there is no public domain (it does not matter if it is written in the constitution, we are only obliged to follow it because of the threat), since if it belongs to everyone it does not belong to anyone, ideas cannot have owners and that is obvious, besides being INFINITE it is impossible demarcate "ownership / territory" on an idea.
writing on a piece of paper that you own an idea doesn’t make you the owner of it in any way.
but it is normal to be afraid to support the end of copyright, after all we still have a child inside us shouting "I thought first so you can't do it like me ç-ç"
The whole purpose of copyright is to ensure that someone can use their original idea for their own purposes, usually for monetary gain. So, yes, writing an original idea on a piece of paper does make you the owner of that idea as it is a product of your imagination. Just because you don't think something should be the way it is doesn't mean that has to be the way it is. Copyright is one of the best ways to ensure that you are able to use your own characters and worlds to tell the stories that you want to tell. If everything went into public domain as soon as it's conceived, than we would be in a world without imagination where there is no purpose in creating our own characters and worlds.
Public Domain... means that no one person owns the property anymore, anyone can do anything with it.
I'm personally for copyright existing, but for a lesser time than in the US currently. Author's death + 70 years is absurd, and only exists because Disney is afraid of Steamboat Willie going Public Domain. Maybe author's death at most.
On top of that, the 70 years after death thing also helps the author's future generations profit off of it as well. If Mickey went Public Domain as soon as Walt Disney died, Disney wouldn't be the studio it is today because Roy wouldn't have been able to continue the cartoons
On top of that, the 70 years after death thing also helps the author's future generations profit off of it as well. If Mickey went Public Domain as soon as Walt Disney died, Disney wouldn't be the studio it is today because Roy wouldn't have been able to continue the cartoons
On top of that, the 70 years after death thing also helps the author's future generations profit off of it as well. If Mickey went Public Domain as soon as Walt Disney died, Disney wouldn't be the studio it is today because Roy wouldn't have been able to continue the cartoons
If you're referring to the fact that "Disney is a corrupt billionaire company" let me remind that they are hugely responsible for today's culture. Without Disney, there would be no Disneyworld, there would be no Gravity Falls, there would be no MCU, and there would be no inspiration for characters like Sonic. Disney is responsible for so many things that I can't even begin to list every single one and it's partially because of those copyright laws that kept the IPs safe
Oh wow, everyone. Disneyworld. We can't attack economic inequality and corruption, because we need Disneyworld. Don't you want Disneyworld, everyone? You don't want worker's rights, you want more Marvel movies. We need corporate plutocracy, because we need Disneyworld.
If you're referring to the fact that "Disney is a corrupt billionaire company" let me remind that they are hugely responsible for today's culture. Without Disney, there would be no Disneyworld, there would be no Gravity Falls, there would be no MCU, and there would be no inspiration for characters like Sonic. Disney is responsible for so many things that I can't even begin to list every single one and it's partially because of those copyright laws that kept the IPs safe
Disney gets to be a cultural landmark -> Disney makes money out of it -> Disney is a billionaire company -> Disney buys rights to well known franchises -> Disney gets to be a cultural landmark
All you're saying is that copyright makes culture purchasable. Disney did not have a hand in making half of the things they own by now. Not only your statement is incorrect, it's also meaningless.
Disney bought up Marvel, 21st Century Fox and even Pixar only in the last 20 years (2006, 2019 and 2009, respectively), all three of these were independent corporations or companies until those points. Disney did not create them.
Woah did things get going with this topic, well I guess I'll give my opinion on in general female characters in anything cartoons, movies, and video games as a whole.
While yes female characters deserve more attention and such I think that internet media is doing it wrong, now yes lesbians deserve to be at the very least treated with respect characters still need development with others so by randomly making two female characters fall in love with echother even though just a short bit before they were trying to kill echother with good reason to hate echother is still making the problem I have with most movies and tv shows where it's all about love with no reason for it existing other than pointless and limited fan service and that it's everywhere.
In general the movie and tv show community suffers from having the same thing over and overagain with it being the two most unlikely people fall in love in the most unlikely of situations and it's been going for decades and having it to where two woman fall in love with echother or two men fall in love with echother doesn't change the problem I just stated.
Another thing that happens is that most men characters get to be complex while with female characters are usually just black and white in terms of writing and that's just a problem that started because of stereotypes but it's still around a bit now of times and this also leads to characters like Amy Rose from Sonic the hedgehog having a personality that the same or too different from who she is in the Sonic the hedgehog games but to showcase how to make a bland character complex I'm going to look at Amy Rose in the Archie Sonic comics.
In the Archie Sonic comics Amy Rose is a girl who wants to join the freedom fighters but is turned down for being too young so she manages to gain a wish and wishes to become older finally allowing her to join the freedom fighters as she then immediately falls in love with Sonic the hedgehog, now let's look at her later on in the Archie Sonic comics where Amy Rose now has Cream the rabbit with her to help as Amy can make plans on the fly after her time being in the fight against Dr. Robotnik and understands that not everything is about her and that she may not be able to be Sonic's girlfriend but still chooses to work with the freedom fighters and we also see that Amy Rose still has some childish nature in her as she is really into fashion.
