Introduce Yourself

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Whoa, hello! Another permbanned user here? Makes people wonder what this guy did to deserve that. nnnnnnnnot that I'm asking. He probably tried to evade the curse filter or bugged an admin way too much. Whatever happened, it clearly wasn't "for the lulz".
I'm NiGHTS ThE PeNGUIN... Or simply NTP. My name was based from the game NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, and my favorite animal is a penguin. I started playing SRB2 about a year ago and I used to read the message board.

I like listening to music, depending what mood I'm in. My favorite band is Evanescence.

Mostly my expression is "I'm bored" or "This is so boring". I always have crazy ideas which is why sometimes people think of me having a big imagination. My crazy ideas won't go for WAD making, so I don't make any WADs, MODs, or anything related to them. I do think of making my own WAD file someday. I used to edit the speed of some WADs I downloaded using XWE, but it keeps on giving me errors.

I also like writing, reading, video making, blogging, and, of course, playing SRB2!
Well Im UruZingLo A.K.A. Uru or Uzl for short. I like watching anime and reading manga(of course) Bleach being my favorite. My favorite band(s) is Crush 40 and MasterPlan. I use to play srb2 but not anymore, No I dont hate it, I just don't have time anymore. and thats pretty much me.
Yo. Blargen is not my real name. Sadly my real name don't fit my personality. My favorite charachter of all time is Tails. I own 4 computors (3 of which dont work XD). The music I like is Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, And this is my theme song:

Which is by my favorite band.

I also think comedy is funny. lol

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Keep the off-topic posts out of here please. This is for introductions only. Use PM's if you have to. Thanks.
Hi. I'm not sure if I existed here before, but.. eh.

I'm that one guy from 72dpiarmy/Super Mario War that you probably don't know. I play PSO because I have nothing else to do with my day.

I might not post much but that's not really important, since it's the quality of posts that matters.
I had an older account on here from back when I tried playing Srb2 sometime early 2004 but my computer couldn't run it.

Anyway, I'm just here for some foruming.

Uh, primarily if I'm known at all it'd be my lengthy position as a midi sequencer for VGMusic. Otherwise, I'm just some guy.
I don't think I have made a introduction yet. If I did, oh well.

I'm Jellybones69, I am called Jelly, JB, JB69, Mr. Bones (although rarely) for short. I make levels and character wads (less often then levels though, and I don't have any currently released character wads).

I enjoy a netgame of match/CTF, I like heavy rock and roll music, I like reptiles, I have an unusual obsession with the word kinky, I like doritos, and I like sandwiches. After all, they make the best friends.
Hello, my fellow citizens. Im Chronicle Runner, formally known as (Go or SonicRunner) in srb2. I live in washington, my real name is Alik Dyson. And I'm just a guy who respects and loves Srb2.
hey I'm sonic 2 and i enjoy several things but my favorites are video gaming, srb2 ( of course ), and youtube.

but aside from that i can't think of anything else to say so... yeah.

i am koopadawg. i enjoy playing myself in mario kart. i also enjoy traveling the world in tails plane. dont tell him i took it.
I'm DoItForTheLulz, my real name is Michel Hengar, and I am 16 years old.
I don't play SRB2 much, but its good for when I have some extra time on my hands. I mostly play HL2 and Garrysmod (if you don't know what these are, *coughGOOGLEcough*) And I love Sonic!
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