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World of 123 Runite MOD v.0.015 (current)

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How was he cheap :? he has same health as eggman, if mean the other ninjas that was there, they were cheap.
OK!!! Thanks for the ideas, and I'm sure I can use some help on the bosses. But, that didn't really answer my question! XD. How do you fix the broken textures? There are lots of those problems in RCZ1.

Also, is this a normal problem, when you run towards walls, you keep on running, and then later on you could go through the wall? I have a thok barrier and everything, and in that sector, there are things, but for some reason, they don't really work. For example, there is a midpoint in that area, and when it is touched, nothing happens.

Runite City Zone 1 Progress: 95%. Need to fix errors and need to finish final sectors. No screenshots yet, sorry.
It could be because your control sectors are too far away. It's happened to me. If the problem persists, move the entire map a couple thousand fracunits towards the top left corner.
Actually, make your thok barriers a minimum of 64 units thick. The one in PBZ in actually 3 fracs, and it's having some major problems. However, some of these problems appear to be caused by control sectors, so toy arond with it, it might help.
That seems like a great solution. Thanks. I put all my control sectors all in one area, and there are hundreds of them. So, I should put my control sectors next to the place which needs the specific action?

For the 2nd thing, I meant that... I'll just show it to you when I release it. Until then, I'll try to ignore that error.
That's what I did, so my errors are spread across the map, actually. Perhaps you should move your chunck of control sectors to a distance that helps, far far away might glitch, and I'm pretty sure up close does it for me, so experiment.
Nah, that didn't work. Sorry.

I'm already putting up the scripts for RCZ1. When that's done, I'll release it, and then you'll get to really see the problems. First view of it will make you think this is Broken Texture City Zone.

If you know a way to fix it just by using the descriptions I gave earlier about the problems, please post it here, or if there is another topic regarding the problems, please post the link here. Thanks.
UPDATE: The World of 123 Runite MOD v.0.011

Ok. This release will have far more errors than maybe any other release that will be released. Since I can't really describe to you the exact errors, I'll just give an early release of Runite City Zone. Since I really wanted to find a way to fix the errors, I just finished Runite City Zone 1, release it, and then tell you the errors that will be found in the level (just a brief description on appearance and stuff). If you find indeed another error that isn't listed, and if you know of a way to fix the errors, I would appreciate it if you post it here so that I could fix it.

Here are the new things in v.0.011:
-->Runite City Zone 1 (RCZ1) added.
-->Scripts now have a "waiting" action. That allows you to actually be able to read the words. (I found out a way, so if I was acting "childish" earlier to you, sorry.)
-->Added new scripts in The Gate 1 and new textures in grass.
-->NEW SHORTCUT in City Forest Zone 1, fixed blocked river, fixed a few diagonal rings, and replaced Eggman Monitors with Spikes in the swampy water.

Here are the errors that may be found during game play in RCZ1:
-->At the back of the factory, things are disabled, and the teleporter texture isn't scrolling down as usual. (All needed teleporter textures are plugged into the wad.
-->Lots of broken textures, or something like that. But there are textures coming from nowhere. Works fine in OpenGL.
-->May lag at some point...

Screenshots are found in the archive, and the good thing is that I, instead of making a .RAR file, I made a .ZIP file so that everyone could open it even though you don't have WinRAR.

I would highly appreciate the feedback about the new updates. Thanks.

If there are some things that I forgot to mention in this message, please tell me, or post it here so that other people can see it.

Here is the link FINALLY: The World of 123 Runite v.0.011

Note: I want to get rid of that poll, "Do you think the Eggman Clones is a good idea?" since it lasted way more than a week, and also since I know it's now a horrible idea, and people thought of different kinds of Eggman Bosses. Maybe I could have an assistant for that... or maybe assistants......... I may give credit to them for making the different kinds of Eggmans, if it is indeed good enough and if it relates to the game.
Hey, you're up early. =P

Hmm, here is an idea. Try to read the cutscenes placed before the level begins. That could help on what you have to do before you play the level. If you already know what to do, just skip it. But, if that doesn't seem to work for you, read what the characters say.

Do you think I should make the park itself from the city a match level? (Excluding the enemies, but maybe the elevator may stay, and there may be more monitors...)
I've checked out the game itself from the beginning so far, and I've seen things that could be improved. For The Gate 1 and 2, I'll see if I could make the little rooms less cramped. Also, for The Gate 1, there is a slime pit that doesn't have a spring that lets you get out of it. I'll see if I could add one. I know how frustrating it is to fall into the water in City Forest Zones 1 and 2, so, I'll put a death pit under the water, to make things easier, but the water textures and waterfalls will still be there. I'll fix these errors before continuing with RCZ2.

Here is an image of Runite City Zone 2. This will be the image shown on the level select screen. RCZ2 is like 10% completed.

Yes, this so far takes place in a factory, and then you'll be able to go out into the city again. Guess what time it is currently here in RCZ2...

123 Runite from v.0.011 update said:
Note: I want to get rid of that poll, "Do you think the Eggman Clones is a good idea?" since it lasted way more than a week, and also since I know it's now a horrible idea, and people thought of different kinds of Eggman Bosses. Maybe I could have an assistant for that... or maybe assistants......... I may give credit to them for making the different kinds of Eggmans, if it is indeed good enough and if it relates to the game.
That was so awsome! I cheated I used Super Sonic and objectplace (to move).I can't wait for Act 2! You should rename the person "Sonic The Hedgehog." If you can.
All errors and some graphical issues are fixed, well, the ones that I named. I'll send a release when RCZ2 and 3 are finished.
This is the newest version of World of 123 Runite. Here are the updates.

The World of 123 Runite v.0.012 (Release 3):
-->Runite City Zone 2 and 3 added.
-->Deleted some enemies in Runite City Zone 1 to increase game speed as well as making it easier.
-->Programmed the platforms above the slime that fall in the factory of Runite City Zone 1 to only fall in Hard mode.
-->The Park in Runite City Zone 1 is now also a match level. Can be played in the morning or evening.
-->The Gate 1 now has more bustable walls, and door/switch textures/actions fixed. New first switch design.
-->Inserted a spring in the slime pit in The Gate 1.
-->The Gate 1 and 2 is less cramped.
-->Made City Forest Zone's rivers and swamps a death pit.
-->Increased room for the exit sector so that you don't have to actually touch the exit sign.
--> Fixed The Gate and City Forest Zone's midpoints so that you point in the direction you're supposed to go to.
--> Boss flypoints added, only for the last Eggman you defeat.

Here is the link: The World of 123 Runite v.0.012 (Release 3)

Please send any FEEDBACK after you downloaded the MOD. If you have found any errors in the MOD, please notify me. Thanks.
Wow...... "Thanks" for reminding me. I'm sooo pleased..... from now on, I'll just delete the old post that ends the thread, and then just make a new post regarding the new version, yeah.. that works............
Well, it was more than a week and he was updating the mod, so I think that instance is okay.
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