
Bom, sou novo no jogo, e vai demorar... Vou colocar como se fosse sair via atualização, mas como uma grande atualização, tipo 2.2 e bom, vamos lá. AVISO: POST MUITO LONGO 3.0 Zonas:
RVZ2 foi adicionado e bem, será uma zona de lava né, truques de asa delta e muito mais, como se a iluminação fosse um pouco mais escura, para ter conexão com Dark city zone se for à noite, se incluirem Trip the Sungazer, poderá ser desbloqueado no final do RVZ2: em um momento próximo ao final você se depara com um oceano de lava, então tudo o que resta fazer é sentar e chorar , porque você não pode andar sobre as bolas porque elas não estão lá, e você não pode pular de plataforma em plataforma, mas quando tudo parece perdido, Trip the Sungazer chega com sua armadura e não é à toa que ela está com a armadura : Ela, por algum motivo, é imune à lava! Aí você sobe nele, em uma linda homenagem ao final do ato de Amy da zona Lagoon City em Sonic superstars, você subirá em cima dele e alguns comandos serão diferentes: você não pode usar spin neste momento, pressione pular uma vez para fazer Trip pular , mas isso não causa dano, você precisa pular duas vezes fará com que depois que ela pular, você pula! Dessa forma você causa dano aos badniks! Sua tarefa nesta parte será manobrar Trip até o final do ato para poder vencer RVZ2!... Mas espere! Ainda há o ato 3! Pensei em um chefe, mas nem gosto dele. Se chamaria EggBomber, a área de batalha será um círculo de lava com quatro plataformas e no centro, uma descida com um poço de morte, o chefe funcionará assim: duas plataformas serão baixadas na lava com um aviso prévio, como um terremoto na plataforma? Aí você terá que escalar aqueles para não cair, o EggBomber não tem esse nome à toa! Ele está cercado por 2 dragonbombers e eles jogam bombas em você, no final Eggman jogará uma bomba diferente em você, então uma indicação visual, como um alvo, mostrará que você deve fazer um spin dash ou um martelo golpe na bomba para jogar em Eggman, fazer isso contará como um acerto no chefe, tiros na bomba final não são necessários, pois Fang já pode atacar-o de longe, não modo pitada a lava subiria e começaria uma queda de lava onde você teria que ir nas plataformas para acertar Eggman, mas tome cuidado, Eggman está acima de um poço sem fundo, ele atirará especificamente em você, acerte ele e no final, os 2 dragonbombers que cercam Eggman cairão, e suas bombas causarão um terremoto, então uma pedra cairia nessa queda e lá você entraria em uma caverna que contém uma cápsula, e uma passagem cavernosa para Dark City Zona. Nota: se Trip não estiver incluído, seria uma das bolas que aparecem no jogo RVZ normal.
A zona Grand Eggship seria incluída, seria uma zona de ato único sem chefe, a imagem de seleção de nível seria como um início com uma plataforma circular que leva ao interior do navio com alguns badniks na forma de torres. O tempo seria um dia nublado, para mostrar o clima mais escuro, já que você estaria voando acima do DCZ, a zona não teria um chefe, mas teria vários níveis de seu indo de avião em avião até chegar ao espaço, em final, teria a entrada de Egg Rocket/Rock Zone (ERZ).
Não acho que seria bom incluir esta versão 3.0 nesta minha versão, pois considero isso uma espécie de clímax, pois já era a zona final da história, e além disso, tenho uma ideia de expansão para a história, e Dark City seria como uma zona de revelação, algo assim, como uma Zona de Palácio Oculto de Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
I know that Chesse! já está fazendo um mod Trip mas nada impede que você faça um acordo com ele e usando Trip no Vanilla SRB2, ele jogaria como no SuperStars com o anel de movimento aéreo rolando, porém, graças ao seu roll maior, não conseguirá para passar por passagens baixas, como a de GreenFlower Zone 1, ela terá uma super forma baseada na dela do SuperStars, ela seria mais lenta que seu eu original e seria a maior personagem do jogo vanilla, você aperta pular para pular , claro, e girar para rolar , se apertar pular duas vezes, você vai começar a voar, apertar pular voar vai fazer você subir e girar vai fazer você descer, apertar girar duas vezes, no chão ou balançar vai fazer ela cuspir fogo , e seria ótimo brincar com ela.[/ SPOILER]
Fang poderia atirar para o alto com giro, se você tivesse um escudo ele não atiraria, acho que isso seria bom pois ele não tem muitas maneiras de se defender no ar, até a Amy tem um ataque aéreo decente!
Bem, era isso, ei, tenho outro texto aqui, mas resolvi dividir em 2 partes porque a outra inclui uma história maior para o SRB2, bom, foi isso e acho que até outro dia, talvez? Obs: não conheço bem o inglês (poucas palavras), por isso estou usando um tradutor, se algo estiver errado você pode culpar o tradutor e se eu criei uma palavra, ligue para alguém que fale português brasileiro porque eles podem entender.[/SPOILER ][/ispoiler]
I know that Chesse! já está fazendo um mod Trip mas nada impede que você faça um acordo com ele e usando Trip no Vanilla SRB2, ele jogaria como no SuperStars com o anel de movimento aéreo rolando, porém, graças ao seu roll maior, não conseguirá para passar por passagens baixas, como a de GreenFlower Zone 1, ela terá uma super forma baseada na dela do SuperStars, ela seria mais lenta que seu eu original e seria a maior personagem do jogo vanilla, você aperta pular para pular , claro, e girar para rolar , se apertar pular duas vezes, você vai começar a voar, apertar pular voar vai fazer você subir e girar vai fazer você descer, apertar girar duas vezes, no chão ou balançar vai fazer ela cuspir fogo , e seria ótimo brincar com ela.[/ SPOILER]
Fang poderia atirar para o alto com giro, se você tivesse um escudo ele não atiraria, acho que isso seria bom pois ele não tem muitas maneiras de se defender no ar, até a Amy tem um ataque aéreo decente!
Bem, era isso, ei, tenho outro texto aqui, mas resolvi dividir em 2 partes porque a outra inclui uma história maior para o SRB2, bom, foi isso e acho que até outro dia, talvez? Obs: não conheço bem o inglês (poucas palavras), por isso estou usando um tradutor, se algo estiver errado você pode culpar o tradutor e se eu criei uma palavra, ligue para alguém que fale português brasileiro porque eles podem entender.[/SPOILER ][/ispoiler]
I know that Chesse! já está fazendo um mod Trip mas nada impede que você faça um acordo com ele e usando Trip no Vanilla SRB2, ele jogaria como no SuperStars com o anel de movimento aéreo rolando, porém, graças ao seu roll maior, não conseguirá para passar por passagens baixas, como a de GreenFlower Zone 1, ela terá uma super forma baseada na dela do SuperStars, ela seria mais lenta que seu eu original e seria a maior personagem do jogo vanilla, você aperta pular para pular , claro, e girar para rolar , se apertar pular duas vezes, você vai começar a voar, apertar pular voar vai fazer você subir e girar vai fazer você descer, apertar girar duas vezes, no chão ou balançar vai fazer ela cuspir fogo , e seria ótimo brincar com ela.[/ SPOILER]
Fang poderia atirar para o alto com giro, se você tivesse um escudo ele não atiraria, acho que isso seria bom pois ele não tem muitas maneiras de se defender no ar, até a Amy tem um ataque aéreo decente!
