A new Sonic game.

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Omega the Hedgehog said:
Credit goes to Omega for finding these. I assure you, some of the stuff on here you won't find on the cute little generic sites we all know you go to :wink:
Omega, you failed. You failed so hard, your grandmother's urethra exploded. Almost all of those pictures are on Sega Japan's website.
Hmm, I'm a little disapointed that there's no Shadow but, since he's getting his own game I think it's all right. I'm just so happy they used this boarding idea :) ! By the way, for everyone who is wondering why they are trying to stay away from on foot racing game is because on recent Sonic games Sonic has been made so much faster but, if they put all the characters on boards, they will all ride at close to the same speed. (No offense to Knuckles fans but, an on foot Sonic vs. Knuckles race, no attacking allowed. Can you truthfully tell me you can see Knuckles winning that?)
They give Shadow his own game yet not a spot here? :| I am disappointed too. Even more so at the new characters. I sorta liked Cream because she seemed like a somewhat good new character. (Shadow = Dark Sonic, Rouge = Sex sells D:, Big = Lame Lard-'Tard, though Cream does look like filler. :S) But jeez...three new characters at once? :| I was kinda happy when they revived three out of the four old Chaotix members from Knuckles Chaotix cause I was like "Oh, yeah! Smart move, reviving old, favorite characters..." Then they pull this crap. x_x Enough new characters Sonic Team, the ones we had in the Genesis/Mega Drive games were good enough. STICK TO THEM
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