Hellfire Health

[Open Assets] Hellfire Health v2.1

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Question: Does this work with these?

Because I have a feeling it doesn't.

Edit: Tried both with this, the lenient mod works just fine with it.

Edit 2: I wish ring keep worked with this, I like the health bar system, but I also like carrying my rings in-between levels, I don't know if you can make them work together, but if it's possible, and you want to do it, that would be cool.
Odd. My mod doesn't overwrite anything with ring collection, it simply just checks and changes the values upon damage or ring gain.
I'll look into it... ringkeep does seem to have a damage override, which might be causing conflicts, but that wouldn't make much sense.

EDIT: I've looked into it, and it seems to be a simple matter of load order. From testing on my own with the many other mods I use, I've found that my mod should be loaded first. I may still modify my mod a bit to attempt to disable ringkeep's damage code, but the ring keeping function still works.
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ParaKrei updated Hellfire Health with a new update entry:

V2 is coming!

Just wanted to post an update that a big update is coming soon that will add a big feature and two tools for more customization! A video will also be made that will go a bit more in-depth into these changes. Be on the look-out for V2!
I'll (hopefully) see you all soon!

[P.S. The reason why I say "hopefully" is due to how slow I am at creating videos, since I usually go in without a plan... so please be patient.]

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ParaKrei updated Hellfire Health with a new update entry:

Version 2

The video finally finished processing, so now I can release V2!
I hope you all enjoy!
  • Health bars! They follow every player who has Hellfire Health enabled and can be disabled client-side and server-side! They will also scale with the max health and fill variables, and follow the skin settings.
  • MASSIVE refactor of mod internally (easier to read and modify now)!
  • Skin filters for both server and client; clients can set unique skin bans for them, along with special behaviors for...

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The mod seems to screw up mods' death animations (Or maybe just DeltaChars') if the death type isn't an instakill (death pit), say, dying because of fire doesn't cause you to play the fire death animation.

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