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  1. SSNTails

    Retro World Expo 2024

    Hey folks! Just wanted to drop a little note to mention that myself, along with Andy Wolan (founder of SSRG) and Saxman (founder of Sonic ROM Hacking) will be returning to Retro World Expo in Hartford, CT again this year. August 23, 24 & 25, 2024 This year is going...
  2. SSNTails

    Reusability, Ports, and Author's Returns

    Great job, Charyb! You're right that this is indeed the heart of the issue. I do feel there is a secondary issue though, but it can't be codified into a set of rules -- encouraging creators to have a sharing mindset and to give people the benefit of the doubt, while also encouraging those who...
  3. SSNTails

    SRB2 Con - Retro World Expo

    Just a small update on this... we have a SECRET GUEST who will also be joining us... I wish I could tell you who it was, but unfortunately I am not allowed to. He has a very tangential relationship with SRB2, but is associated more often with the Sonic community at large. Considering I've come...
  4. SSNTails

    SRB2 Con - Retro World Expo

    "Join group co-founder Andy Wolan, along with charter members Saxman, Rlan and SSNTails for the Sonic Stuff Research Group Reunion! Learn about the genesis and technical challenges of classic Sonic game modding, SFGHQ, and talk to a co-creator of fan-favorite SRB2." Where: Connecticut...
  5. SSNTails

    Deep sea zone act 2 level design is stupid

    Nev3r, please bring back your Hydrocity maps. Retexture them, and wow, what a great DSZ2!
  6. SSNTails

    Do you think Aerial Garden and Azure Temple are still salvageable?

    Never liked Aerial Garden, was never part of original plans, and only in Mystic Realm. When I saw it in 2.2, I wondered why it was there... it should stay a part of Mystic Realm. Ditto for Azure Temple. It should move to Mystic Realm as an extra stage or something. Mystic doesn't make good...
  7. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    You know, this always strikes a sore spot for me -- I was personally *very* unhappy with Spazzo's behavior during the RPP:PC release. I'm not sure what he said to everyone, but I'd be very much against him exclusively pulling people away from SRB2 to work on something that was effectively just...
  8. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    Alright, it's time to make my post. Really, it needed to wait a few more days, but it's apparent that it cannot wait. I really put my foot in my mouth with my posts earlier in this thread. I made them while I was at a rest stop on the road, and really should have given more time and thought to...
  9. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    Bingo. All of his work was done independently, and we effectively stole it (GPL, yay). Because we didn’t want to be total jerks about stealing his code, we gave him a credit line. Unfortunately, now it has to be answered for.
  10. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    Alright, sorry, I misinterpreted what Ash was saying. I thought he was asking me why I had allowed him on the team when I knew what he was doing, when that is false, and I had no idea of the things he was doing. So Ash, please accept my apology. I know this situation has been hard on so many...
  11. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    I rest my case. You can even ask Alam and Logan to pull the old SVN logs to prove that JTE had NO team access or involvement other than us lifting code from one of his projects, as Jazz said. I’m happy to trade apologies if you are willing.
  12. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    a) let’s not hide this guy’s name anymore- it was JTE. b) I didn’t know anything about him or what he was doing behind the scenes at the time. I just got a bad vibe from him and thought he was creepy. c) I only saw development through 2.0.4. It’s likely he had involvement in 2.0.6 and 2.0.7. d)...
  13. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    I would like to state for the record that this ‘team member’ that groomed Ash was NOT a team member during my tenure, and I actively kept him distant from such despite a large majority of members AND the community constantly praising this person. I also did not want Prime on the team, and he...
  14. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    Alright, I will. Just like how I don't come by here too often anymore, I have way too much personal life stuff going on right now to do it. I'll come back in a few days hopefully and do so.
  15. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    ...have left long ago, and sometimes it takes a 'push' like this to finally get them to make the right decision. In fact, Mystic has been around *so* long, that I'm probably the only person qualified to tell the story of how he actually came to be on the team, why he stuck around for so long...
  16. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    I think the short of the matter is that developers should be... developing. If you're not creating content, then you're not living up to the description. Just being a decision maker without also working down in the trenches along side your companions makes it very difficult to build comraderie...
  17. SSNTails

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    I think it's a good idea to stay optimistic. Give the new people some time to prove themselves. In the end, this is all about learning and having fun.
  18. SSNTails

    OMG why is SRB2 2.2 gameplay so bad???

    Wow guys, no need to pile on. Tabby, if you go into the control settings, there is an option for 'Legacy' controls. This will get you *mostly* to what you're looking for.
  19. SSNTails

    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    It's compiled into WebAssembly. WebAssembly is a standard that is kind of like bytecode. The browser compiles and executes the bytecode, and bam, there it is. When you think about how old SRB2 is though, it's hard to wrap your head around it. Pretty neat!