This is a gigantic bump as I'd like to get some more feedback, and there are different people active this time of year. If you already replied but your opinion has changed, feel free to reply again with an update. If you're new, I'd love to hear from you. If you're that oldbie that never replied to this the first time, gimme feedback damn you ;_;
I'd also like to ask if you guys have any brilliant ideas for extra emblems (such as the Perfect Bonus emblem). I'd like to add more but it's important to avoid turning them into an achievement system. Anything added needs to be either cool on its own or teach players mechanics they might not already know.
I'd also like to ask if you guys have any brilliant ideas for extra emblems (such as the Perfect Bonus emblem). I'd like to add more but it's important to avoid turning them into an achievement system. Anything added needs to be either cool on its own or teach players mechanics they might not already know.