Larz T
24/7 Tails AIO! Concern.
Here is a log containing some 'anoying habits on the MS' in the server called: 24/7 Tails AIO!
Notes: I need to send this to the beta fox to ban them. Underline names are me and bolded names are the concerns. I will not put the whole log in only the important stuff.
So clearly that's the concern I have. I am sharing this with Oreg, BetaFox, and all other people who host servers because this is ridiculous. If you want to make a movie thats probly not going to be good anyway, do it in the casual or anywhere but in Match servers or even Standered Servers. Making videos in Standered Servers in Match is not a good place nor the time.
Here is a log containing some 'anoying habits on the MS' in the server called: 24/7 Tails AIO!
Notes: I need to send this to the beta fox to ban them. Underline names are me and bolded names are the concerns. I will not put the whole log in only the important stuff.
Cheats have been activated.
Player 4 has joined the game (node 3)
Player 6 renamed to BleuMask
Player 5 renamed to Meep
Player 7 renamed to Goku SSJ3
Player 3 renamed to david from jason 2
Player 2 renamed to jason from jason 2
<jason from jason 2> no shelds
Player 1 renamed to Larztard
<Goku SSJ3> hi larz
<Larztard> Hey
Larztard entered the game.
jason from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's rail ring.
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's rail ring.
<jason from jason 2> i'm making a jason 2 vid no hiting actors
Meep was hit by Goku SSJ3's ring.
<Goku SSJ3> srry meep\
<Larztard> Here?
Goku SSJ3 was hit by Larztard's rail ring.
BleuMask was hit by Goku SSJ3's ring.
<jason from jason 2> yeah for jason 2 vid
Goku SSJ3 was hit by BleuMask's scatter ring.
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's ring.
Larztard was hit by Goku SSJ3's ring.
<jason from jason 2> it all takes place from srb2 match stages
jason from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's rail ring.
<jason from jason 2> no hiting actor
<jason from jason 2> goku be kunx
<Larztard> Can't you do it at your own serv?
<jason from jason 2> my port
<BleuMask> whats with the actors
<jason from jason 2> there for video
Larztard was hit by Goku SSJ3's ring.
<Larztard> ow
<jason from jason 2> goku to ise castle for video
Larztard was hit by Meep's ring.
jason from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's automatic ring.
The round has ended.
<Larztard> gg
<jason from jason 2> -_- not hiting actors!
<Larztard> srry cant help it
Speeding off to level...
Map is now "MAP98: AUTUMN HILL ZONE"
Unknown command '#'
Unknown command '#Credits'
Unknown command '#Player'
Unknown command '#Voting'
Unknown command '#Motions'
Unknown command '#Commands'
Unknown command '#Phun'
Unknown command '#CoolExit/CoolVote'
Unknown command '#Order/Agree'
Unknown command '#Admin'
Unknown command '#Admin'
Only the server can change this variable: cheats On
Only the server can change this variable: playersforexit All
Unknown command 'V?Gp'
01: jason from jason 2 - 255
02: david from jason 2 - 255
03: Larztard - 00 - self
04: Meep - 255
05: BleuMask - 255
06: Goku SSJ3 - 255
<Meep> why dont you make you own serv for the video?
<Larztard> Yeah
<jason from jason 2> my port is not right asshole
<Larztard> Dont need to curse.
jason from jason 2 was killed by Larztard's explosion ring.
Meep was hit by BleuMask's rail ring.
<david from jason 2> leave the server if you want to hit some one
<Larztard> Im just here trying to play
<Meep> and whats with the port things
<Larztard> No
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's explosion ring.
<jason from jason 2> stop that!
<jason from jason 2> hit meep
<Meep> o.o
Goku SSJ3 was hit by Larztard's explosion ring.
<Larztard> I would
Larztard was hit by Goku SSJ3's rail ring.
<Larztard> if I can find it
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's ring.
<Meep> im invincible
Goku SSJ3 was hit by BleuMask's rail ring.
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's grenade ring.
<Goku SSJ3> larz can u host?
<Meep> thats why he cant hit me
<Larztard> No
<Larztard> Not now
<Larztard> This isnt my regular computer
* Goku SSJ3 is bored
<Larztard> But I wish I could
Goku SSJ3 was hit by BleuMask's rail ring.