Bem, era isso, ei, tenho outro texto aqui, mas resolvi dividir em 2 partes porque a outra inclui uma história maior para o SRB2, bom, foi isso e acho que até outro dia, talvez? Obs: não conheço bem o inglês (poucas palavras), por isso estou usando um tradutor, se algo estiver errado você pode culpar o tradutor e se eu criei uma palavra, ligue para alguém que fale português brasileiro porque eles podem entender.[/SPOILER ][/ispoiler]
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Well, I'm new to the game, and it's going to take a while... I'll put it as if it's going to come out via update, but like a big update, like 2.2 and well, let's go. WARNING: VERY LONG POST 3.0 Zones:
RVZ2 was added and well, it will be a lava zone, right, hang gliding tricks and much more, like if the lighting was a little darker, to have a connection with Dark city zone if it is at night, if they include Trip the Sungazer, it could be unlocked at the end of RVZ2: at one point near the end you come across an ocean of lava, so all that's left to do is sit and cry, because you can't walk on the balls because they're not there, and you don't can jump from platform to platform, but when all seems lost, Trip the Sungazer arrives with her armor and it's no wonder she has the armor on: She, for some reason, is immune to lava! Then you climb on it, in a beautiful homage to the end of Amy's act from the Lagoon City zone in Sonic superstars, you will climb on top of it and some commands will be different: you cannot use spin at this point, press jump once to make Trip jump , but this does no damage, you need to jump twice will make it so after she jumps, you jump! This way you deal damage to badniks! Your task in this part will be to maneuver Trip until the end of the act so you can beat RVZ2!... But wait! There's still act 3! I thought about a boss, but I don't even like him. It would be called EggBomber, the battle area will be a circle of lava with four platforms and in the center, a descent with a pit of death, the boss will work like this: two platforms will be lowered into the lava with a prior warning, like an earthquake on the platform? Then you'll have to climb those to avoid falling, the EggBomber doesn't have that name for nothing! He is surrounded by 2 dragonbombers and they throw bombs at you, at the end Eggman will throw a different bomb at you, then a visual indication, like a target, will show that you must do a spin dash or a hammer hit at the bomb to throw at Eggman , doing this will count as a hit on the boss, shots at the final bomb are not necessary, as Fang can already attack him from afar, in pinch mode the lava would rise and a lava fall would begin where you would have to go on the platforms to hit Eggman , but be careful, Eggman is above a bottomless pit, he will specifically shoot at you, hit him and at the end, the 2 dragonbombers surrounding Eggman will fall, and their bombs will cause an earthquake, then a rock would fall in that fall and there you would enter a cave that contains a capsule, and a cavernous passage to Dark City Zone. Note: If Trip is not included, it would be one of the balls that appear in the regular RVZ game.
The Grand Eggship zone would be included, it would be a single act zone with no boss, the level select image would be like a start with a circular platform leading to the inside of the ship with some badniks in the form of turrets. The weather would be a cloudy day, to show the darker weather, as you would be flying above the DCZ, the zone would not have a boss, but would have several levels of you going from plane to plane until reaching space, in the end, there would be the entrance to Egg Rocket/Rock Zone (ERZ).
I don't think it would be good to include this version 3.0 in this version of mine, as I consider it a kind of climax, as it was already the final zone of the story, and besides, I have an idea of expansion for the story, and Dark City would be like a zone reveal, something like that, like a Hidden Palace Zone from Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
don't open it if you don't want SuperStars spoilers
I know that Chesse! is already making a Trip mod but nothing prevents you from making a deal with it and using Trip in Vanilla SRB2, it would play like in SuperStars with the air movement ring rolling, however, thanks to its larger roll, it will not be able to pass through passages lows, like the one in GreenFlower Zone 1, she will have a super form based on hers from SuperStars, she would be slower than her original self and would be the biggest character in the vanilla game, you press jump to jump, of course, and spin to roll, If you press jump twice, you will start flying, pressing jump fly will make you go up and spin will make you go down, pressing spin twice, on the ground or swing will make her breathe fire, and that would be playing like her.
Fang would shoot in the air with spin in the air, he wouldn't use the shot with the shield, I think that would be good as he doesn't have any good offensive aerial maneuvers
Well, that was it, hey, I have another text here, but I decided to divide it into 2 parts because the other one includes a bigger story for SRB2, well, that was it and I guess until another day, maybe? Note: I don't know English well (few words), so I'm using a translator, if something is wrong you can blame the translator and if I created a word, call someone who speaks Brazilian Portuguese because they can understand.
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I think the top would be a double post? How does it turn off? I see most people calling an MB administrator, is that?
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In multiplayer mode you can change your character/colors on the fly whenever you want via menu's. Although the game obviously isn't designed with this form of progression in mind, given the recent hands off mentality STJr is taking regarding players progressing in their own way including via use of mods and cheats it would be nice if we could toggle the ability to do this on save select for use in single player. This way anyone who wants to do a playthrough as a single character still could, and anyone who wants to be able to swap their character whenever they want could as well with the only difference being that you can see which saves are which on the save select screen so that players who did everything "legit" still get their bragging rights if they want them.
A personal idea of mine:Maybe add a way to give certain mods certain models, like not only blueshoes? Y'know, a way to have XMomentum have certain models, and the normal game other models?
Not sure if this was suggested before, and I feel too intimidated at the idea of reading through tons of pages to check, so I wanna suggest this anyway:
More customization for base-game Dash Mode.
As far as I'm aware, you can only damage or break things if you have the robot flag added, which... Feels strangely limiting. I feel those factors should be independent from one another.

