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Adventure Sonic (SA-Sonic) Progress

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As few commands as possible. I'm hesitant about another menu due to code bloat, and people would then expect a billion options and a save system soon after. I'll just have to decide soon enough.

It's optional. Super Sonic's "Chaos Control instant stop" is just an animation variant for Adventure Sonic's ledge safety feature. Don't hold any direction and you'll be stopped from slipping off ledges. But you'll keep running right off if you hold in the ledge's direction.

Same! Sonic Advance's environments and style perfectly encapsulate that era of Sonic! It really deserves some love!

He does. I did show off the spamdash on Super Sonic's SA1 mode reveal, and also why it wasn't super useful on him.

It comes bundled with SA-Sonic! I don't think I showed it off yet on the actual forums, so here!


Let me also show off both the SA1 and SA2 modes used in tandem!

Emergency!! Emergency! Maximum Threat Level detected! Super Sonic has infiltrated the Eggman base!
...how long can it remain standing?

As soon as this mod comes out

Soon... it will be in the triple digit's.
Anyways im also hyper hyped,
When i get this addon i will play emw5 all the way,
Then the mystic realm
Then Emw6 with sms in tow
Then multiplayer to see if anyone is also having fun.
These things take time. It may look pretty much complete but its up to the creators to drop it when they want.
Very true, it looks complete because we see all the completed stuff, but in the background SA Sonic using Spin Dash on the ledge then going back could teleport him into the sky and disable the use of light dash, only fixed by existing the game.
Yeah. I think we're all here because we love the project. And true Super Sonic in Sonic Adventure and SA2 for steam can only go so far.
The only reason why it’s reaching page 100 is because people keep coming in here to say things like when he could potentially release or what page number we’re currently on
Dude I've been seeing you responding, but it's only to correct someone as far as I know and they come off a bit rude now if you were a mod that's a whole nother story but it comes of as mini moding ( I think that's what it's called). what I'm trying to say is let the mods handle it if they wanna keep doing it and defying the mods word then let them get banned, also it's not the only thing we're here for, it's to show that we love this project and it's creator everything that has been said was to encourage wario and shine showing the length people would go for them and letting them know this project means a lot to all of us, I'm going stop talking now but I just wanted to get that off my chest I'm sorry if you found this offensive but it wasn't meant to be disrespectful
Post automatically merged:

Sorry for going on and on
Our lord Metalwario has a big soft spot for Sonic Advance. The GBA games are the closest we've ever gotten to matching Yuji Uekawa's artwork. So by decree of the spriting god, if you select the Advance palette, Super Sonic also uses his own advance palette!
So there is one big flaw here. The color of the shade, it apparently doesn't have a brown-ish shade, that's one thing that doesn't seem accurate about this colorskin. Not saying that it's bad, it just has a flaw.
Its just like looking at a lamp.
So there is one big flaw here. The color of the shade, it apparently doesn't have a brown-ish shade, that's one thing that doesn't seem accurate about this colorskin. Not saying that it's bad, it just has a flaw.
agree, copper's dark colors shows off the "brown" that you're talking about

something like this but lighter
So there is one big flaw here. The color of the shade, it apparently doesn't have a brown-ish shade, that's one thing that doesn't seem accurate about this colorskin. Not saying that it's bad, it just has a flaw.
I based my Advance supercolor on the Adv 2-3 sprites which used the lighter yellow shade for the shadows instead of the more brownish orange ones from Adv 1:
Advance 1 on the left, Advance 2 on the right:



The big thing is there just aren't that many shades in between orange and yellow in SRB2, which is why I went with the palette I did.

I did previously try my best to match the Advance 1 palette with the transition into oranges, but I found the orange to be way too saturated and overpowered for my taste:
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