Wow, are we already nearing 200k? That seems so...impossible. I remember being here for 100k:
So, yeah. I just thought I'd make a little post about it. Do you guys have anything to say before we reach the big 200k?
EDIT: Isn't it ironic how the 200k post falls coincidentally right around the time of the 10th anniversary?
EDIT2: lol
DarkWarrior in the 100k topic said:As the 100,00th post approaches, this is a time to think about this community.
This arrival will soon mark a milestone in the SRB2 community. It shows that SRB2 has grown much over the years. We have more and more servers up, and fans coming in by the dozens. New members are coming in all the time. Daily, posts on top of posts are made. Topics are getting responses in record times. It really is a remarkable step.
Sadly, however, the 100,000th post mark comes with a price. And what a price. We've had the worst posts seen since the boards came up in the last year. We've had people breaking rules incessantly. We've had bumps, pointless posts, and Role-Playing/Chat servers by the dozens. People are being suspended day in and day out because they can't follow simple rules. It's truly sad that so many bad things have contributed to this mark.
So, what's so special about this 100,000th post? Besides the spam that inevitably follows, some people may genuinely appreciate this reach. And it is for those that I write this. Personally, I'd like to see the 100,00th post become a new beginning for these boards. A shining star in what has become a black night. I'd like to see users contribute their talents to SRB2. Not just make maps or characters to look cool. Not put minimal effort into their work just to release something. I'd like to see users work together, make things of quality. Even work together to make these things happen. Make an attempt to improve their post quality. Try to follow the rules.
Not only that, but I'd like to see users become genuinely helpful. Try to assist newbies, when they deserve it. Try to make an effort to help instruct those who don't understand. True, sometimes there are cases where a dressing-down is called for. But why ensure that every new person has to take it? Some people genuinely need help, and it is for these people who may have something to contribute that we must work for. I'd like to see an effort from oldbies and newbies alike to make this community what it once was.
Many can agree that the SRB2 boards have gone way down in the last year. But following the above recommendations, we CAN fix this problem in the community. So let's take this opportunity for a turnaround. Let's make this community great again. There are so many ways we can all contribute to make these boards right again. So, let's make the 100,000th post something to be proud of, not a symbol of what was wrong with the community. And when we reach the 200,00th post, we can look back and be proud of the accomplishments and steps we all took to improve these boards.
ST218 from the 100k topic said:You know, when I really think about it, it's dammed scary how long we've been around.
When you really think about it, for the last few years, we've been three zones. Sure, we've had mods, and previews and all that, but when you consider that we've only had three zones in the single player department, and we've come this far, it's amazing.
It's also amazing when you think about our individual histories. Some of the oldbies here-not like me, I mean Digi, Mystic, and of course SSN and Arrow-the ones who've really been around the block-when you think about how long they've been here, it's scary, and it's a real testament that the game and community has held so many people for so long. And even some of the second generation oldbies (as I like to say), me, FF, Spazzo, Ritz, etc., when you think of how much time we've invested in this community and SRB2 itself, I don't think it's a miracle that the community is still alive, it's alive and well because of all of us wanting to continue.
Of course, all this from the guy who drops off the internet more than anyone, really.
So, yeah. I just thought I'd make a little post about it. Do you guys have anything to say before we reach the big 200k?
EDIT: Isn't it ironic how the 200k post falls coincidentally right around the time of the 10th anniversary?
EDIT2: lol
Spazzo in the 100k topic said:DarkWarrior said:And when we reach the 200,00th post, we can look back and be proud of the accomplishments and steps we all took to improve these boards.
Are you suggesting that we actually will reach 200k? I still haven't gotten over 100k!