Another thing is being able to customize the dash mode color-- that way not everyone glows the same color as Metal Sonic if they do give themselves the robot flag (iirc, characters flash in their skin color if they don't, so that's relatively fine, but adding an option to change that would be nice too, just in case).

I know people can mod it so that they can change it, but I feel that being able to change that should be more accessible, just how you can type different colors in the S_Skin file and change cosmetical things just fine.
If these features are already a thing, then... Oops! I had no idea!
Here's something that might be useful for level making regarding optimization for performance, but what about a more accurate display of sidedefs/things/other effects displayed either in devmode or a similar option to allow immediate insight on how straining a given part of a level could be on weaker computers. As far as I'm aware the closest to this is devmode showing the amount of data loaded/being ran which isn't that useful compared to more concrete statistics level creators could use.
I don't know if this would be possible, but how about having texture names with more than 8 characters as well as a listmaps command that lists all currently loaded maps and showing their map number? Like GZDoom.
Some of the most critical changes that I feel SRB2 truly needs in its current state:
  • Allow players to become Spectators in Co-op, I don't see the point in not allowing this other than making it annoying to deal with AFK players who aren't going to finish the level.
  • Add something to make the game restart and auto join selected server if it detects addon differences, like a prompt asking players to restart and auto rejoin selected server, so that players can unload addons and switch between servers seamlessly and without having to go through the hassle of manually restarting the entire game, waiting for master server to load servers then finding that specific server they wanted to join again.
  • Add "reconnect" console command to quickly reconnect to currently joined server
  • Fix chatbug (or at least add reconnect console command)
  • Client-side prediction / eliminate netgame input delay by having player actions happen on their side before they are sent to the server which then sends it to everyone else.
  • OpenGL mode software palette rendering like in TSoURDt3rd.
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Trip The Racoon is a new official Classic Sonic character made by Sonic's designer, Takashi Izuka (im sorry if i got the name wrong),who will be in Sonic Superstars.

