. I'm there most of the time. About 1PM to 10:30PM. And this isn't a "9 and a half hours per day", it's "you can't use the computer after 10:30". Sucks terribly, seeing as I could be out the entire day, and if it's 10:30, I can't use the computer. This extends to all of my game consoles, too.

I really need to talk to my nan about it... I don't need to go to bed early anymore! (11:30PM, which IS early for me) (Or at least for the next few weeks). I finished school some weeks ago.. .-.
I'm either:

1. On the computer
2. Playing video games
3. Over at friend's house for hours (most likely playing video games)

for 95% of the day excluding sleeping.

TV sucks.

If for some reason a book passes my interest, I may be stuck reading for the whole day. But that almost never happens.
I stay on all day unless I want to head into town to get a new game/game console/try a new game console, watch a movie, go out with my mates (mostly go to friends to play some games I don't have :3), play some video games, or when I get called to do a chore or something. My mum doesn't restrict my computer time at all.
I'm not quite computer restricted, but my parents call me on it from time to time. Admittedly, I go on far too often, but with the amount of work I set for myself, it's the only way to keep up with it.

Penopat said:
TV sucks.

Penopat said:
If for some reason a book passes my interest, I may be stuck reading for the whole day. But that almost never happens.

You get the Harry Potter books over there, right...?
I usually go out for the day. Either cycling, or fishing.

I usually go on the computer in the morning, and in the evening.
I'm not computer-crazy. I do stay long on the computer but not like that. I usually check my emails, check my IMVU page, search for a better job online, studies, listen to music, play a game for like 1 hour, buying some things I need, and checking on the forums about some random topics.

Well, if you need me I'm gonna look for a job application.
I stay on my computer for so long at a time. I'm like, the Nerdiest Geek Ever at my school. My friend was before me, but then he introduced me to the wonderful world of TI Programming, and I have now taken his position as the nerdiest geek ever! Huzzah?
Fish hook said:
No one is nerdier or geekier than me!
*coughnoiamispendhalfthedayonthecomputerhalfonmytiandanhourwatchingsouthparkcough* If you could read that with no difficulity, kudos to you. *coughandyougetacookiecough*
Well I spend 23 hours and 45 seconds (one day) on the internet whaching Pokemon Diamond and pearl!
Yay free cookie!
*ahem* I also have the glasses, *munch* shand 'he Pshany Back *swalow* Panny Pack! And I sing white and nerdy all day long, I'm the smartest in my school and I have geeky friends!
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