[SUGOI 2] Oh My God! It's Joseph Joestar In SUBARASHII: X-Mas Mode In July


Kart Krew™️
SUBARASHII will assume you have already gotten the ~True Ending~ in SUGOI. If you haven't done so, and wish not to be spoiled, you should go do that now.


Sonic Uncovers Banning And Realizes Anime Spoilers Hurt Intricate Ideas is... a mouthful. I mean, it's the sequel to SUGOI, a community project that ended up way more successful than I had ever anticipated! So I thought, why not make a sequel? Turns out, this also became more successful than I had ever anticipated! If you missed out last time, here's what went down: I gave everyone a month to make a level, tied them together with a hub level and a final boss, and released it! It's the result's a mod by the community, for the community! None of this would've been possible without the massive contributions I received. While the basic format is the same as last time, I tried to do some extra stuff to make this one unique in its own ways.

Let's see what the back of the box says:
  • 48 fully featured levels, with 7 being unique Emerald Stages!
  • A shop system to give you helpful items in tough levels!
  • An all new Marathon Mode for speed runs!
  • Features work from over 60 different contributors!
  • The exciting continuation of the plot!
  • More gosh dang anime.

Before you can play SUBARASHII, you will need the parent game, Sonic Robo Blast 2. You can find the download over at www.srb2.org. It is highly recommended you have an understanding of the original game before trying SUBARASHII. Afterwards, you can boot up SUBARASHII like any other SRB2 add-on.​
  • Opening the included .bat file, labeled "Play SUBARASHII". This method is the most recommended. If you have SRB2PlusC, then you may use "Play SUBARASHII (PlusC)" for IO save file support.
  • Using the addfile console command. Open up the console, and enter in "addfile scr_subarashii_v1.wad". It is highly recommended you do so at the title screen, and not in-game.
  • Using the command line. Running the game with the parameter "-file scr_subarashii_v1.wad" will load SUBARASHII.
  • Using a third-party launcher program. Instructions and support on using these programs should be provided by creator of the program used.

here we last left off in SUGOI, Sonic the Hedgehog found all of the hidden Chaos Emeralds, and got through the treacherous Garanz Site Act 16. However, after doing so he ran into Dr. Eggman, and his latest invention: Anime Eyes Sonic. Sonic was merged with Anime Eyes Sonic, becoming an all-knowing weeaboo of infinite power, as Knuckles the Echidna makes a last second escape before he too was claimed.​
Now, Eggman has befriended his previous arch-nemesis, hanging out and discussing anime and manga with Anime Eyes Sonic all day long. However, this newfound friendship doesn't last for very long, when Eggman asks him who is the best girl. Anime Eyes Sonic answers poorly, which sends the doctor into a fit of rage! Proclaiming that Anime Eyes Sonic had failed him, Eggman knocks the anime out of Sonic and sends him into the Shadow Realm.​
In the Shadow Realm, Sonic meets up with a gang of hundreds of Shadow the Hedgehogs in their house. They team up to find Hypermysteriousshadonic123311, the only being that is powerful enough to stop Eggman's fiendish plan to destroy Pueblo City!​