If your gonna see him,you gotta complete that jungle zone (which i dont know the name of since it was show in the Japanese IGN 10 Minute Gameplay Preview and in the Reveal Trailer) to see him,along with Fang.
i know this is about half a year old, but Trip is a sungazer
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Ontopic, Give the Sonic And Tails Team-Up an actually useful move that's not just "fly with Sonic"
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Because you can kind of already do that with flying sonic
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Can respawning monitors have their collision removed or something? It's just so easy to get stuck in them.
Sugestion: Add colectibles for multiplayer mode, like colors, emotes, like some emojis thet would appear over the player or even some that the character do, like dancing, victory poses, etc. i gues that would be simple things to add and would increase the playtime, maybe could you get some sort of special coin that cou you use to buy those thigs, and even abilities\badges, like super mario bros. wonder. Paper Mario: The Thouseand-Year Door, Sonic Generations, and can you get like homming attack,increase water time\ remove drowning, maybe even some cosmetics like sunglasses, shirts, headset, etc. Another idea i just had is when you defeat a banick can you collect its metal to create another one that would help you, like fast friends in Sonic Speed Simulator (Roblox Game). Talking about Sonic Speed simulator, can we get some alt skin packs on tails shop that i mentioned earlier like sonic prime alt skins (knuckles dread, Rusty Rose, chaos sonic, Rebels, and more!) maybe even for non-playable characters, like you buy Eggman Nega, and when you go to to the boss, you will see eggman nega!
They....have mods for most of those...
Sugestion: Add colectibles for multiplayer mode, like colors, emotes, like some emojis thet would appear over the player or even some that the character do, like dancing, victory poses, etc. i gues that would be simple things to add and would increase the playtime, maybe could you get some sort of special coin that cou you use to buy those thigs, and even abilities\badges, like super mario bros. wonder. Paper Mario: The Thouseand-Year Door, Sonic Generations, and can you get like homming attack,increase water time\ remove drowning, maybe even some cosmetics like sunglasses, shirts, headset, etc. Another idea i just had is when you defeat a banick can you collect its metal to create another one that would help you, like fast friends in Sonic Speed Simulator (Roblox Game). Talking about Sonic Speed simulator, can we get some alt skin packs on tails shop that i mentioned earlier like sonic prime alt skins (knuckles dread, Rusty Rose, chaos sonic, Rebels, and more!) maybe even for non-playable characters, like you buy Eggman Nega, and when you go to to the boss, you will see eggman nega!
Sugestion: Add colectibles for multiplayer mode, like colors, emotes, like some emojis thet would appear over the player or even some that the character do, like dancing, victory poses, etc. i gues that would be simple things to add and would increase the playtime, maybe could you get some sort of special coin that cou you use to buy those thigs, and even abilities\badges, like super mario bros. wonder. Paper Mario: The Thouseand-Year Door, Sonic Generations, and can you get like homming attack,increase water time\ remove drowning, maybe even some cosmetics like sunglasses, shirts, headset, etc. Another idea i just had is when you defeat a banick can you collect its metal to create another one that would help you, like fast friends in Sonic Speed Simulator (Roblox Game). Talking about Sonic Speed simulator, can we get some alt skin packs on tails shop that i mentioned earlier like sonic prime alt skins (knuckles dread, Rusty Rose, chaos sonic, Rebels, and more!) maybe even for non-playable characters, like you buy Eggman Nega, and when you go to to the boss, you will see eggman nega!
some of these would make the game idk 1gb cuz of how many sprites they would have to do, ideas that ya said that could be easily implemented are the collectables i would really like if those where added the game it would make the game look like a hat in time or games like that, but now to i stay on topic.... A FRIEND LIST! (and a better way to create private servers) thats the one that i really would like to see, being able to join in the server where your friends are and also easily enter the private servers of ya friends and something like steam where you can see if they are online or not.

