[SUGOI 3] KIMOKAWAIII: Part 1 and also Part 2

Quick hot-fix to address a few small but important issues.

  • Fixed Green Hill Zone adding bots to the mini-game.
  • Fixed Green Hill Zone potentially breaking a few custom HUD addons.
  • Fixed LJ Sonic not providing an emblem upon completion.
  • Fixed LJ Sonic being able to pick bots as the indenter.
  • Egg Gundam's missile attacks have been made a little easier to dodge.
  • Fixed the platforms being permanently invisible if you join a server during One Last Goodbye, leave, and then rejoin.
  • Removed afterimages from SoAES's projectiles.
It's nice to finally be able to play it as one cohesive package. I'm gonna be a nitpicking bastard and say that the sector fade colors in the hub level are a little too much and make things look blurry rather than foggy, a simple colormap would have been enough, I appreciate that you went out of your way to make it change to a different daytime color everytime the player revisits the level nonetheless but I can't stay in the hub for too long because of this but I know that's just me. aside from that everything seems to work great. Well done everyone.

EDIT: correction, this seems to be caused by the palette apparently, it's a weird overlay.
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Welp, I finished it.


and got a few bonuses too~

Time for my final thoughts.
Just to jump the gun here, this large-scale mod is well worth the time and effort.
The perfect final sendoff (in terms of large-scale mods/level packs) to 2.1 before 2.2 comes and destroys us all :P.

I'm not covering the individual levels that I already took a look at in the preview, just the new things that come to mind.

However, I've warmed up to a lot of the levels on display here, and there's definitely more good than bad, compared to previous mods in the SUGOI trilogy.

Sanctuary Summit:
This is a good hub world, although navigating it got annoying at first, but I quickly warmed up to it. I kinda like how you have to really look in order to find the levels, and that the overall design of it is:

Beginner-Friendly/Teaches the player
Very Open and Secretive

Summit Showdown:
I can see where the .25 patch comes into play. It's always cool to see stuff done with polyobjects, but a BOSS with one is just, really impressive. The lack of rings is a problem however. I died 4 or 5 times to this boss on my first AND second playthrough, whether it was a rocket blindsiding me from above while attacking or slipping off the polyobject hands to my death.

Sanctuary Dimension:
Another hub, notably without slopes :^). This one is smaller than the last one, but still has the same strengths as the previous hub, so I'm not going to dote over that.

LJ Sonic:
This one was kinda cool, if a little long. A puzzle boss based around indentation of code is a really neat concept taken to its full potential. Indent the code correctly and not only will you damage the boss, but also get a goodie or two as well; Indent the code incorrectly and LJ will think less of you as a human being (and kill you i guess lol). netgames are probably fun with this boss :^)

Hidden Base:
Backyard Bother:
It seems that there is Earthbound in my SRB2. Not that I'm complaining however, but I have yet to play the original game, so I couldn't beat it :v

curse you mb glitches

While this finale isn't as "ooh" and "aah" and "WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT" as SUBARASHII's true final boss, this is a wonderful and fitting end to such a great trilogy. I loved the finale beginning to end, and it kicked my ass the first time around.

Long Journey's End:

A gauntlet featuring Nintendo Hard variations of previous levels from the SUGOI series + new ones? Yes. Please. This was wonderful amounts of fun going through. Really felt like I was tested with what I already know about SRB2 as a seasoned player. Got two Game-Overs here, but every death felt like a slap on the wrist, with the music telling me to keep on going and never give up. Although, the room where you have to tightly navigate cramped corridors + lag-inducing lasers & slope physics wasn't exactly a fun time :<

One Last Goodbye:
Starts off with some calming music mixed in with some final precision-platforming, then SoAES appears.
This boss took me, legit, ~5 HOURS to finish, and it was so wonderful and awesome to play through and finish. Definitely the hardest out of all the SUGOI final bosses.
However, it's not without it's shortcomings.
The green ball attack has a tendency to blindside you, which is always fun

The attack where SoAES charges up more than usual is the worst attack, it lags up the game and avoiding it feels luck-based.
His final desperation attack caused my computer to suffer single-digit FPS here. But, as of v1.1, the FPS has improved a bit there in that regard. Still abysmal on my end, but far more manageable, making this point a little moot.

BONUS: The Extra Reel
Basically, scrapped rooms that never made it into the "Long Journey's End" level. I can see why. They're either too easy, or too abysmal to be a fitting end. The last one especially, I can't beat without cheats and that wasn't exactly fun. I can't understand why the first one was scrapped tho, as I'd love to see Axis2D get more and more support.
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Of course the day my internet fully craps out is the day KIMOKAWAIII is released :(

Well I'm catching up now and god what a great thing this is. Very much worth the wait.

I'll maybe say more after I play with it some more, but I'm making this post mainly to ask if I'm the only one having issues with savefiles. Every now and then I'd load my savefile and see that my score has reset to 0 and my lives have reset to 3. Has this happened to anyone else? It kinda made Long Journey's End harder that it should have been since I didn't have access to my rightful stockpile of lives...
Minor Annoyance. That waterfall region flickers a lot.


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so um there is kinda something you need to fix and its multiplayer

spoilers for the final boss: so you know the giant crystal well in online sometimes the trigger doesn't load at all so mabye kinda fix that please
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so um there is kinda something you need to fix and its multiplayer

spoilers for the final boss:
so you know the giant crystal well in online sometimes the trigger doesn't load at all so mabye kinda fix that please

Every player must be standing on the floor within the walls of the arena. It appears that players that have lost all their lives also count towards this; they will need to briefly leave the game and rejoin.
Excellent, another SUGOI! Played through most of it with friends online, and it didn't disappoint. Really liked the custom-made music too, particularly

Celestial Serenade from One Last Goodbye.

We did run into some random crashing errors here and there that we couldn't duplicate reliably (though one map in which we ran into it most often was the Puyo Puyo map, but not 100% of the time. Weird.) but it was for the most part a stable and fun experience. Here's looking forward to SUGOI 4 in the future!

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