SUBARASHII shares most of the controls and its mechanics from its parent game that will not be covered here. However, there are a few key differences.​
    The emerald tokens have changed from normal SRB2. Instead of being sent to the next special stage at the end of a level, they will be added to your Emerald Token counter. You can spend these in the hub level, either in the shop or to enter Emerald Stages.​
  • HUB:
    Starting a new game will bring you to Joestar Manor, the hub level of the game. Here, you can select a level, buy items, or enter an emerald stage.​
      Simply hop into a painting representing the desired level in the hub, and you'll be met with the voting screen. Here, the level name and author will be displayed. Simply press the Jump key to accept, or Spin to decline. If accepted, then you'll warp to the selected level. Otherwise, you'll be brought back to the entrance of the hub. In multiplayer, the majority's vote determines if it is successful or not. If the level is an emerald stage, the token cost will also be displayed.​
      Each gate in the hub is blocked by a certain number of Emblems. There are various ways to get emblems. You will naturally get an Emblem by completing a level. You can also find Emblems hidden in most levels, and earn Emblems in Record Attack mode by achieving certain goals. Going for as many Emblems as you can in levels you enjoy will unlock gates quicker, while only completing stages can be much slower and more tedious. The ultimate goal is to unlock and complete the single level behind the Final Tower gate, but collecting as many Emblems as you can may net you extra unlockables and extra content. Due to the lack of emblems in multiplayer, progression is based on number of maps beaten instead.​
      On the second floor in the right wing of the hub level is the shop. Step on the platform, and the shop interface will be brought up. This menu shows the currently available items, the Emerald Token cost and the description of the selected item, your currently held item, and your current number of collected Emerald Tokens. The Strafe Left/Right keys change which item for sale is selected, the Jump key buys the selected item, and Spin exits this menu.​
    Emerald Stages work differently from the normal levels. In addition to the normal level completion emblem, they also give out a Chaos Emerald! However, it costs an Emerald Token to enter one each time. Losing any Emerald Stage will bring you back to the hub level. If you find that an Emerald Stage is giving you too much trouble, you can buy out Chaos Emeralds from the shop, but at a much more expensive price. Most Emerald Stages have a special gimmick or alternate control scheme, as well, which are documented here.​
    • GREEN EMERALD: Greenflower Grove Zone 1
      In this emerald stage, you play a recreation of Sonic 3D Blast. Defeat the enemies, collect all of the Flickies and bring them to the exit ring to get the Chaos Emerald.​
    • PURPLE EMERALD: Tropical Island
      A simple 2D level, but instead of rings protecting you from hits, you have a dedicated Energy meter. It depletes over time and when you get hit. Get to the end of the stage without draining your Energy to get this stage's Chaos Emerald.​
    • BLUE EMERALD: A Minesweeper Field
      The goal of Minesweeper is to uncover every safe tile and to place flags on all of the mine tiles. Pressing Spin uncovers the tile you're standing on, while Jump places a flag on the tile. On an uncovered tile, the number indicates how many mines are in the 8 tiles around it. By using the process of deduction, you can figure out which tiles to flag and which to dig.​
    • CYAN EMERALD: Unknown Temple 1
      Controls and plays like a normal level, but it has a timer. Press all of the switches and reach the end before time runs out to get the Chaos Emerald.​
    • ORANGE EMERALD: Shade Mountain Zone
      To complete this stage, you must fly a hang glider through the dark cavern. You can press up or down to fly in that direction, and hold Jump to accelerate. Every second, you will lose 2 rings. Fly through the Giant Rings to replenish your ring supply until you can reach the Chaos Emerald.​
    • RED EMERALD: Songuri
      Take to the skies in this shoot-em-up for the Chaos Emerald! Pressing Jump shoots a laser, while pressing Spin will shoot a rocket; lasers are weaker but faster, while rockets are stronger but slower. The colored target reticule shows what you'll shoot. Press and hold Custom Button 1 to dash, increasing your speed and canceling out your firing animation. Dashing through lasers and defeating enemies will fill up your Hyper meter. Once the Hyper meter has been filled, you can press Custom Button 2 to fire a hyper beam at the targeted enemy and gain a few seconds of invulnerability. Defeat the boss to get the Chaos Emerald.​
    • WHITE EMERALD: Highly Responsive to Hedgehogs
      The long awaited SRB2 adaptation of Touhou. You can move left and right, and press Jump to shoot. Tapping Spin when standing still waves your wand around to destroy bullets, while pressing it when moving does a slide. The goal is to knock the Yin-Yang Orb around the stage to flip all of the cards on the screen. You can knock the orb around by shooting it, hitting it with your wand, or sliding into it. Be careful, as touching the ball without hitting it back will kill you! Each screen has a timer; let it run out, and bullets will continuously rain down until you die or flip the remaining cards. Clear all of the screens to get the Chaos Emerald.​

  • There is a path split that determines the ending of the game. A secret path will open in the final level when all 7 Chaos Emeralds are collected.
  • Emerald Practice unlocks after beating the game. You can attempt any Emerald Stage here freely without any consequences.
  • Marathon Mode unlocks after getting the secret ending. This lets you test how fast you can get through all of the levels in order. Displayed in the bottom-right of the screen is how long you've spent in Marathon Mode. After the credits, your final time will be displayed. Marathon Mode will persist, even if you return to the title screen, until you return to the hub level or quit the game.
  • Once Marathon Mode is unlocked, you can find the Music Test (as well as the rest of the secret levels) in the Gallery, on the second floor of the hub level. The Music Test menu shows the currently playing song, and information on the song you have selected. The Strafe Left/Right keys select a song, the Jump key plays it, and the Spin key leaves the menu.

