Mecha Idol
HatsuneZaku submitted a new resource:
Son ic, a hhhedge... hog (v1) - a gargling little freak, here to suffer for your amusement
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Son ic, a hhhedge... hog (v1) - a gargling little freak, here to suffer for your amusement
Say hello to the new hit video game mascot all the kiddos are going bananas for, Son ic!
View attachment 62975
View attachment 62976
Packed with 15 and a half bits of Blurst Porcessing, you'll fall in love with his radicul atotude- or your money back!
Some sort of horrific copy of a copy of a copy of a copy (with diminishing returns), Son ic delights adults and children alike with his catched phrases, such as "Gone...
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