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Adventure Sonic (SA-Sonic) Progress

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That does sound like the way to go. I'll see if I can make that happen, then.

True, but I'm not going to just sit still and let the month pass me by. At this point, Metalwario's approaching "extra" territory, so it's mostly left to me. And the Lua-side of things can go a LOT faster than the spriting side.

SA2's intro? The entire GUN helicopter would explode if Super Sonic was in it.

Oh my ffff--...look, I made this meme, and I can take it away!! ( ...I wish

The main issues remaining are a need for optimization, mostly from all the debug options. The worst bug right now is a bug that makes the CEZ3 boss invincible, and it'll absolutely be fixed by the end of today!

I believe we're on-route for the estimated December release! I'm no longer going to announce sprites remaining at this point. Just know you'll hear at least a week beforehand when the exact release day will be!

NP! For the record, we appreciate the criticism! (...well, I say "we" prematurely. Who knows, maybe Wario hates your guts now!

Yeah! I've shown off the Golden Shield before, but let me go over it again in detail!

Go near Super Sonic without a shield to receive it. The Golden Shield protects from all elemental damage as well as spikes. Fall in a death pit and it'll boost you out once like SA-Sonic's own whirlwind shield ability. If you're super, the elemental protection won't matter, but your ring drain will be halved!

Keep in mind, the Golden Shield is linked to Super Sonic, so if he untransforms, the shield vanishes!

A flying Adventure Super Sonic can carry others players! Guess we don't need Tails anymore!

This is still around too! If you see Adventure Sonic charging a spindash, you may vault-jump off him for extra height! You can also do so from players holding a Lightspeed Charge, because it'd be annoying when the Ancient Light cuts off your spincharge otherwise.

Try doing this in conjunction with a spindash and glide or MetalSonic's float to really go zooming!

Anyways... Im thinking that "soup"er sa1-2tonic should be able to make other players fly along side him by pressing...
Weapon prev and weapon next? But alas im hoping that will come at a later date.
That does sound like the way to go. I'll see if I can make that happen, then.

True, but I'm not going to just sit still and let the month pass me by. At this point, Metalwario's approaching "extra" territory, so it's mostly left to me. And the Lua-side of things can go a LOT faster than the spriting side.

SA2's intro? The entire GUN helicopter would explode if Super Sonic was in it.

Oh my ffff--...look, I made this meme, and I can take it away!! ( ...I wish

The main issues remaining are a need for optimization, mostly from all the debug options. The worst bug right now is a bug that makes the CEZ3 boss invincible, and it'll absolutely be fixed by the end of today!

I believe we're on-route for the estimated December release! I'm no longer going to announce sprites remaining at this point. Just know you'll hear at least a week beforehand when the exact release day will be!

NP! For the record, we appreciate the criticism! (...well, I say "we" prematurely. Who knows, maybe Wario hates your guts now!

Yeah! I've shown off the Golden Shield before, but let me go over it again in detail!

Go near Super Sonic without a shield to receive it. The Golden Shield protects from all elemental damage as well as spikes. Fall in a death pit and it'll boost you out once like SA-Sonic's own whirlwind shield ability. If you're super, the elemental protection won't matter, but your ring drain will be halved!

Keep in mind, the Golden Shield is linked to Super Sonic, so if he untransforms, the shield vanishes!

A flying Adventure Super Sonic can carry others players! Guess we don't need Tails anymore!

This is still around too! If you see Adventure Sonic charging a spindash, you may vault-jump off him for extra height! You can also do so from players holding a Lightspeed Charge, because it'd be annoying when the Ancient Light cuts off your spincharge otherwise.

Try doing this in conjunction with a spindash and glide or MetalSonic's float to really go zooming!
This is starting to make me power hungry ngl
Post adds nothing to the thread but clutter. We don't need posts doing nothing but commenting on the page count, okay?
Act 97....we are so close to lucky 100! :wow:
methinks another kiddie or troll has joined the MB, I'm sure the banhammer will come swiftly enough.

Anyway, before we get off topic again I wonder what Pointy Sonic and SA-Sonic would look like together - seeing as they're essentially the Saturn and Dreamcast versions of Sonic respectively, it'd be nice to see them side-by-side! I also wonder who flies faster in their Super Forms since the two of them can fly, but I'm not sure who'd win in a race there.
three more zones and we'll reach the deeper part of SA-Sonic's Adventure Thread!

Literally everyone that is hyped and got SA-Sonic when it finally released::welcometoreleases::threat::shitsfree::wonderful::sadthumbsup::wow::knuxsmug:

A bit more and then we'll praise m.wario for summoning us all!:blink: we'll get on the 100'th thread! Man this is a long thread...Give us an announcement shine for the 100th thread celebration. You know we're all hedgehogs in this place...And we have the common fear of Sonic...🔫:worry:
Ok NOW I'm with chezi, stop the assumptions, stop the "act 97" stuff, just appreciate the project, this isn't a group chat or discord , this is a thread made specifically for posting this mods progress and appreciating the progress
I am, its just I've usually never see wip mods get this far into development so kudos to Metalwario. Praise our metal overlord!
Let's just get significantly to the point, this character is very bugless in most of them.
Assuming you’re talking about the mod as a whole:


But if you’re talking about what we’ve seen so far, it’s pretty safe to say Golden did a bang up job of detecting and removing bugs. After all, unless he intentionally showed us the glitch, name ONE gif that actually shows a glitch. Either you can’t, you did, or you’re not looking through 90+ pages of this stuff.
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