<Goku SSJ3> me too
Goku SSJ3 was hit by Larztard's grenade ring.
<Larztard> moine
<Larztard> *mine
BleuMask was hit by Goku SSJ3's ring.
<Larztard> lol.
Goku SSJ3 was hit by BleuMask's ring.
<jason from jason 2> hit some one thats not actor
<Larztard> Well Jason
<Larztard> Beta would throw a fit if he saw you guys doing this
<Larztard> He might ban yoi
<jason from jason 2> i'm a actor davids actor
<Larztard> *you
Meep was hit by BleuMask's rail ring.
<Larztard> still
<Larztard> This isnt a casual server
<Goku SSJ3> beta would be pissed
<Larztard> IK
Meep left the game (Connection timeout)
Goku SSJ3 left the game
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's explosion ring.
jason from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's explosion ring.
Player 5 has joined the game (node 4)
Player 5 renamed to Goku SSJ3
<Larztard> wb
<Goku SSJ3> damn still no servers]
The round has ended.
<Larztard> gg
Speeding off to level...
Only the server can change this variable: cheats On
Only the server can change this variable: playersforexit All
Player 7 has joined the game (node 6)
Player 7 renamed to Meep
<Larztard> YAY
Meep entered the game.
jason from jason 2 was killed by Larztard's ring.
<BleuMask> whats the yideo for
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's ring.
<david from jason 2> f12 people lar
Meep was hit by BleuMask's ring.
<Larztard> What?
Meep was hit by Larztard.
jason from jason 2 was hit by Larztard.
<david from jason 2> f12ing peoples good
<Larztard> No it's bullshit
jason from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's explosion ring.
jason from jason 2 was killed by Larztard's bounce ring.
<jason from jason 2> it was david not me@
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard.
jason from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's explosion ring.
<jason from jason 2> this is my home in jason 2
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's rail ring.
Goku SSJ3 entered the game.
jason from jason 2 was killed by Larztard's bounce ring.
<david from jason 2> stop it
<Larztard> No
BleuMask was hit by Meep.
<Goku SSJ3> ready for battle
<david from jason 2> go to other server
<Larztard> No
Player 8 has joined the game (node 7)
<david from jason 2> why
Player 8 renamed to Joao XD
<Goku SSJ3> there is none
<Larztard> This is the only good match serv as of now
Goku SSJ3 was hit by Larztard.
jason from jason 2 was killed by Larztard.
david from jason 2 was hit by Larztard's bounce ring.
Joao XD entered the game.
david from jason 2 was killed by Joao XD's ring.
Goku SSJ3 was hit by Larztard.
<jason from jason 2> hit meep!
<Meep> im to kewl to get hit
Joao XD was hit by BleuMask.
<jason from jason 2> wait why are you hiting us
<Larztard> Because
<Larztard> Its match
jason from jason 2 got nuked by BleuMask!
Joao XD got nuked by BleuMask!
<jason from jason 2> theres others to hit
<Larztard> DER
<Larztard> So
<Larztard> I hit who's in the way now beat it.
david from jason 2 was killed by Meep.
Goku SSJ3 was hit by BleuMask's rail ring.
Joao XD was hit by Larztard's rail ring.
Player 9 has joined the game (node 8)
Player 9 renamed to STEWIE
jason from jason 2 was killed by Larztard's rail ring.
<Goku SSJ3> stewie
Joao XD was hit by Goku SSJ3's ring.
<STEWIE> what
STEWIE entered the game.
Larztard was hit by Goku SSJ3's rail ring.
<Goku SSJ3> dammit
<jason from jason 2> i'm going to a nother server
STEWIE was hit by Larztard's explosion ring.
david from jason 2 was killed by Larztard's explosion ring.
jason from jason 2 left the game
<Larztard> finally
<Goku SSJ3> there is none
STEWIE was hit by Larztard's explosion ring.
<david from jason 2> noobs hit people lar
<Larztard> No
david from jason 2 left the game
<Larztard> Pros hit people
<Larztard> BIATCH
So clearly that's the concern I have. I am sharing this with Oreg, BetaFox, and all other people who host servers because this is ridiculous. If you want to make a movie thats probly not going to be good anyway, do it in the casual or anywhere but in Match servers or even Standered Servers. Making videos in Standered Servers in Match is not a good place nor the time.
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