Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

I wasn't expecting to see Glaber get banned. At all. He'd pretty much been a community staple since I got here, and with good reason - he's incredibly knowledgeable and helpful when it comes to SRB2 and its history. I also felt sympathy for him when I learned about his treatment at the hands of the old guard; it reminded me of my own experiences with bullies during childhood.

Yet it's because I'm relatively new to the community that I wasn't aware of how he dealt with problems. I only got a small peek during the pandemic, when he spread some misinformation on the OS and only backed down when moderators got involved.

Reading what Glaber did in response to the RR tutorial makes me wonder if he's still repressing some of his SRB2-related trauma. I sincerely hope he can work out his issues, and that he'll be granted an appeal one day.
I honestly hate to see it, because I saw firsthand the way the staff treated Glaber back then, and I remember even making some assholish remarks toward him back when I was more impressionable and it reflected the general vibe of the community. It makes me worry that he internalized a lot the abuse he received and learned the wrong lessons from them. Hopefully he gets through whatever's been biting at him.
I honestly hate to see it, because I saw firsthand the way the staff treated Glaber back then, and I remember even making some assholish remarks toward him back when I was more impressionable and it reflected the general vibe of the community. It makes me worry that he internalized a lot the abuse he received and learned the wrong lessons from them. Hopefully he gets through whatever's been biting at him.

I myself can claim to be guilty of the same shit, and while playing his 2.1 maps were a great surprise, it feels dirty to have had the mindset of "wait Glaber made this? Really?" instead of "Wow he's improved so much I"m really happy". It was heavily ingrained in general that people like him were okay to make fun of especially with his insistence of entering the OLDC despite the low perceived quality of the maps. I don't know if this is some trauma or just how he is, I can only hope this is something that can be put behind us eventually.
This is strictly speculation on my part, I'm no therapist or psychiatrist or any kind of psychologic expert like that though, so I could also be way off the mark in this post. These are just my thoughts in trying to understand Sandwich. This is also not an attempt to justify his actions, toxic behavior is toxic even if you can understand why the person in question is behaving that way. Understanding does not equal agreement. I've got a lot of thoughts to condense, so the rest of this post is going to be spoiler tabbed to help avoid this post becoming clutter.

Between what others have said about Sandwich and what I've seen for myself, it kind of reminds me of someone who got mixed into a bad crowd. People like that often have someone, either a group or one person in particular, who's opinion of them matters to them more than anyone else's. It could well be that Sandwich was so hostile because he was trying to impress this/these person/people and cares about earning their approval more than anyone else getting hurt by his efforts. Alternatively, it could even be the opposite; there's someone who thinks poorly about him who's opinion matters a lot to him like a family member or something like that, and his stress because of this leads him to lash out onto others as a sort of toxic coping mechanism, or as a way of trying to prove them wrong about him, or something along those lines.

Whatever the background context is for him acting the way he does, there's one thing I'm rather convinced of: Something seems to be stressing him out. He behaves as though he believes himself to be a victim, and seems to be deeply afraid of speaking his mind to such an extent that he strongly wanted to keep even the very existence of his conversation with Charyb a secret, and reacted in a strongly emotional way when the fact that the conversation happened leaked. This seems to suggest that he's so afraid of someone knowing his true thoughts that he's going to extreme lengths to cover his tracks.

These don't add up to the actions of someone who feels emboldened to speak their mind despite the show he puts on of trying to appear as exactly that kind of person. I'd guess the reason he's so defensive and laser focused regarding that conversation is because whatever the contents of it were, it was a conversation in which he was open and truthful and he's so afraid of these genuine, unfiltered thoughts leaking that he strongly doesn't want anyone to know the conversation even exists. It's hard to say for sure whether he's obsessed with impressing someone or proving them wrong about him or whatever, but it does seem to me as though his reasons for his behavior are deeply personal and private. This could also be part of the reason he singles Charyb out; the fact she has access to the contents of this conversation could make her seem like a potential threat to him in his mind. It seems like he's probably had it out for her even longer than the conversation has existed, but it also might have gotten worse since then.

This would also seem to suggest that at least some of what he's had to say might not actually be his real feelings/opinions. I'm not sure where the line would be drawn between what he feels safe to say and what prompts him to mask his true thoughts though. Regardless, it seems like it means a great deal to him to appear blunt and unapologetic regardless, even if it's likely just a mask he's putting on. I'm not sure to what extent he cares about his general reputation and to what extent he cares about someone in particular thinks of him, but it might be a little bit of both that motivates this behavior.

