A lil ambitious, aren'tcha?
Maybe you should pipe down a bit. I tried doing 2 mods at once, and INSTANTLY crumbled down.
But if you're sure, maybe ask GoldenShine or MetalWario64 for both help and permission to do certain things, such as looking into SA-Sonic's .pk3, and use it as a reference for both animation and getting the thing to work. And JUST maybe take it one thing at a time.
In my opinion, the lua abilities would probably be easiest, but that's me. And who knows, maybe I could help. (Probably not much, but ehhhhh...I mean, I've positioned models for people in class, I'd probably stop being useful there.
) But I could maybe gather some tips from other people and rally em to ya. Other than that, PLEASE try to do one at a time.