Amy Rose also puts even herself over others sometimes on the contrary from her past self who only cared about herself and Sonic only and Amy Rose has in general learned her lesson from many things in her past.
Now when we look at female characters in most media they are extremely slow to learn even the simplist of things, often have a personality of being a Mary Sue or Mario>(in which is basically nothing ), and are either ignored completely later on in the story or just used as fan service in almost every way possible .
In general people who make fan fictions or fan comics unfortunately manage to utilize characters better than the official companies who created that character themselves many times over and this continues to happen more and more, even a singular person can make a story better utilizing female characters even from the likes of disney which is a multi billion long lasting company.
Most of the things this is calling out is mostly disney, most movies and tv shows in general (especially on netflix), and most long lasting video game making companies.
If you read through all of this then thank you for reading through my long text box of ranting
The whole purpose of copyright is to ensure that someone can use their original idea for their own purposes, usually for monetary gain. So, yes, writing an original idea on a piece of paper does make you the owner of that idea as it is a product of your imagination. Just because you don't think something should be the way it is doesn't mean that has to be the way it is. Copyright is one of the best ways to ensure that you are able to use your own characters and worlds to tell the stories that you want to tell. If everything went into public domain as soon as it's conceived, than we would be in a world without imagination where there is no purpose in creating our own characters and worlds.
I can respect that there are reasonable arguments for copyright to exist, but this isn't one of them. Public domain only prevents someone from using an idea for monetary gain insofar as nobody is obligated to pay for it. There are many ways to fund a project before it's released to public and inevitably dissected, but fan projects don't even have that luxury due to the way current copyright laws are set up. Through your own logic, I shouldn't even be here making mods and music for SRB2, because I have no monetary incentive to do so.
To the extent where copyright is intended to protect a creator's right to utilize their own content, this is not always the case. There is plenty of academic research studying how copyright law has historically deprived black musicians from having legal protections on their own works. Copyright system only works if the system is accessible to everyone who needs it; in its current form, it's more of a weapon for capital accumulation.
On top of that, the 70 years after death thing also helps the author's future generations profit off of it as well. If Mickey went Public Domain as soon as Walt Disney died, Disney wouldn't be the studio it is today because Roy wouldn't have been able to continue the cartoons
Literally anybody could continue the cartoons if it was public domain. And I don't care for Disney getting to build his corporate empire seventy years after he's already died.
The whole purpose of copyright is to ensure that someone can use their original idea for their own purposes, usually for monetary gain. So, yes, writing an original idea on a piece of paper does make you the owner of that idea as it is a product of your imagination. Just because you don't think something should be the way it is doesn't mean that has to be the way it is. Copyright is one of the best ways to ensure that you are able to use your own characters and worlds to tell the stories that you want to tell. If everything went into public domain as soon as it's conceived, than we would be in a world without imagination where there is no purpose in creating our own characters and worlds.
actually the purpose of copyright is to threaten or arrest people who earn money from ideas that the government considers similar to yours. by the way, "yours" is wrong, you can't prove that you were the first to think about it because you can't read anyone's mind, besides that, once again, it is impossible to demarcate property on an idea, you can only threaten other people through government "law".
and that is not to own an idea, it is only aggression against innocents. I am not imposing anything on anyone, it is only logical, it is obvious if you put aside your personal opinions and think more.
when you say you defend copyright, you’re agreeing to prevent people from using your paper, your computer, your pencil, your home, or anything that belongs to them just so they don’t profit from an idea that you consider yours.
I also thought that without copyright people would no longer encourage their imagination to produce new ideas and profit from it, but I realized that it is not true, people will have ideas, and they will sell them as they can to earn any possible money, and others people will do the same.
Public Domain... means that no one person owns the property anymore, anyone can do anything with it.
I'm personally for copyright existing, but for a lesser time than in the US currently. Author's death + 70 years is absurd, and only exists because Disney is afraid of Steamboat Willie going Public Domain. Maybe author's death at most.
public domain means that the government will no longer threaten anyone who has ideas that he considers his own. the word "public" itself does not make sense, it’s just the government’s just that, the government isn’t the people, they are just politicians.
I'm back from a week of absence and I've noticed how this thread is about copyrights and not about female characters in the series anymore.
It would be a bit Utopist to wish for a copyright-free world but sadly the small group of old men who are making the rules about intellectual property don't...
Even Mickey and The Little Prince should've been public domain characters.
If the next Sonic game had Blaze as a cameo I would be a bit more happy about the franchise.
I personally think that there very underrated because many of them go through many changes such as amy rose witch (already stated) was a damsel in distress and then became Sonic's stalker in the dark eras of sonic but slowly just became one of Sonics many friends and certain sonic girl characters (Like blaze and sally) just go under sega's radar I get sally was gone because ...well ya know ken penders and crap but blaze just...... disappeared after unleashed and just appears in spin offs now and the community(some of it) just looks at them as shipping fuel (sonamy sonaze you get the jest) so yeah there pretty under-rated
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