Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) v1.8b

I’m confused do you approve or disapprove of the bubble shield idea
Approved but i dont like the force shield (except the reveries one it could be an good ability replacement but the reveries shields mods breaks other mods that uses shield abilities hope that 2.2.14 come with that sweet shield button so we can go even further with srb2 modding it may be a lot of trouble to get my favorite mods working i am going to wait for so long) also one question when 2.2.14 cames out adventure sonic will have the proper updates correct?
I already asked this more than once I think but does anyone know where that green forest stage in the overview gifs is from?
I already asked this more than once I think but does anyone know where that green forest stage in the overview gifs is from?
C'mon dude GoldenShine already said where all the maps come from more than once. To answer your question, the Green Forest stage comes from an unreleased map pack. I think it got cancelled or something like that.
I have a question, what was the need to replace most of the skills to leave the boost in the rush style? Since... honestly, at least keeping the spindash would leave it even closer to the original rush.

now that I think about it... it could be an idea for a "hybrid style"
I have a question, what was the need to replace most of the skills to leave the boost in the rush style? Since... honestly, at least keeping the spindash would leave it even closer to the original rush.

now that I think about it... it could be an idea for a "hybrid style"
Agreed, agreed. Hybrid doesn't work though, because spin dash is already in Sonic Rush default. Hybrid style in this mod means to play styles in 1 play style.

Also, I think cancelling the boost while air dashing is a bad idea, because in Sonic Rush, and Sonic Rush Adventure, when you Air Dash it doesn't cancel the boost.

Adventure Sonic SOAPs SRB2 4.gif
When update !?!?!? I mean I'm quite confused at what mods I should get, even the discord server is afk! I can't even voice chat anyone. How am I supposed to get help now....
This mod is AMAZING! I always wanted to create a character with an advanced move set, but me, being dumb, has never understood any of the youtube tutorials. I don't even know how to code. If anyone knows an easy way to create characters that's understandable for a guy who's never understood code, please tell me. Thanks.
This mod is AMAZING! I always wanted to create a character with an advanced move set, but me, being dumb, has never understood any of the youtube tutorials. I don't even know how to code. If anyone knows an easy way to create characters that's understandable for a guy who's never understood code, please tell me. Thanks.
There isn’t really an easy way to create characters but I think you can do it! Maybe look at the srb2 wiki for more information on functions. Also this mod is reusable so feel free to look at its code to see how it’s works. You’ll need slade to take a look at it. Here’s the link
I forget if the Humming Top makes you bounce off foes in Advance 2. It just felt natural to me to cut through them like butter, and make it a bit more balanced since you can launch it from spring-heights.
I just played Rush Adventure for this, yes he does bounce off of enemies. I need to try Advance 2's Humming Top if you made the Humming Top based off of that.


Yes, he does bounce off of enemies in Advance 2.

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