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  1. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Those boost pads - is there any specific way to avoid them making you lose all your speed at the end of their boosts, or do I somehow have a personalized copy? 1718458295 Actually, it may very well be related to Anti-Knuckles walls. There's a few ceiling-height walls Peppino and The Noise can...
  2. Baba_theBooey

    A Call For Help: WAR (Pizza Tower) as a Level

    Given your wording at the end, I feel the need to clarify: I don't want someone to just make it for me, I want explicitly to have help working on it, which means I'm doing things alongside somebody else helping a. wrestle with Ultimate Zone Builder b. program in things that would require...
  3. Baba_theBooey

    fzn's SRB2 Model Pack - Now with Deluxe Junio!

    Yo, actually, that looks fucken' SICK!!! I think I tried Junio before and wasn't all too impressed, but this model might genuinely get me to use it more.
  4. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    I thought it was that they aren't allowed to climb walls Knuckles couldn't.
  5. Baba_theBooey

    SRB2: UNDERTALE Map Pack

    Before you say anything, yes, I'm aware I still have WAR to finish. In my defense, I have a big feeling this will be much easier to start, and could balloon into something great AND be great practice to get back to WAR. It'll definitely start simple, only being the map, enemies and rings. In the...
  6. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Yeah, I ended up seeing that lmao
  7. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    ... also, uh, I feel embarrassed to ask this, but how do I access the settings in Peppino's restaurant? I know I did it before, I just don't remember how.
  8. Baba_theBooey

    A Call For Help: WAR (Pizza Tower) as a Level

    What I'm planning: 1. The level starts in a small room where Sonic (or whoever else you play as lol) enter from the actual door ripped straight from the level. It's a small bit of barebones platforming ahead until you come across a wider room, a 1-Up proudly displayed in the center infront of a...
  9. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Yeah, for whatever reason Peppino and The Noise's turning is straight fucked. Some moves it's manageable, other moves you're flying around and can't land anywhere but a bottomless pit. In my experience, it's far more a detriment than a help.
  10. Baba_theBooey

    A Call For Help: WAR (Pizza Tower) as a Level

    First and foremost: I actually have a laptop, so I could learn Lua and SLADE. still haven't yet, but now I won't be 80% useless. I attempted to start this myself, as I actually downloaded Ultimate Zone Builder. It even woulda had custom textures. HOWEVER, I got SIGSEV'ed every damn time I...
  11. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Small bug I kept forgetting to report: HP dropped for The Noise will not fully go away when grabbed, and will leave specifically the skin-colored part of the sprite (looking something like this.) I take it you guys have the skin parts separate so the Doise skincolor actually changes more than...
  12. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    OMFG, theodore noisevelt really just said "sorry I can't stay, i need to go commit adultery with your mother"
  13. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    I have to wonder, did they resort to using Noise stickers in the Noise update because they didn't wanna have to redraw all the title cards? 🤔 1717438214 RICKY, PLEASE DO NOT FIX THIS (yet) IT'S SO STUPID AND HILARIOUS IT'S GONNA BECOME A FEATURE LMFAO
  14. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Ah, that's fair. And thanks a lot! These were a pain to make lol; massive Pizza Tower sprites are tedious, and worse if you're tryna clean them up a bit like I was. I absolutely do not envy Tour De Pizza's work, lol
  15. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    .... Uhhh, why'd you just quote that one post 3 times with nothing said???
  16. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Adding to this: 1. Fang the Sniper As you can tell by these, I didn't feel like hyper-realistic-izing these two. Still a lot of detailing, though, which suits the boss portraits well. Sidenote: if you add these, I beg you to do a funny where every time Fang's boss is played, it randomly picks...
  17. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Alright, I got a couple things I wanna add to attempt to contribute to future updates. More will come, I just need a break. 1. Metal Sonic HP I decided to go somewhat lazy and just make it a ring, but it can make sense considering Metal's playable, anyways. Plus, y'know. He's a Sonic. 2...
  18. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Funny, sure, but dunno if I wanna go that route when the music remains epic and serious. One thing I did think of is that if I kept with it being Metal's head, one turn shows his head while the next shows Sonic's. ... oh, actually, I found a nasty bug to do with Metal: if you fall into lava...
  19. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    Again, you shouldn't need to because it's not a problem literally anywhere else, and if anything might hinder every other scenario nore than help this specific one. As for the sprite... er, sprites.. I might need to make one for Metal, too, given it uses Pepperman's as well. I don't want it to...
  20. Baba_theBooey

    [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack!

    I was hoping to eventually figure out Ultimate Zone Builder and make WAR. If you guys manage to add the guns, that'd make making that level even better LMAO