Alien Lifeforms exposing themselves on October 14th?

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I'm putting a watch on this topic. It'll be funny to keep up with it. =))

Dr.Pepper said:
Angelus_the_echidna said:
Blast!!! They'll blow my cover!!
I don't think being part echidna makes you an alien. :P *clubbed*
"Echidna" is just part of my name. I used it because knux is one of my favorite choices. I guess I could have put "human" or something else that popped into mind. I think it's too late now...
If this does happen, I will orgasm. I highly doubt any of this is true though, and I believe in aliens. Also, if they indeed are trying to help us and come in peace, then maybe that proves 2012 maybe be the apocalypse.
Is it just me or are these hoaxes getting more easy to identify, I mean who can beleve this pile of kittens?
Eh, probably fake.

But if it IS real, I'd love to see a real alien and get some of their technology. *coughteleportationcough*
time gear said:
now im assuming these "alien lifeforms" have a earth calender? this is a hoax! Edit: more factors prooving this as a hoax: first i did some reserch of the matter, and gatherd info on this hoax. first a 2000 mile spaceship? WAY too heavy to fly, second, if they loved us, why would they cause mass panic? plus, if they covered the sky, there would be no sunlight. plants would die -> plant eaters would die -> preditors would die -> we would die. plus wouldent an alien capable of coming here from another planet be smart enough to find out that with time we could find them ourselves? plus, wasnt it one or two years ago they where saying that mars would be the size of the full moon in the sky? this is a halloween prank.

Few things wrong.

1. On the 2000 mile thing. You commented about how it couldn't fly. We're talkin' space here. No gravity, none, nada, zero. How do you think earth is floating right now?
2. They aren't trying to cause mass panic. They're (If THEY are even real.) trying to come to earth to prove their existence and help us move along in life and help us advance in technology. (*coughiwantmyportalguncough*)
3. Hold on, going back to 1. Where'd you get the part about it being a 2,000 mile space ship?
4. This is not a halloween prank. Why?

Because it's the 14th, not the last day of October. :o

I'm not saying I believe this WILL happen. I mean, I actually want it to, but I highly doubt it will.
Ghost_Zero said:
3. Hold on, going back to 1. Where'd you get the part about it being a 2,000 mile space ship?

It has been repeated many times throughout the videos, and comments.
Also, if they want us to believe this crap, they have got to get a better writer. Almost the whole video was just repeating the same damn thing. I think I would have a better chance at believing this if it was written by, say, the writer of that video "Message to Scientology. Anonymous generally.
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
AshuraXDemon said:
Well my theory if they know English is because the learned it from the World Wide Web? I don't really know.

Is that a reference to Buzzy the Fly? =D

Wow... Aliens? This is an interesting hoax (or actual event.) Can't wait to see an actual alien.
Conicpp said:
Why has nobody listened to me? IT'S TRUE RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!


why is nobody running?
I did but then I got hungry and had to run back home.
Joking aside I highly doubt this is true when some cardboard cut alien ship comes I'll be at home laughing.
Well, being a huge believer myself, I'm a little skeptical. If I do in fact see it, it will totally confirm my beliefs obviously. I think I've heard of this person before (who has telepathic contact or whatever) too...
Anyway, what I don't understand is why people are such idiots about this! For instance, "LETS TELL THE HUMANS ABOUT US THROUGH YOUTUBE!" It's OBVIOUSLY "us" uploading these things, the video is merely a QUOTE of what somebody allegedly heard through telepathy or however. Use commons sense, seriously. Do you think an alien would come down here, jump on somebody's computer, use a computer voice recording, and upload it to YouTube? I don't think so. And for those saying "Can't wait to see an alien," obviously didn't listen to the video. It specifically said that they would show a SHIP for "3 of our 24 hour day periods." And seeing as these being are so intelligent, OF COURSE they can speak our language! They've been "heard" speaking all sorts of languages! One more thing... The Mayan Calender, you've all heard of it. It ends in 2012 right? But it's not predicting the apocalypse, but a new beginning.

Got it now? =D
Conicpp said:
Why has nobody listened to me? IT'S TRUE RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!


why is nobody running?

I'M not running, because, even if this ISN'T an absurd hoax, they said they come in peace and love. Of course, does this also mean they come in truthfulness?
I don't get why people are taking a ancient culture's calander seriously.But back on subject, here is a low chance of there sentient life out there and ever if there is it would be IMPOSSIBLE to interact with each other the closest star is around 2 light years if I'm correct. But thatsjust my two cents.
chase said:
I don't get why people are taking a ancient culture's calander seriously.But back on subject, here is a low chance of there sentient life out there and ever if there is it would be IMPOSSIBLE to interact with each other the closest star is around 2 light years if I'm correct. But thatsjust my two cents.

Okay, three things. First, the nearest star is 4 light years away, not 2. Second of all, it is my view that the idea of there being no other sentient life in the universe is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE--there are thousands of trillions of stars and planets in the known universe, and numbers of stars and planets too high to print here in the meta-universe (the meta-universe consists of parts of the universe so remote that we will never see them because the universe will end before light from those galaxies reach us). Third of all, who's to say that anything we accept as impossible truly can't be done SOMEHOW? When you think about it, the only thing that is truly impossible is to prove that something is truly impossible.

Still, I don't think I believe this nonsense. Sounds like a massive hoax (I mean, the 'Federation of Light'? Come on!)
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