Once again though, I'm not an expert on what makes people tick. This is all just my own speculation based on the general vibe I get from him all things considered and a little bit of personal experience with someone else I knew a while back. Everyone's personal circumstances can be very different and just because something seems like a similar situation doesn't necessarily mean it is.
Not sure which mistakes you think I made in this thread here, but I would heavily question what "professional" means to you if being "professional" means I can't speak up for myself and share my story because I'm staff in a... sonic fangame community. Like uhhh, what's the standard we're trying to meet here? IMO, I'm actually setting a fine example for everyone as a staff figure by making my voice heard.
. . . I mixed you and clairebun up. I didn't bother checking any of the past posts and just remembered someone in a mod/dev position getting scolded by another and I thought it was you, I'm really sorry. I'm gonna. Edit that now
I originally wasn't going to respond to this thread, but after seeing Sandwichface posting logs from Rob pertaining to his removal, I feel like I need to provide some clarity in the matter.

For context, here is what Sandwichface posted:


(The name of one of the individuals mentioned in the logs below has been censored at their request.)

Rob mentions that I was made a "temporary lead". This was not something I consented to, and was decided at a time when I was offline and didn't even have access to my PC. In the immediate discussion, there is no clarification about my position being temporary, nor did I treat it as such. This is something Rob and Prime decided retroactively.


"He took his select group of friends, rather than the whole moderation team, and then made policies and dumped them into the staff channel"

The context here is that I started drafting new policy the day I became server owner. Our previous lackluster policy had created massive issues for both staff and the community, and failed to hold staff members accountable for wrongdoings that would result in a permanent ban from any other community. I want you all to remember that this was Prime's response to Mystic accusing an active and well-known community member (and a personal friend of mine) of being a pedophile, with absolutely zero evidence to substantiate the claim:


Yes, only 1 year for a permbannable offense.

Later, we drafted plans on how to address the community following Mystic's removal and the false accusation he made. Prime devised a 6-part plan that was longer than two entire backscrolls of the Discord channel. Several of us, primarily myself and Lach, disagreed with how he intended to go about it, and voiced this multiple times over the course of the conversation. We spent many, many hours trying to make sure he wouldn't go through with the steps he outlined, and in the end, he ignored us and did it his way instead:


When we confronted Prime about his overstep, Rob tried to flip the situation and blamed me for it instead:


(Reminder: at the time of this screenshot, Rob was supposed to be banned from the community. He leaked the name of the person Mystic was accusing, and cosigned his false accusation after. He was instead secretly kept in the staff channel because he was coordinating the police report of a known pedophile who had resurfaced in the community prior to Mystic's false accusation. This was poor reasoning: he could have easily communicated the necessary information over DMs. He agreed not to act in an administrative capacity, but he continued to interject himself in staff matters despite him having effectively nothing to do with them at this point, as he was "banned" from the community. Below are logs of him and Prime acknowledging this.)




I took this as my cue to begin using my weight as server owner to enact changes for the better, particularly to do away with the old, barely existent moderation policy that led to this whole mess in the first place, and switch it for something better. This is what I wrote:






I did exactly as Rob said, and took point on what I believed to be our server's real emergency. I was immediately met with ridicule, lectures, and accusations that I was staging a coup on the server that I had legitimate ownership of. I refused to run a server that continued to use the embarrassing old policy that landed us in this mess, and I made that very clear. In writing the new policy, I consulted Charyb and other Kart Krew moderators for advice on how to present it, as Kart Krew uses effectively the same policy. Rob, Prime, and some others used this fact to accuse me of facilitating a Kart Krew takeover.

I refused to budge on adopting new policy, but after heated discussion I relented and put the matter to a vote. Those who believed I was staging a coup did not even participate in the vote, instead preferring to continue ridiculing me and demand I step down. Rob said I "took over half the people in that room" when in reality these were his moderators, personally approved by him. The fact that these were members of Kart Krew did not make their stances any less valid. Each of them had significant tenure in the community and dealt with day-to-day issues under the old policy. Rob immediately tried to discredit their opinions and invalidate the votes of Kart Krew members when, remember, Rob was supposed to be banned.


