4-Kids is subbing Sonic X!

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Hmmm. Shocked? Not really, but they finally got the picture.

Lets see if it's a slight improvement, emphasis on slight.
I wonder if they're going to bother bringing the subs to DVD too.

I REALLY hate to say this, but I think some of the dub lines work better than a few of the sub lines.

Sub: It's impossible!
Dub: Bye!
glaber said:
I wonde if they're going to bother bringing the subs to DVD too.

They better damn well bring it to dvd! I've been waiting years for something like this. Only complaint is that Japanese Chris is almost more annoying than English Chris.
This would be a good thing were it not for the fact that Sonic X sucked in the first place. 4kids actually had surprisingly little to do with that.

Also, subs are not innately better than dubs, they just tend to be.
Draykon said:
4kids actually had surprisingly little to do with that.
wrong! the japanese version is 100% perfect (like they always are) and as usual with their hate 4kids ruined it to death by killing ryan drummond!! what are you talking about!

[spoiler:efb37cb5c4]I like 4Kids' job on Sonic X. A flipoff removed, music changed, a 'killing' toned down, a imitatable DVD player theft scene gone and some flashbacks to stretch the time into American standard show time slots doesn't mean it's ruined forever. I also liked Chris. Sonic X was never meant to be taken seriously, and is a better show than Naruto. Cutting an anime's questional bits up for domestic Saturday morning kids' network TV (for the TV-Y7 rating and not offending parents) is a harder feat than you can imagine.[/spoiler:efb37cb5c4]
Oh, boy! 4kids is giving you the japanese voice actors! Big whoop, I don't see what the deal is with subs. It's just a bunch of gibberish you don't understand with english text on the bottom. I'd rather have english voice actors, even if they are horrible.
Now, if you know japanese, and you want these, then I can understand. But if you don't, I don't see why you would. Maybe if someone could explain to me the whole sub/dub deal I might get it.

Also, I never really watched sonic x, so I'm meh on this.
Jellybones said:
Oh, boy! 4kids is giving you the japanese voice actors! Big whoop, I don't see what the deal is with subs. It's just a bunch of gibberish you don't understand with english text on the bottom. I'd rather have english voice actors, even if they are horrible.
Now, if you know japanese, and you want these, then I can understand. But if you don't, I don't see why you would. Maybe if someone could explain to me the whole sub/dub deal I might get it.

Also, I never really watched sonic x, so I'm meh on this.

Your not missing much. In a true nutshell, it's just a spinoff that got an extra spinoff in it's last season in the US.
Jellybones said:
Oh, boy! 4kids is giving you the japanese voice actors! Big whoop, I don't see what the deal is with subs. It's just a bunch of gibberish you don't understand with english text on the bottom. I'd rather have english voice actors, even if they are horrible.
Now, if you know japanese, and you want these, then I can understand. But if you don't, I don't see why you would. Maybe if someone could explain to me the whole sub/dub deal I might get it.

Also, I never really watched sonic x, so I'm meh on this.
It's not that it's a sub, it's that they're using the original dialogue. If they dubbed it word for word instead of adding all the stupid puns, etc, most of us would be happy.
If any of you watched the video, You'd see that the music and dialog is a hundred freaking times better than the English version!
Jellybones said:
Maybe if someone could explain to me the whole sub/dub deal I might get it.
In general, people prefer subs because the original version has the audio as the original authors intended it. Subs also generally get rid of the common issue where a short Japanese phrase becomes a long English phrase, or vice-versa.

A good example is something that came up recently in #srb2fun. "osuwari" is Japanese for "sit", and is used constantly in Inuyasha as it's the command Kagome can use to punish Inuyasha. However, "osuwari" is a 4-syllable word. "sit" is a one-syllable word, which led to the dub using "sit, boy" instead so Kagome's mouth didn't keep moving after the word ended. While it's frequently easy to add words to the end of something to prevent that issue, it's very hard to do it the opposite way, and short phrases becoming longer in English is quite common. This'll cause parts of the original dialogue to be dropped in translation because there simply isn't room.

There's also the issue that the Japanese version frequently has a much higher budget for voice acting, which means they can get people that don't sound absurdly stupid to voice the characters, something that dubs had a major problem with up until recently. Even if I can't understand Japanese, most of the time the Japanese audio simply sounds more natural than the English audio because the voice acting is of higher quality.

Now, personally I think a _good_ dub is far better than a good sub, because then I can understand it naturally. The sad reality, though, is most dubs really suck, and Sonic X is a perfect example of a terrible dub, even ignoring 4Kids censorship. That's why most people, myself included, prefer to watch anime subbed.
Dragon Ball Z is an example of a good dub, as the Japanese Goku sounded terrible. I can't stand to watch the subbed version. DBZ Uncut is a lot better.
Mystic said:
Now, personally I think a _good_ dub is far better than a good sub, because then I can understand it naturally.

See: Fullmetal Alchemist; Death Note
Also, Cowboy Bebop and Akira. I actually can't bear the Japanese voices in either of those.

That said, it's pretty boss that 4Kids is doing this. If only because it's hard to find a decent subbed Sonic X anywhere else on the internet.
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