edit: yea i deleted the trails sugestion... cuz its shit.. its a pretty bad idea so why not make it disappear from existence
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Sugestion: Add colectibles for multiplayer mode, like colors, emotes, like some emojis thet would appear over the player or even some that the character do, like dancing, victory poses, etc. i gues that would be simple things to add and would increase the playtime, maybe could you get some sort of special coin that cou you use to buy those thigs, and even abilities\badges, like super mario bros. wonder. Paper Mario: The Thouseand-Year Door, Sonic Generations, and can you get like homming attack,increase water time\ remove drowning, maybe even some cosmetics like sunglasses, shirts, headset, etc. Another idea i just had is when you defeat a banick can you collect its metal to create another one that would help you, like fast friends in Sonic Speed Simulator (Roblox Game). Talking about Sonic Speed simulator, can we get some alt skin packs on tails shop that i mentioned earlier like sonic prime alt skins (knuckles dread, Rusty Rose, chaos sonic, Rebels, and more!) maybe even for non-playable characters, like you buy Eggman Nega, and when you go to to the boss, you will see eggman nega!
I see what you want to adress, but this is a big NO. Why would i say that is explained below:

1. Adding colectibles for Multiplayer might not be the best idea, since devs are making sure you can enjoy playing every mode in the game.
Doing this will make people only play Multiplayer, not the other modes. Not to mention, not everyone has a Wi-Fi connection all day-and-night to play, so they would be very limited.

2. Dances, Victory Poses etc. are all pretty much existant in the form of mods. Things from the mods in the past have became official, but it's very rare, and i'd doubt if this was to be added.

3. Extra Abillities/Badges are, as mentioned before, already modded. I see that you want those extra abillities, but you can just play mods.

4. Cosmetics are, once again, already modded.

5. Now this one is extremely unlikely to happen. While this isn't modded in, there is a similliar function in the StephChars mod, when you play as Skip The Fox.

6. Alternative Skins? I guarantee you one thing: there is no chance this gets official. For one, SRB2 is based on the Classic Sonic continuity, so this would be pretty questionable for all those timeline-maker fans. Secondly, it is possible to mod it, and a shop is extremely non-sensical, especially in Single Player.