"Threatening to split the community"

This is a very real thing Prime did on multiple occasions. Prime was the only one who even considered delisting the server from the website, there was no discussion about this. This was something he sought to do on his own initiative using the WordPress permissions that the entire dev team was unaware he had. You can see him alluding to this on multiple occasions here:
In one of these logs, he declares his intent to replace the server link with that of the SRB2 Community Server, a separate Discord run by Inazuma, who was not a developer at the time. Inazuma did not consent to this at all, and later expressed that this is not something he would have wanted.

"Personal threats against other staff members" / "Attempts to force his way into personal spaces of several community members"

Prime was not banned for making personal threats against staff members. Prime was banned for his aforementioned threats to split the community, his incredibly poor conduct, and for his attempt to worm his way into the private server of the person Mystic accused in order to "clear his name".


I want to remind you all that the things mentioned here are not even close to the true level of wrongdoings committed by Mystic, Rob, and Prime over the years. I only brought up what was relevant to the claims Rob made in the log above. If you want more details on just how much damage they collectively dealt to this community, don't take it from me alone, there is an entire thread of community members coming forward with their experiences under their leadership:

To Sandwichface: I don't know you. I have never spoken to you. The only thing I know about you is that you have continually caused unnecessary stress towards my staff and friends. I don't understand why you feel the need to spread weird narratives like this when there are pages worth of testimony from both staff and community members about how things really went down. Instead of having an open discussion with us, you chose to spread lies about us in your own spaces to your easily impressionable following. Even after you said you were done with this community, you still decided to post those logs and continue to misrepresent us. Please stop.
Rob mentions that I was made a "temporary lead". This was not something I consented to, and was decided at a time when I was offline and didn't even have access to my PC. In the immediate discussion, there is no clarification about my position being temporary, nor did I treat it as such. This is something Rob and Prime decided retroactively.

So I agree with the totality of your message and I think most of it stands without critique. I wanted to point out this point doesn't hold. pv2 describes it as an "interim" position, which is effectively describing it as temporary. Rob doesn't use that word, but at the same time he doesn't critique it being used, so while it wasn't super clear, this reads like they did intend it to be temporary at the time of assignment.

I appreciate the clear, concise nature of your critique of all this. Feel a lot better about supporting y'all going forward
To Sandwichface: I don't know you. I have never spoken to you. The only thing I know about you is that you have continually caused unnecessary stress towards my staff and friends. I don't understand why you feel the need to spread weird narratives like this when there are pages worth of testimony from both staff and community members about how things really went down. Instead of having an open discussion with us, you chose to spread lies about us in your own spaces to your easily impressionable following. Even after you said you were done with this community, you still decided to post those logs and continue to misrepresent us. Please stop.
Oh my god, I just connected the dots. Sandwichface has held a grudge against this entire community because he treated the words of a single person (Rob) as gospel. When he said (emphasis mine) "I'm posting the ENTIRETY of the Nu-STJR video stuff", I have a feeling he meant it.
So I agree with the totality of your message and I think most of it stands without critique. I wanted to point out this point doesn't hold. pv2 describes it as an "interim" position, which is effectively describing it as temporary. Rob doesn't use that word, but at the same time he doesn't critique it being used, so while it wasn't super clear, this reads like they did intend it to be temporary at the time of assignment.

I appreciate the clear, concise nature of your critique of all this. Feel a lot better about supporting y'all going forward
I'd argue that whatever pv2 described it as didn't count, since Rob was then-server owner and making the call. If Rob intended it to be temporary, he should have said so himself.
Complete transparency is pretty important when making a big decision like this. I'm sure Rob understands that very well now :knuxsmug:
I'd argue that whatever pv2 described it as didn't count, since Rob was then-server owner and making the call. If Rob intended it to be temporary, he should have said so himself.
Complete transparency is pretty important when making a big decision like this. I'm sure Rob understands that very well now :knuxsmug:
So yeah, there's a ton wrong here. I'm just critiquing the idea that this claim was made up in post. At bare minimum, pv2 intended for it to be temporary, and Rob made no effort to clarify it wouldn't be more than that. So claiming it's made up/retroactive fails the vibe check.