MAP01, MAP02, MAP09, MAP10: Green Flowers Zone (Hedgefox)
  • Music (Act 1): "Green Hills Zone" from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-Bit)
  • Music (Act 2): "Aqua Lake Zone" from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-Bit)
  • Music (Act 3): "Rainy Savannah" from Sonic Drift 2
  • Music (Act 4): "Boss (Game Gear)" and "Boss (Master System)" from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-Bit)
  • Boss (Act 4): ManimiFire
  • Additional assistance: White T.U

MAP03: Holiday House Zone (TexDreemurr/PSI Pikachu)
  • Music: "Snow Mountain" from Super Mario 64
  • Additional assistance: Sapheros

MAP05: Frozen Valley Zone (Tonic ze Hedgefox)

MAP07: Holiday Hill Zone (SeventhSentinel)
  • Sprites: VAdaPEGA

MAP08: Bubble Tides Zone (TehRealSalt)
  • Music: "Pacific Paradise Zone Act 2" by SeventhSentinel (https://clyp.it/kslhroko)
  • Additional assistance: SeventhSentinel

MAP11: Plastic Factory Zone (Steel Titanium)

MAP12: Funky Headquarters Zone (Puppyluvv)

MAP13: Sapphire Frost Zone (Glaber)
  • Sprites: From SRB2 Christmas
  • Lua Script: Larztard
  • Music: "Diamond Dust Zone Act 1" from Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)

MAP15: Night Temple Zone (ManimiFire)

MAP16: Crimson Castle Zone (Elvin)
  • Music: "The Portals of Chaos" from Heretic
  • Textures: Ripped from Heretic and Hexen

MAP17: Ice Cap Zone (Chicmunk & SSG3)
  • Music: "Ice Cap Zone Act 1" from Sonic the Hedgehog 3

MAP18: Dusty Desert Zone 1 (Lilac)

MAP20: Magma Peaks Zone (Inferno Drag)
  • Additional assistance: Boinciel & Chicmunk

MAP21: Atlantis (DarkTechno)

MAP22: Snow Summit Zone (SAMMY SWAG)
  • Music: "Diamond Dust Zone Act 1" from Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn)

MAP23: Twilight Grove Zone (Knux576)

MAP24, MAP25: Mount Torval Zone (Boo)
  • Music (Act 1): "Torval - Hoverbike or Bust" from Ratchet: Deadlocked
  • Music (Act 2): "Mount Vesuvius" from Ducktales: Remastered

MAP27: Mix It All Together ! Zone 1 (RomioTheBadass)
  • Music: "High and Broken (Levitated Ruin)" from Sonic and the Secret Rings

MAP28: Steaming Towers Zone (DirkTheHusky)

MAP29: Sundial Veld Zone (Wind Takadiyami)
  • Music: "Plant Kingdom Act 1" from Sonic Rush Adventure, .it version by Steel Titanium
  • Additional assistance: Boinciel and GamingReloaded
  • Testing from Enodesix/PIRY and Danieldad2244

MAP30: Leaps of Faith Zone (MK.exe)
  • Music: "Stage 2 Boss - Strike Ants" from Dangerous Seed

MAP31: Palace Peaks Zone (GamingReloaded)
  • Music: "Sealed Ground (Gigan Rocks)" from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

MAP32, MAP37: Roasted Ravine Zone (Lat' & SAMMY SWAG)
  • Music (Act 1): "Great Canyon" from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team
  • Music (Boss): "Versus Boss" from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team
  • Music (Pinch): "Boss Battle" from Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure

MAP33: Propulsion Peaks Zone (Inferno Drag)
  • Music: "Mysticism" by Necros/PM
  • Additional assistance: Boinciel & Chicmunk
  • Theme: Based off Skytop Zone by Glaber

