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  1. N

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Dude removing the thok is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard and I'm embarrassed for everyone that it's been entertained as much as it has
  2. N

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    My point wasn't that fan games aren't real games, it was that this is art, not science. Yes, it's important to give design decisions careful consideration, but SRB2 is simple to a fault. Its problem is a lack of variety, which wouldn't be such a big deal except for the other problem: SRB2 fans...
  3. N

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    I feel like Sonic has too many moves already. Running AND jumping? What am I, Albert Einstein? Just make him vibrate in place, that way you don't even have to design levels. It's so weird to me the way people act like the design of a fan game is this precise balance of mechanics that will be...
  4. N

    Chronicles' GHZ - Stage, Models, etc WIP thread

    I legit don't care either way at this point
  5. N

    Chronicles' GHZ - Stage, Models, etc WIP thread

    This stage may as well not exist. Nobody is waiting for it anymore. It would probably be optimized poorly anyway, these kinds of stages always run at like 2 fps. I'd totally forgotten about it until this thread got bumped
  6. N

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Here's an idea. Let people have options. Stop trying to decide the optimal play style for other people and just give them tools to have fun with. You guys act like this is rocket science.
  7. N

    Eclipse Edition

    Uh, I'm playing it now, just rage quit during the Metal Sonic fight and found my save file was still on the first boss. Beat him again, quit to title, went back and the save's still on the first boss. I apparently can't progress past this point? Any ideas?
  8. N

    How close can we get SRB2 to playing like Frontiers (using existing mods)?

    You might still want to give NeoStreak a try, most of the kinks have been ironed out and right now it can Cyloop, boost, drop dash, bounce, lightspeed dash, and stomp like Frontiers Sonic (it's got a rail grind too but it's the one from the mb and it doesn't work like the one in Frontiers all...
  9. N

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    Just curious, did you record this using the halfpipe utilities mod or something else? I ask because it looked pretty effortless for Sonic to keep oriented in the direction he was heading, whereas the halfpipe utilities mod generally spins you in the opposite direction once you hit the ceiling.
  10. N

    [Open Assets] Lag reduction script for maps

    So I just tried using this script and didn't notice a difference. It should be noted that I was trying it on Speed Highway (a map I've always had insane difficulty with regarding lag). Am I supposed to activate it like an ordinary add-ons, or is it meant to be inserted in map luas, or what? I...
  11. N

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    I'd really appreciate an update but it's cool, I've basically got loops and wall running working with New Streak already. Basically you just couple ceiling running with the halfpipe physics and it works itself out
  12. N

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    The halfpipe utilities mod tends to orient you to run toward the camera once you mount a wall and transfer to the ceiling. I look forward to your mod because you appear to have figured out out to remain oriented in the direction you were initially headed
  13. N

    [Open Assets] Halfpipe Utilities

    Oh how I look forward to anything you guys do with baited breath. The halfpipe utilities are an absolute prerequisite for any mod loadout I can conceive of. Between it and the Sonic New Ceiling Run the game is played on the ceiling as much as it is the floor
  14. N

    [Open Assets] Halfpipe Utilities

    I just typed "globalhpu on" into the console whenever I wanted to use it, at least until I realized you could mod the pk3 to automatically turn on every time it's loaded by entering the lua and changing the default globalhpu value from 0 to 1
  15. N

    Chronicles' GHZ - Stage, Models, etc WIP thread

    I painted myself into this corner, I really did
  16. N

    Chronicles' GHZ - Stage, Models, etc WIP thread

    Surprise! That man was me and he isn't actually wise at all!!