This does paint Rob as one of the dumbest people on Earth, even with my interpretation taken into account. Dude passed on heavily moderating his community, handed off admin ship to someone random without discussing it with them intending to take it back later, and then made a surprised Pikachu face when said person made an effort to do the moderation he did not. Truly wild
Personally, I've always read it as Prime and Rob wanting to offload the role to avoid more backlash against the dumb shit they did regarding the unnammed individual and Prime trying to shove himself into their private community, while refusing to actually give up the power and authority in the long term and began to panic when Wolfs actually started to do things on their own volition, which was their absolute right given they had admin fostered on them without any consultation in the first place. There's a chain of events which shows their hold on power was far weaker than they believe from Wolfs deciding to massively overhaul moderation rules/policy (a very good change, the old cube system was fucking awful from the viewpoint of a moderator on the Discord and didn't lead to much good besides making fun of people in the cubes which was just cringe abuse of power in most cases). After this, the moderators overwhelmingly approved of this despite Prime/Rob's own refusal of the idea and tried to outright ignore the opinions of the moderation staff only for them to end up shouted down by how stupid they were being overall.
Why are you snapping at us for just doing our jobs
I'm sorry about how I acted to the staff here. It was late and I was pretty tired, so I got a little emotional and decided to make that post. I was expressing my bottled up frustration with this community and slammed it at the devs for no reason whatsoever. I did make the thread because I don't normally care about community discourse, except for this one. I'll explain why.

I found out out SRB2 in May 2022 and absolutely fell in love with it. The amount of vanilla and modded content was staggering, and I couldn't have waited to enjoy it all. And 2 years later, I can say both vanilla and modded experiences were some of my best gaming ones. So when I found out about Reusability more by a certain sandwich, I got mad. I wanted to experience mods, both present and new, and reusability stopped that. It's why I defended the more open-sourced take of mods in a certain WS thread. And when I heard about 2.3's changes, that anger went to despair.

I really love this fangame, or really, Sonic game. Easily my #1 game of all time. And I love 2.2 and both its vanilla and modded experience. It's why I'm genuinely concerned about the fate of 2.3. You all have seen Ring Racer's release, and it's very mixed reception. While there's some positives, there were alot of mixed or negative feedback about the game and its changes compared to SRB2K. My concern is that 2.3 will become like this, where it's not on par with 2.2, or worse, a straight-up bad experience. It's the sole reason why I even care about the drama in SRB2, otherwise I would just carry on enjoying the game and ignore all this. It's why I beg 2.3 to not be a drastic change like Ring Racers; it's why I want it to be an improvement, not a change to the entire formula.

So I beg, even if it's futile, STJR, please do not make a drastic formula change like Ring Racers. I love SRB2 the way it is, and I believe others can back me up on this. Please do not remove the Thok.

Aside from that, I think I'll leave most community drama unless it's something major, like someone committing a murder or something idk
I might hang in threads every now and then, but I'm going to take a mental break from the forums. I'll check a little to see responses to this, but asides that, I'm really kinda done.

(Real quick, the point about Sandiwchface I was trying to make was under the snark was some genuine concern about the community. Like 2.3 potentially causing a rift in the community, or Reusability being a literal GPL license violation [according to him at least]. I'm not really gonna respond to this part of my response, so just talk amongst yourselves about it. Bye now)
I love SRB2 the way it is,
pretty boring take to be against big swings as a whole just because your scared some of them might not pan out. Like, at least wait until you know what the replacement even is before you decide what you prefer.

Things chance. That's what updating games is all about. Fearing that merely out of an enjoyment of the status quo feels more like digging your head in the sand more than anything. Don't change things just for the sake of change, but don't keep things just for the sake of tradition either.
Don't change things just for the sake of change, but don't keep things just for the sake of tradition either.
I understand the argument of "you can't judge it it's not out yet", and I like how this game has changed, but I'm only but worried it's going to be extremely drastic, as I've heard of some pretty changes that were going to be implemented, like the "Breakfast Sandwich" or the Momentum changes. I don't mind things like new levels, characters, modes, things like that. I mean there being extreme things like said examples. That's all.
I understand the argument of "you can't judge it it's not out yet", and I like how this game has changed, but I'm only but worried it's going to be extremely drastic, as I've heard of some pretty changes that were going to be implemented, like the "Breakfast Sandwich" or the Momentum changes. I don't mind things like new levels, characters, modes, things like that. I mean there being extreme things like said examples. That's all.
Regardless of scale, change isn't necessarily a bad thing. There could be huge sweeping changes across the entirety of SRB2 and it could still come out the other side as a fantastic game. I understand the anxiety over changes such as the thok being moved off Sonic and I've always been a thok defender myself, but I also realize that just because I'm attached to the thok doesn't mean that whatever ends up being put in its place in Sonic's moveset is automatically worse just for being different. It's important to be open minded about such things. The "Breakfast Sandwich" as Sandwich called it was flawed in my opinion because it was overly complicated, and I'd imagine that STJr likely came to a similar conclusion as I find it unlikely they would scrap the ability if it was perfectly fine and functional just because of people complaining about it. They appear to me as mature enough to be able to suck up criticism and implement potentially unpopular design changes because they have tested them and know they work, so it strikes me as likely that they simply weren't satisfied with the ability and went back to the drawing board.

