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    • Tyron replied to the thread Add-on Ratings changes.
      I don't think I grok this one—how does a "general indicator" help you refine or improve your craft? Learning that a ton of people...
    • Tyron replied to the thread Add-on Ratings changes.
      I read the entire backlog, but I haven't encountered an argument for this that makes sense to me. Genuinely interested to hear your...
    • Tyron replied to the thread Add-on Ratings changes.
      Leaving aside your lame attitude towards volunteer staff, I don't think this is always true. Addons with a narrow target audience can...
    • Tyron replied to the thread Add-on Ratings changes.
      My 2¢: Stars were always useless to authors, because they flatten complex feelings into a context-free number with zero actionable...
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