Look, i get it that you want these changes, but you should seriously just play Roblox and Sonic Speed Simulator. SRB2 is not a game for things like these, as official titles like Sonic Colors Ultimate clearly show it as a "cosmetically ok, but not nessecary" situation.
And don't you dare report me for "being rude to your suggestions" since i am telling facts.
Can respawning monitors have their collision removed or something? It's just so easy to get stuck in them.
This will be fixed in 2.2.14

i know this is about half a year old, but Trip is a sungazer
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Ontopic, Give the Sonic And Tails Team-Up an actually useful move that's not just "fly with Sonic"
We didn't know that Trip was a sungazer lizard by that point. That's a well(ish)-known fact now.

I do feel like it would be cool to get a different ability with them selected. Maybe some kind of thing when pressing spin while his little speech bubble is up?
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Sugestion: Add colectibles for multiplayer mode, like colors, emotes, like some emojis thet would appear over the player or even some that the character do, like dancing, victory poses, etc. i gues that would be simple things to add and would increase the playtime, maybe could you get some sort of special coin that cou you use to buy those thigs, and even abilities\badges, like super mario bros. wonder. Paper Mario: The Thouseand-Year Door, Sonic Generations, and can you get like homming attack,increase water time\ remove drowning, maybe even some cosmetics like sunglasses, shirts, headset, etc. Another idea i just had is when you defeat a banick can you collect its metal to create another one that would help you, like fast friends in Sonic Speed Simulator (Roblox Game). Talking about Sonic Speed simulator, can we get some alt skin packs on tails shop that i mentioned earlier like sonic prime alt skins (knuckles dread, Rusty Rose, chaos sonic, Rebels, and more!) maybe even for non-playable characters, like you buy Eggman Nega, and when you go to to the boss, you will see eggman nega!
Basically none of this fits into the vanilla game. You're free to do these yourself, but all of these things seem like things to make SRB2 into some sort of MMO. Spriting for all the skins you speak of would take ages and in my opinion, wouldn't be worth the time and effort.
Most of this would be pretty easy to mod in, too. Just not exactly stuff that fits the theme of the game.
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Sugestion: Add colectibles for multiplayer mode, like colors, emotes, like some emojis thet would appear over the player or even some that the character do, like dancing, victory poses, etc. i gues that would be simple things to add and would increase the playtime, maybe could you get some sort of special coin that cou you use to buy those thigs, and even abilities\badges, like super mario bros. wonder. Paper Mario: The Thouseand-Year Door, Sonic Generations, and can you get like homming attack,increase water time\ remove drowning, maybe even some cosmetics like sunglasses, shirts, headset, etc. Another idea i just had is when you defeat a banick can you collect its metal to create another one that would help you, like fast friends in Sonic Speed Simulator (Roblox Game). Talking about Sonic Speed simulator, can we get some alt skin packs on tails shop that i mentioned earlier like sonic prime alt skins (knuckles dread, Rusty Rose, chaos sonic, Rebels, and more!) maybe even for non-playable characters, like you buy Eggman Nega, and when you go to to the boss, you will see eggman nega!
Ok, sorry for putting what I think would be cool to see in the game "Vanilla" in the form of a suggestion in this forum, "suggestions". Honestly, I think they took it very seriously, like man, it's just a suggestion, if *THEY* don't want to do it, *THEY* don't, besides, I don't think a "FAN game" needs to fit into the timeline, just like in sonic superstars, we had Amy with a modern look, a character that is not an official character of Sonic Franchis, and "supposedly" we will have sonic wearing a Shadow costume, even though it takes place before Sonic Adventure 2 .And wouldn't be need all the skins I talked about, they were just "suggestions" that at least I would like to have and I do addons too, but as I made clear at the beginning, I think it would be cool to see that in the vanilla game. In closing, I'd like to say that I don't want confusion about this, I'm just advocating for what I think, which is that people shouldn't spend their time simply judging and pointing things out because of something that someone said they think would be cool in a game "And don't you dare report me for "being rude to your suggestions" since I am telling facts."
Honestly I think it'd be really cool if you could collect the singleplayer collectibles in multiplayer too.
Separate collectibles? Nah bro.

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