As I see it, this brings me comfort because it shows that STJr care about the game just as much as we in the community do if not even more. They're not going to half ass it. They're going to go through the process to make sure that if they're doing something as big as changing Sonic's ability they're putting something fun and intuitive in its place. They're not going to willy nilly change the physics, they're going to make sure that it feels good to play first. Etc. If they're not satisfied with their changes, they aren't going to include them in public branches of the game and won't hesitate to reverse changes they make as needed. They are dedicated to getting it right.
So I beg, even if it's futile, STJR, please do not make a drastic formula change like Ring Racers. I love SRB2 the way it is, and I believe others can back me up on this. Please do not remove the Thok.
Ring Racers is not SRB2Kart 2 - these are different games, so the wording "drastic formula" is incorrect.
So I beg, even if it's futile, STJR, please do not make a drastic formula change like Ring Racers. I love SRB2 the way it is, and I believe others can back me up on this. Please do not remove the Thok.

I never really understood this argument. If we make changes you personally don't like, you can always just... play the old version?? It's not going anywhere. We just work on the things we feel like working on. I feel like that's a pretty normal sentiment for unpaid hobbyist developers working out of pure passion.

or Reusability being a literal GPL license violation [according to him at least].

I don't know why you're taking his word for it. We've had a whole discussion on this board going over the specifics of the GPL. If you're concerned you can always just... ask us, we're pretty transparent about these things.
I prefer to think of each update as evolving rather than changing. SRB2's grown a LOT from people wondering "is this possible" and finding out it is indeed. Think about how long it took for slopes to become a reality, and I'm sure there were blokes apprehensive about such an earth-shattering notion when it first turfed up. I reckon it's best to just look forward to what we can make possible in 2.3.
I never really understood this argument. If we make changes you personally don't like, you can always just... play the old version?? It's not going anywhere. We just work on the things we feel like working on. I feel like that's a pretty normal sentiment for unpaid hobbyist developers working out of pure passion.
While the version of the game itself isn't going anywhere, the master server tends to drop support for outdated versions, meaning multiplayer requires planning it out with a group, which results in the older version being near dead. Unless the master server starts supporting older versions, I can see the concern for the updates.
gonna be honest here, the game was already ruined for me with all the constant drama in the community. we can't go 2 seconds without having some kind of drama, and that isn't a good thing for any community, and i don't think anyone has actually taken the time to say this yet. like i don't even care like what side you are on in the matter, just less drama discussion in general i think would make the community a better place.

Aside from that, I think I'll leave most community drama unless it's something major, like someone committing a murder or something idk
I might hang in threads every now and then, but I'm going to take a mental break from the forums. I'll check a little to see responses to this, but asides that, I'm really kinda done.
and i think the second worst part is that i did the same thing you did, and i've actually been happier. without the drama it's just a fun ass sonic fangame, including ring racers (that tutorial is pretty long tho i don't blame glaber for that btw), and like thats a problem, i shouldn't be happier when i isolate myself from the community

and like its not like you can't talk about drama, obviously thats ok. but i feel as if it has more of an impact than it should, especially in the os and other places. and like all the sandwhichface shit is pointless, thats the worst part. it's all pointless. what sandhwich face says is pointless because he won't change the policies of the mb and everyone is gonna shit on him anyways, and we are all doing pointless shit for trying to make like arguments against him, and taking over discussions on the os with these, when once again, his words arent gonna make the message board staff change anything

TLDR: the srb2 community has really put a bad taste in my mouth due to how drama is way too present/visible within the community, most of it is just pointless overall, and it needs to be toned down a bit

P.S. if you try to make like a counter argument i will reply with stupid rat assuming i see it
Weird reply. I would hardly even call this drama on the same level as the Mystic situation which actually impacted development of the game. Glaber's ban is a relative nothingburger that, while shocking has mostly been resolved already, and Sandwichface's ban impacts very little considering most people here did not care for his content anyways. The drama only matters so much to you because you choose to let it bother you instead of simply ignoring it and continuing to play the game/interact with the rest of the community.

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