
  1. Varren

    SRB2 Control Binder (preset binding)

    I use multiple controllers between using keyboard only every now and then, so decided to make a program that allows you to back up your current control scheme, and swap between as many as you need To use: Have your controls set in-game, drop config.cfg from SRB2's game folder into the...
  2. J

    [Open Assets] SRB2 Query in python

    Python implementation of SRB2 Query Can be used to request info from an SRB2 server Example of usage: source code how it could look The code for SRB2 Query can be found here I have also attached the current master, but keep in mind that the latest...
  3. shado

    SCCSCC – a custom skincolor creation tool

    So in the time since 2.2.6 dropped, we got a browser tool which converts any gradient you can define into a ramp of PLAYPAL indices, and one which allows you to define a ramp visually, color-by-color. I present a GUI which puts all the parameters in one place, lets you build a ramp out of as...
  4. ChrisFurry

    Skin Ramp Generator

    I have created a simple program to help with the skincolor making process. It only generates the "ramp =" part. It is a simple program made in clickteam, it should help a lot though. Maybe in the future ill have it generate the full script
  5. Varren

    SRB2 Control Binder (preset binding)

    I use multiple controllers between using keyboard only every now and then, so decided to make a program that allows you to back up your current control scheme, and swap between as many as you need To use: Have your controls set in-game, drop config.cfg from SRB2's game folder into the...
  6. J

    [Open Assets] SRB2 Query in python

    Python implementation of SRB2 Query Can be used to request info from an SRB2 server Example of usage: source code how it could look The code for SRB2 Query can be found here I have also attached the current master, but keep in mind that the latest...
  7. [4DR] CosmicTailz

    [Utility] SRB2Kart, now with Wii controls!

    Are you tired of using your keyboard to play SRB2 Kart? Well this is the pack for you! You don't apply it to the game's files, but instead use an external program that lets you use a Wii controller (Or PS3 Sixaxis) as your keyboard and mouse! I have made files that can be inserted into the...
  8. JArmstrongArt

    [Utility] SRB2Kart Mod Loader Wizard + GUI Mod Loader Wizard - Version 2.0

    ---THE SRB2KART MOD LOADER WIZARD--- What? Here's a simple, handy tool I put together in Python over about 2 hours, the SRB2Kart Mod Loader Wizard. This tool makes it so that you can load up a folder of mods for SRB2K before the game begins without having to write out the .bat files yourself...
  9. Sparkette

    [Open Assets] Blender template for rendering SRB2 sprites

    I created this as an alternative to drawing each angle of a sprite manually. If you're skilled with 3D modeling, you can use this template to create (what I think are) pretty decent looking sprites for SRB2. Included is the .blend file, instructions for using it, and a demo WAD, so you can...
  10. HitCoder

    [Open Assets] LauncherBlast2 reBoot

    The current version is: reBoot-1.4 Hello sonic fans, I appear out of nowhere to present to you, yet another SRB2 launcher. This time, it's LauncherBlast2 again- but wait.. that's right! it's a reBoot (i'm sorry for the awful pun i promise I'll crawl back into my lil' corner when this is...
  11. fickleheart

    [Open Assets] Kartmaker - Sprites to WAD in record time

    This is a simple utility that automatically creates a character WAD for SRB2Kart from a working folder. It handles separating a sprite sheet into multiple sprites, applying the appropriate wheel shine for each frame, rendering the vibration effect, converting graphics to the SRB2 palette, and...
  12. MascaraSnake

    [Open Assets] Zone Builder

    NOTE: This post and its attachments are outdated. Please check the Overview for more up-to-date information, and use the Download button above for the latest version. 03/12/2017 - v2.8 - Two bugfixes 03/11/2017 - v2.7 - A bunch of stuff that has been sitting around for way too long...