MAP35: Empty Sanctum Zone (Chaobrother)
  • Music: "Corridors of Time" from Chrono Trigger

MAP36: Illumination Aerie Zone (JMRante)

MAPA0: Joestar Manor (TehRealSalt)
  • Music: "The Magic House" from Final Fantasy VI
  • Additional assistance: SeventhSentinel

MAPS1: Greenflower Grove Zone 1 (Maximus Universal & Tripel the fox)
  • Music: "Green Grove Zone Act 2" from Sonic 3D Blast
  • Textures: Modified from 2.2 Xmas Textures

MAPS2: Tropical Island (Monster psychic cat)
  • Lua Script: Axis2D by RedEnchilada & chi.miru
  • Music: "Unused Theme (SK Collection)" from Sonic 3 Complete
  • Music (Boss): "Competition Menu (SK Collection)" from Sonic 3 Complete
  • Music (Results): "Level Complete" from Time Dominator 1st

MAPS3: A Minesweeper Field (Rapidgame7)
  • Inspiration: Uh, Minesweeper, dude

MAPS4: Unknown Temple 1 (Sapheros)
  • Lua Script: TehRealSalt
  • Music: "Memories" from Puyo Puyo, "Fang the Sniper's Theme" from Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble

MAPS5: Shade Mountain Zone (Badz)

MAPS6: Soniguri (Yacker & Root)
  • Sprites: Edit of MotorRoach's FSonic, Egg Robo and boss ripped from Sonic & Knuckles
  • Sound Effects: From SUGURI
  • Music: "Azure Lake Zone" from Sonic the Hedgehog 3
  • Music (Boss): "Doomsday Zone" from Sonic & Knuckles
  • Made OpenGL compatible by frozenLake

MAPS7: Highly Responsive to Hedgehogs (LunarDestroyer)

Credits for end-game & hidden levels are included within the game.

Additional Credits:
  • SRB2 Asset Pack released by Sphere
    • Assets from Blade, Monster Iestyn, & Scizor300
  • FreeDoom textures by the FreeDoom team
    • Ported to SRB2 by ShadowHog
    • FreeDoom full credits and license is included in FCOPYING.txt and FCREDITS.txt
  • 2.2 Xmas Textures provided by Boinciel
    • Snowman hat and scarf by CoatRack
    • Hanging star and lamppost by MotorRoach
    • "SUPBRITE" donated by Ritz
    • Present bow by TehRealSalt
    • Snowman, candy cane, pole, bushes, and brick texture base by VAdaPEGA
    • "XMAS21" texture base by Sphere & Nev3r
  • S3K Shields: Sapheros
  • Audio Help, 1-Up SFX: SeventhSentinel
  • Writing and Cutscenes: Boinciel
    • Music (Intro, Happy): "Misato's Theme" from Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Music (Intro, Dark): "The Attack On Dogma" from Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • Music (Title Screen): "Game Over" from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SNES)
  • Music (Player Select): "Choose Your Weapon" from Kirby Super Star
  • Music (Record Attack): "Going after Dynablade" from Kirby Super Star
  • Music (Continue): "Dynablade Overworld" from Kirby Super Star
  • Music (Credits): "Floating Away" from Kirby Super Star

  • IO save/load errors were being bypassed with sugoi_autosave on in v1.1, which caused Lua errors if anything at all wasn't just right. This has been fixed.
  • sugoi_shieldswap is now always disabled in Marathon Mode, like the rest of the gameplay-altering console variables.
  • A Lua warning about using sugoi_shieldswap in PlusC has been fixed.
  • The shop now has a very small input delay when you open it that lingers until you let go of buttons, to prevent people from buying things on accident.
  • A few new lines of Shadow dialogue were added, and a couple of existing ones were modified.
  • Access to the post-exit secret in Palace Peaks is prevented in Record Attack mode, and you can now beat the level when you go to it.
  • Roasted Ravine Zone 1 & 3's scripts have been more optimized. Hopefully this will make the lag less unbearable for some players.
  • The Cactus Shield should properly protect from a hit without spilling your rings now.
  • A C stack overflow that occured when getting hit by the Roasted Ravine 3's boss with a shield was fixed.
  • Other players' crosshairs in the secret boss have been made hidden.
  • The player health bars for the secret boss in splitscreen mode no longer overlap.
  • Some credits entries were updated to be more accurate.
  • Improved credits rendering in non-green OpenGL resolutions slightly; it now Sonic Forces rendering as if it were 320x200, regardless of actual resolution. Not perfect, there's still cutoff, but its less severe.
  • Replaced one of the title screen demos.
  • Removed HMS123311.

  • Added sugoi_autosave for PlusC users. This makes the game save/load your IO save automatically in the hub. Enabled by default; if you prefer the old method of manually saving with sugoi_save and sugoi_load, you can turn this off.
  • Added support for saving bought items in IO saves.
  • Steaming Towers Zone's fifth emblem hint was made more helpful, at the request of the author.
  • Tropical Island's sound effects are now restricted to only being heard by the player it comes from, preventing ear-bleed in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Tropical Island having issues over occasionally failing to give you the emerald if you were playing as Sonic & Tails.
  • Fixed the issue where the HUD message in Shade Mountain Zone that tells the player to hold Jump to go faster not appearing. I apologize profusely for whatever player experiences I might have ruined by messing that up.
  • The secret path was missing a few bug fixes that were supposed to be included in v1.0. This has been corrected.
  • Attempted to fix the infamous credits bug. I couldn't recreate this one no matter how hard I tried, so if it's still happens then WELP.
  • Fixed a few issues related to playing Marathon Mode online.
  • Fixed some minor shop item description typos.
  • Fixed IO saves incorrectly loading your saved Chaos Emeralds.
  • Added title screen demos.

  • Initial release.

Just like last time, please be considerate and refrain from posting end-game content outside of spoiler boxes. Thank you.

This mod is compressed with wadzip to make downloading it as easy as possible.


  • MAP07 - Holiday Hill Zone by SeventhSentinel.png
    MAP07 - Holiday Hill Zone by SeventhSentinel.png
    203.2 KB · Views: 6,691
  • MAP16 - Crimson Castle Zone by Elvin.png
    MAP16 - Crimson Castle Zone by Elvin.png
    305.4 KB · Views: 6,295
  • MAP23 - Twilight Grove Zone by Knux576.png
    MAP23 - Twilight Grove Zone by Knux576.png
    230.2 KB · Views: 5,751
  • MAP25 - Mount Torval Zone 2 by Boo.png
    MAP25 - Mount Torval Zone 2 by Boo.png
    198.6 KB · Views: 5,376
  • MAP36 - Illumination Aerie Zone by JMRante.png
    MAP36 - Illumination Aerie Zone by JMRante.png
    139.9 KB · Views: 5,915
  • subarashii_v1-2.zip
    56 MB · Views: 18,022
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Holy sh... It's here !, I like what you did with the Special stages, Good idea to spice up the variety, The Hub also looks cool.
Ahaha! It got released while i was asleep!

Great job to everyone who worked on this. Truly this is a moment where the community comes together.... for the 2nd time
Wait, it's out? FOR REAL?! I didn't expect it to get released when it did. Gonna try it out now!
Waaaatttttttt.......... No really, what it is ? oh now is summer. Then see you "soon" after this and mania. Maniacs.

Congrats on the release Salt!
Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna shoplift Shadow with Telekinesis.
Hold the yee, i am gonna play this thing.

---------- Post added at 05:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 AM ----------

Okay, I am not entirely sure if this is a intentional part of the level or not, but while I was playing this, I noticed that one of the slope's geometry was.....bugged, to say at least.
Could it be? Has the SRB2 tectonic plates worshipped all the synch lords?
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I just came back from school and this thing just happen!
*I feel great inside!*

It is truly SUGOI!
Playing it later ^-^ Congrats Salt!
You amazing bastards. I can't believe you would continue the story from the last game, but here we are then. I bet this'll be a really fun treat.
What's up with the game not saving my Chaos Emerald collection as soon as I complete an Emerald stage and return to the hub? Is it a problem with the Sonic 3D Blast stage in particular?
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*screams 'Oh my God' in the best Engrish possible*

We've waited for so long, and now it is finally here! Will be playing it soon.

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